This regular meta-diary focuses on the best overlooked diaries (didn’t get front-paged or on to the recommended list) from the past week; it was once called “Week’s Best Diaries You Didn’t Read.” This column also includes information from elsewhere in cyberspace, blogosphere PSAs, and my own commentary. Diaries are listed because:
- they’re fabulously written & have SUBSTANCE
- they’ll educate you on candidates and states.
- newsworthy items that got lost in the mix
- there was research involved (copyright rules must be followed)
Please add to the list in the replies or email me links you’d like to see included. Opinions expressed in the links are not necessarily endorsed by me. Archives are here.
Blue ribbon goes to… Harry Reid
“The man’s father is a wonderful human being. I think this guy is a loser. I think President Bush is doing a bad job.”
Runners up:
- Bob Matsui Will Have a Federal Building in Sacramento Named After Him
- Congratulations, Senator Kennedy. Thanks for fighting for us., by pop tart Actually, Senator Bayh also deserves some credit on the humvee amendment. Mikluski should get credit for the immigration/small business measure.
Delaware Dem’s Democrat of the Day Series
- Carpetbagger Report has exclusive on Robertson & his “this week” flap
- Abramhoff connections to Bush, Cheney, and Ashcroft
- British Memo Busts Bush
- CAFTA: White House Caught Peddling Corporate Invitations
- Republican power grabbing roundup
- Filibusted Judge’s Wife a Swift Boats Contributor
- U.S. Rep. Don Sherwood caught in an affair and abusing his mistress?
- Photo of Sherwood’s mistress At first glance, I thought it was a Paris Hilton impersonator.
- (Hotline) GOPers “are circling the wagons” around Sherwood. Lucerne Co GOP activist Marge Matisko “defended Sherwood’s reputation” and said: “I don’t know the whole story, and I don’t know that we need to know the whole story.” DCCC officials “refused to comment.” NRCC spokesperson Carl Forti said: “You have an allegation in an incident where there were no charges filed, where the allegations were withdrawn, and it was sent to the newspaper by a political opponent of the congressman who obviously has an ax to grind.” But Wilkes U prof Thomas Baldino said: “Truth is the best antidote for a scandal like this. If there is no scandal, he should have no problem coming clean.” Hannevig said 5/2: “I do agree with Congressman Sherwood that it’s probably a political thing, maybe someone either in the Democratic or Republican parties who want his seat, that let this loose.” Baldino: “He is inviting a challenge in the primary.” Matisko: “When I think about family values, I think about the Don Sherwoods and Rick Santorums of the world. I have complete faith in Congressman Sherwood” (Marcy, Wilkes Barre Times Leader, 5/3). (Newsie: Wingnuttery at its finest.)
- 2 Republicans on Ethics Committee Won’t Particiapte in Any DeLay investigation
- Salon: Golfing with Tom DeLay Must read. Using charity work to funnel money to DeLay’s political machinery is a definite no-no. More than just Jack Abramoff. DeLay’s wife is involved. Excerpt: “tax records show that DeLay’s foundations have spent far more on golf fundraisers than on programs for children.” What a guy.
- US official confirms accuracy of the British memo re: Iraq war
- (Note, with my edits) “Progress” for America holds a news conference at the National Press Club to talk about its ad and grassroots campaign on judicial nominees. Speaking: Brian McCabe, president of Progress for America; Benjamin Ginsberg, chief counsel for Bush-Cheney 2004 and PFA adviser [and Swiftboat Liars for Bush adviser]; and Wendy Long, legal counsel to the Judicial Confirmation Network.
- Privatization maestro tries to build support for privatization in academia. Economists tell him to start telling Bush to start telling the truth.
- Ohio GOP’s “Coin-Gate” Scandal.
- Lotts of Confusion Over “Price Indexing”
- Pitts. Post Gazette: Santorum blocked judges, too
- Bombshell: Yet Another Abramoff Investigation.
- Conservative movement tribute to Tom DeLay (Could be a swan song)
- Dropping the dime on Tom DeLay: Who will do the honors?
- DeLay and Scotland…
- Bush or Benefits, Sen. Allen?
- Compare and Contrast: Why Bolton’s Appointment Would Be Counterproductive
- Bolton confirmation? and Why this fight is good for Democrats…from The Next Hurrah
- Did John Bolton abuse his first wife?
- (LATimes, Via The Note) ” . . .[A]administration officials have had to grapple with Bolton’s reputation among his friends as a blunt truth-teller, and among his foes as an undiplomatic loose cannon. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who has telephoned Democratic and Republican senators to ask for their support, has emphasized in conversations with at least two senators that as U.N. ambassador, Bolton would be strictly scripted by Washington, three Senate sources said.” “‘We think that we can control him,’ Rice told one senator, two Senate aides said. ‘If he strays from the reservation, he’s out.'”
