This is the first installment in an occasional series (Read: Whenever I feel like it) on logic.
Why I’m Doing This
The first reason – or justification – is I like logic. I find logic interesting, fascinating, and – to be open about it – fun.
The second reason, is logic is widely misunderstood. Often people claim to be making a logical argument when the actuality is they ain’t. A logical argument (Applied or Formal) has strict requirements to which the argument must conform. If it does conform it is “logical.” If not, not.
Point 2B is something that most people either do not know or forget: a logical argument is not necessarily (and I’ll define that in a moment) True. The “Truth Value” of a logical argument is a separate issue. You can have a False Truth Value from a valid chain, or cascade, of logical relationships.
Logic – from the ancient Greek logos meaning ‘rational words’ related to reasoning in the sciences, philosophy, and everyday life. In Formal Logic the abstract structure of the argument is the fundamental subject under examination or development. Applied logic adapts this machinery for use in a special subject where the matter – what you are talking about – is as important as the means.
Truth Value – A hot issue in “The Philosophy of Logic” I am going to elide (i.e. hand wave around) this for the simplest definition – the assignment of 0 (False) or 1 (True) to a logical proposition, statement, or argument. (Note: Yup, I’m asserting the Law of the Excluded Middle.)
Valid: correct deployment of Formal Logic.
Thesis: What is being argued for or examined.
Proposition: reason to accept or reject the Thesis.
Statement: a logical declaration capable of being analyzed.
Axiom: an unanalyzable declaration.
Argument, Complete: a chain, or cascade, consisting of Axioms, Thesis, Propositions, and Statements resulting in a Conclusion with the last 4 being assigned or capable of being assigned Truth Value(s).
Argument, Incomplete: an chain, or cascade, that does not include all the elements of a Complete Argument but either has or can have assigned Truth Value(s).
(More riveting prose after the break!)
Necessary: universally True or False.
Possible: existentially or sometimes True or False.
You like this stuff? Are you insane?
Yes and I hope not.
What I have done is declared, with some precision, exactly what I mean when I use a word. This is crucial to reasoning, overall, and necessary (always required, see?) for a logical argument. Partially this requirement stems from the development of logic but also from the fact that, in logic, I can do some pretty strange things. If I want to, tho’ why I would escapes me, I can declare:
1 != 0 AND 0 != 1; where {!=} means ‘definitional equal.’
And I’ve just made 1 = 0. In my argument you would see ‘1’ but know without shadow of doubt that I really mean ‘0’.
This is rather silly but there is a serious point to it.
Kurt Godel proved the logical consistency of the Axiom of Choice which states: if you have a set of sets then there exists a set consisting of one member from each of these sets.
And your immediate reaction is: Who Cares?
But the Axiom of Choice is absolutely vital in higher mathematics and several fields, Number Theory for one, would collapse without it. And, on the face of it, the Axiom of Choice seems reasonable but …
In 1963 another mathematical logican P. J. Cohen proved the negation – Thesis: Axiom of Choice is False – is also logically consistent and therefore valid. To put the strong case forward, if the Axiom of Choice is False then natural numbers cannot be assigned properties. Therefore, arithmetic has no relationship to reality.
Fortunately, Godel also proved that statements exist in a formal system that cannot be proven or disproven – The Incompleteness Theorem – given a set of axioms. So if we want to “save” arithmetic (and why not? I mean, what the heck! It’s Saturday & we’re just goofing off anyway) we expand the set of axioms to include the Axiom of Choice and Life Is Good.
Wait a Cotton-Picking Minute! Didn’t You Just Palm That Card?
(Mix two metaphors and call me in the morning.)
Because it is clearly stated what is being done and the Axiom of Choice is an axiom which, by definition, is unanalyzable. We have the choice of asserting it, or not asserting it. And there is no rule against, but rather a rule approving, writing QED under any propositional chain leading to a valid conclusion inclusive of the assertion of the Axiom of Choice.
(QED – Quad erat demonstratum or, in English, ‘I done dood it – neener, neener.’)
