Cross-posted at DailyKos.
At 5:43 AM PDT, Georgia10 posted this diary — Democratic Church Purge Part II: Action — on Daily Kos.
Meanwhile, Raw Story links to WLOS’s video with this header: “North Carolina church expels Dems || Pastor tells non-Bush supporters they should ‘repent.'”
At 7:17 AM, Addison posts a comment to Georgia10’s diary:
As far as the national media, Keith Olbermann [] is the best bet to contact if you want this story reported on tonight. You’ll need to get your emails in before 4pm or so (that’s an arbitrary time…) so they have time to obtain the footage of the local news story and edit and produce their own copy.
GOP = Grandstanding Old Party
by Addison on Fri May 6th, 2005 at 07:17:38 PDT
[Note: There are no replies to Addison’s comment, and Olbermann is not mentioned elsewhere in the diary or comments section.]
At 10:37 AM, I get my daily newsletter from Keith Olbermann’s Countdown on MSNBC. The LEAD STORY — and the first item listed in the newsletter — is:
A major network news program has linked as its primary source – not just a blog — but an individual diarist’s story on that blog. Has that happened before?
Keath’s THE MAN!! He is the only one I will watch anymore. He even complains how his producers make him report about jackson or Runaway Bride stories.
This is big for the link to a particular diary is going to be on there. Way to go Georgia10.
Progress folks, Progress…one day at a time.
It sure made me smile.
(I had a heck of a time with Georgia10’s diary … it’s almost up to 300 comments, and loads very slowly. But I did manage to post a link to THIS story so she’d see how WELL she has done today.)
And I see that, on the Recommended list, Georgia has another diary on the same subject:
It Begins: Dems “Excommunicated” From Church? [updated w/ VIDEO]
by georgia10
562 comments (29 new)
needless to say, I won’t try to open that diary.
And — I could not open the video link. I bet it’s overwhelmed at the moment.
Georgia10 will be so excited! She was trying to get everyone to unrec the first diary and started the second because first got so big. I saw the video when I first got up this morning. Can’t wait to see keath tonight. Thanks Susan for always doing such great work and keeping The Tribe well informed. I love this place more and more each day. Now if I could just find the courage to write a diary.LOL
Thank you! And I hope you will write a diary. If it’s the mechanics of it, I’d be glad to help. I’ve been known to help by telephone too :):) Just e-mail me.
Thank you Susan. Will try to drop an email over the weekend. Busy one ahead.Kids are even taking me out to Mother’s Day Brunch to a place I adore right on the ocean. Will be in touch. Thanks again.
That’s the first time for a diary, I think. I know during the Jimmy/Jeff saga, they showed alot of screenshots from Americablog’s posts.
And how, is right. That’s very cool… right to the diary.
Would be nice if we could identify other media persons, print and TV, who are open to being apprised of information like this. Olbermann’s show often tackles the weirdly outrageous (at least, I think so) so that’s probably one of the reasons.
Maybe a first for the MSM.
But remember amyindallas’ diary (358 comments) from 15 April (posted at 10.15.42 EDT)
At 11.00.38 EDT, amy posts this comment.
The 15th was a Friday, by the following Wednesday the Bolton-hearings were postponed.
Yes. Her friend who’d been chased down the hallway by Bolton. Ugh. And to think that bastard is going to be confirmed…
The Democrats are against the wall on this one, so cowed and marginalized are they/we. Not a good position for a poker game. Dare they try to filibuster when they have to save a filibuster for the judges? Lest Frist nuke them? I doubt it.
Somebody said poker game? Deal me in..please!!!
Addison posted a good comment on the diary form of this story at Daily Kos:
Farming Out Stories Strategically (4.00 / 3)
Just to make things clear I did no work on georgia10’s diary. Georgia10 deserves all credit for bringing the story to Dkos’s attention and verifying it and moderating the resulting discussion and the for fact that Olbermann picked it up for the newsletter and, one would imagine, his show later tonight. In fact I think another person in the first thread last night (where I also suggested Olbermann get sent the story) mentioned Olbermann as target #1 before I did, but I’m not sure on the timeframe and I don’t think they hotlinked the email address as I did both times.
That said, it really pays to remember what kind of story appeals to what kind of program and specifically target certain news outlets with such newsstories. Dailykos either generates internally or compiles into a digestable online format so many stories of interest that we may fall into the trap of bulk sending all of them to every news outlet we have an email address for. In this case it was clear that Keith, a UU with an interest in ridiculous/dangerous theocratic actions with TV-friendly video and interviewable witnesses, would be the best news source to target.
When news stories break in diary form on Dailykos we should start a parallel discussion within the thread as to who it should be farmed out to. The biggest and most frustrating problem on Dkos is that all these news items we generate or highlight blossom and wither within the Dailykos sphere of influence. So it stands to reason that the best and most constructive way to increase our influence is to find ways to break news out of this insular web site and into the mass media. So far we’ve been fairly unsuccessful, certainly not as good as the right wing. But it’s the #1 issue facing Dkos’s viability as an activist site, and it needs to be worked on and there beed to be tangible results.
GOP = Grandstanding Old Party
by Addison on Fri May 6th, 2005 at 11:40:50 PDT
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