cross-posted on kos
It is time, boomen and women, to familiarize ourselves with HR 235, the “Returning Freedom of Speech to Our Nation’s Houses of Worship” act. Not only is it a questionable breach of the Separation of Church and state (by removing the threat of the loss of tax-exempt status for churches that engage in too overtly political activity, thus allowing the GOP Political/Corporate machine to officially merge with the Religious/Social-Engineering puppeteer wing of the general “Conservative Movement”), but it also involves a cast of characters that lead to the most prominent (and mostly-hidden) GOP behind-the-scenes Christian Right Puppet-Masters. You know, the folks that have been building and organizing the network of Conservative religious personalities/celebrities (Falwell, Robertson, Dobson) that form the public face of this new crusade we’re seeing take shape.
First off, props to whoever first posted about this act on kos earlier today. I saw their diary, but it disappeared from the database maybe a half hour later, so hopefully this can pick up where they left off.
So, here’s the official basis for the proposed legislation:
Not surprising, there are number of co-sponsors for this bill (the co-sponsors are listed in bold. Notice a pattern? )
So, let’s ltake a look at the main active backers. First off we have Congressman Walter B. Jones (R-N.C.). In more recent history, Rep. Jones railed against what a supposed IRS threat to removes churches’ tax-exempt status if they prayed for the election of either Bush or Kerry. The thing is, the IRS never made such a claim.
Interestingly enough, the Washington Times continued upholding the fake IRS claim story even after it was refuted. Now here’s where things get interesting:
The Washington Times is owned by none other than the good Reverend Sun Myung Moon, the DC Power Broker/Global Billionaire/New Messiah that happens to be a major behind-the-scenes player in both the GOP and the politically active Christian Right Movement. He’s like Jerry Fallwell, Dick Cheney, and David Rockefeller all rolled up into one Giant Ego. He is also what you might call a senior to the Bush family (or at least co-equal) in the overall power structure of the US Political Establishment. He’s ALSO a US media taboo topic, in that unless talk of him is force into the limelight, discussion of the good reverend and his global empire is mostly frowned upon. If he wasn’t so scandalous we’d probably never hear about him.
So, does the propagation of this Rep. Jones falsehood by the Moon-owned Washington times relate to good ‘ol HR235 beyond their obvious shared love of inspiring fear and action in the Christian Conservative Community (i.e. their flock)? Well, it just so happens that HR235 is the reincarnation (check out the Hitler/Stalin stuff π ) of a past bill, HR2357, proposed by Rep. Jones back in 2002. It also turns out that the rally for HR2357 was heading by Rev. Walter Fauntroy of New Bethel Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., a man of the moonie cloth:
Oh, and guess who presided over the infamous DC crowning-ceremony of our New Messiah:
Well surprise surprise!
Time to study up on the Good Reverend Moon. Moon is one of those figures that is so connected so high up in the power-chain that exposing his continuing influence is one of those moves that just might bring down this house-of-card we call the modern status quo. Opportunities like this don’t come around every day.
skeery, if you ever heard about the brainwashing techniques that go on with that … cripes… I want to call it a cult. No offense to “churches” but isn’t that what most are?
Still soaking in the diary. Thanks for such a great opportunity!
You know.. you never hear “G-d Bless Canada” … we’re living in a crazy time. So many are rushing to believe in anything, WMDs, blatant lies made believable, G-d – anything. Fear will do that to a society. And this country is being led by fear.
Great movie called Hijacking Catastrophe I saw on LinkTV. Fear and religion go hand in hand I think. They both require no thought and a leap of faith that someone else can fix it all and someone else knows better.
It happens anyway, and about the only churches that take it seriously are left leaning. Let it happen, let the GOP openly tell congregants that they are a political money cult- and they will implode. Rubes are rubes but you can only play them so far before they run the tent revival out of the county.
It is scary, but friends and relatives (including my brother) were being told whom to vote for by their respective churches last year. (Only a handful got up and left.) This dovetails nicely with the congregants being expelled in North Carolina this week. Now all this kind of talk will have no potential financial consequences. One can’t help but wonder how this period will be viewed by historians.
I’d say that the whole Moonie net is one of the incredibly great under reported or should say not reported stories for quite some years now that has to be laid at the feet of our MSM.
As for this bill, if it passes it would only legalize what most churches are already doing anyway. Not that I’m saying this is a good idea.
I keep hoping that these people are going to overreach and the public will wake up to this amazing theocratic power play but it seems that so far most people either don’t care, are simply oblivious or don’t see how religion(in the wrong hands) can be a bad thing.
Thanks for all the great links, I’ve saved them all.
This worries me most in conjunction with attacks on the left leaning churches as deserving tax exemption. The UU deal in Texas and I’ve heard rumors of some attempts to deny Quakers tax exemption. If the right manages to confirm their right to endorse while taxing religions they don’t like, this is a really bad moment. I would like to think the overt political power grab would force people to take the theocrats seriously but I don’t have a lot of hope.
or it will turn into the “Salem Witch Hunt” could backfire, at least I’m hoping. π