What we have done is applied the Existential (“Sometimes”) quantifier to our conclusion rather than the Universal quantifier. Which, again, is perfectly acceptable.
What the #^&*! is an “Existential quantifier”?
Ah, you’ll have to wait until the ->next installment<- of “The Strange Loner Writes Again.”
now I have a partner in geekdom 🙂
I think Aristotle had an apt quote, “For since the same thing has many accidents there is no necessity that all the same attribute should belong to all of a thing’s predicates and to their subjects as well.”
QED (see definition, above.)
(Trying to make this a cool place to hang-out? I’ll FIX THAT you sucker!)
who said this?
“We meet again and again with this curious superstition, as one might be inclined to call it, that the mental act is capable of crossing a bridge before we get to it. This trouble crops up whenever we try to think about the ideas of thinking, wishing, expecting, believing, knowing, trying to solve a mathematical problem, mathematical induction, and so forth. It is no act of intuition that makes us use the rule as we do at a particular point of the series.”
but I’m going to guess Henri Poincarre.
It feels like a quote from “Science and Hypothesis.”
I’m not going to cheat and Google it so … how close did I come?
Wittenstein, the bastard.
There goes my credited-ability flush down the old toilet.
I guess I’ve got to go back and re-establish my Tractatus Logico-Philosophicusecusacus (h’mmmph looks like the name of a dinosaur) connection. At least enough to get the essential idea. (arf-arf)
Since diane101 has suggested a group-project would anyone like to help write a paper tentatively entitled, “You’re an A$$hole, Dr. Feynman!” ?
I was going to put up some symbolic logic questions but I couldn’t get the symbols to work right.
<font face
<font face
<font face=”Symbol”>∀</font>
∀ Ampersand poundsign 8704 semi-colon
∃ Ampersand poundsign 8707 semi-colon
And there is a further list at:
BTW, it spells Wittgenstein!
However you spell it, he is still the bane of every philosophy major’s existence.
precious bane, though…
Ludwig was the greatest philosopher since Aristotle…and also the only philosopher half as annoying.
I’d rather say since Immanuel Kant…
that is a standard view. I have my own idiosynchratic preferences however. For instance, Kant gets 10 stars for originality, but he gets minus 5 for throwing Schopenhauer off the correct trail and throwing science back 50 years.
Now, Schopenhauer was the best mind of the last 2000 years, but he just needed to be born after Mendel in order to unzip all the secrets of the universe.
Or, perhaps, never to have been subjected to Kantian philosophy.
Interesting thoughts.
My own view is that Kant and Wittgenstein are both somewhat overrated, but the latter makes up for it with his fascinating personality and biography. The former, well – does not.
As to Schopenhauer: Zapffe, to whom I introduced you a while ago, could be called S. without the bullshit. Presumably he’s also the only one to criticize S. for being overly optimistic. I’ve translated bits of his work, much of it witty and accessible; were it not for copyright issues I’d have posted some of it here.
you,you you…sophist you!
Can’t wait for issue 1vol 2…:{)
is the only (syl)logic answer…
I was actually debating on doing something very similar.
This is a great idea. Looking forward to the next installation.
Damn… I thought I shot that bastard Aristotle years ago!
Thanks for this – the first installment is a pleasure to read. It’s been a while since my own logic classes, so I expect to be learning something.
But don’t you think you are starting off at a pretty advanced level? If I wrote it I might have begun with a primer on syllogisms, then propositional logic, then basic predicate logic, then a whiff of modal logic perhaps, and only then on to set theory stuff (which I actually wouldn’t be qualified to teach). But this is not meant as criticism – it probably only shows that I’m a bigger bore than you are, and with lesser faith in his readership! 😉
For no good reason at all, here’s a quote I like:
“I think mysticism might be characterized as the study of those propositions which are equivalent to their own negations. The Western point of view is that the class of all such propositions is empty. The Eastern point of view is that this class is empty if and only if it isn’t.” ~ Raymond Smullyan