- Janice Rogers Brown: Just a plain, old-fashioned bigot
- Spokane’s anti-gay mayor, former state senator…is (surprise!) gay
- DemFromCT at Next Hurrah: No Bush Mandate
- Penndit: What? No Mandate? You Don’t Say!
- Press secretary for Rep. Steve Pearce (R-NM) resigns because of plagiarism
- former House Majority leader Dick Armey has a problem with ethics, too
- (Note) Wal-Mart Watch is out trying to call Gov. Robert Ehrlich (R-MD) on the carpet, saying if he’s going to veto the bill in the Maryland legislature that would require the company to either spend more on employee health benefits or contribute to state health insurance for the poor, at least he should stop taking contributions from the company.
- Cong. Recess Preview, Santorum On Verge of Peeing in Pants, Frist the Dullard, & Third Way
- (WakeupCall) A “longtime adviser” on Pres. Bush: “Bush is a man of integrity, and having to throw in with such a low-life like DeLay is not the Bush family style” (NYDN). (Newsie: Well, both are low-lifes, but whatever…)
- (TheNote) She already had a crowning moment on inauguration day, as she watched her husband take on a second term that she was instrumental in helping him win. Saturday, looking beautiful and with timing somewhere between a high school forensic champion and Chris Rock, the FLOTUS wrote another chapter in her surprise elevation to one of the most popular and media-savvy First Ladies in American history. She also told what our weekend research suggests is the first public joke ever by a First Lady about the President of the United States engaged in intimate contact with a randy male horse.
- (NYDN, by way of TheNote) “I don’t think Frist has the votes,” a GOP aide said. “He’s now in his own corner. If he doesn’t have the votes, he’s really screwed.” (Re: Nuclear option)
- (WakeupCall) “Rather than stay on and embarrass the congressman, I am leaving” — Rep. Steve Pearce (R-NM) press sec Jim Burns, on plagiarizing material in a newspaper column published under Pearce’s name (AP).
Republicans Off Message
- Few Republicans embrace Bush’s SS Plan, by dmsilev
- In selling private accounts, Sen. George Allen (R-VA) suggests that Americans might have to sell their homes!
- Sen. Chuck Hagel’s slip-up. He pointed out on Face the Nation that there are about 1600 Americans dead from the war in Iraq. He started saying “Vietnam,” before quickly correcting himself to Iraq. Crooks & Liars has the video of his appearance.
- (TheNote) Former California Rep. Pete McCloskey said in Houston on Sunday, “Tom DeLay is an embarrassment to the Republican Party.” McCloskey is one of nine former congressmen who has started the informal group called the “revolt of the elders,” the group is aimed at finding a candidate to defeat DeLay in the next election.
- Ex-GOP officials criticizes U.S. security
- ABC to Run Focus on the Family Ads, Rejected Ads from National Council of Churches Last Year, by xamxam1
- NPR Spews Right Wing Propoganda on Religion YET AGAIN! by msaroff
- Howie Kurtz Gets Hoodwinked…, by SenatorX
- Don’t Hate the Media . . . Become the Media!, by Gary Boatwright at MyDD
- Media News Monday 5/2/05, by Newsie8200
- Penndit’s RWCM Watch & Media News Link Listing
Time Out for Bipartisan Cheers to Politicians Who Are Serving in Iraq/Afghanistan
- CO’s State Treasurer Mike Coffman (R)
- MD Delegate Anthony G. Brown (D)
- Bush trying to close Manhattan VA AGAIN, by Ptolemy
- The Secret Downing Street Memo Iraq War memo. Bush planned to take military action months before the actual invasion.
- 17-year-old Reporter Tapes Recruiter Misconduct, by ColdFusion04
- “Normal is Yellow:” Doin’ Politics at DHS… Again. by thirdparty
- PBS Frontline: Memory of the Camps, by Irfo
- Cliff notes of NYT Iraq article, by Mike Stark
- Niger: A Hundred Dollars Helps End Genital Mutilation, by SusanHu
- NYT: Leaked Classified Report says we ARE vulnerable, by Tillie630
- Pentagon: 1,700 Sex Assaults Reported
- MLB pitcher comes out about his lesbian moms, by pamindurham
- House Dems to Fight Back Against GOP Lies, by DemDuck
- Is Reid Starting to Throw Punches in SS Debate?, by pacified
- Challenge to same-sex marriage in MA not received well, by MAJeff
- Gay Couples Can’t File Joint Returns in D.C., by Newsie8200
- Predatory Lending doesn’t have to be Bankruptcy sequel, by Rep Brad Miller
- One Nation, Under Debt, by bonddad
- Employment Number: Not All That Great, by bonddad
- Reagan Blasts Intelligent Design w/poll, by DarkSyde
- Remember Him, Know Who He Was: Pioneering Psychologist and Civil Rights Activist Dies, by SusanHu
- Why Evolution Matters (Or Creationism and Iraq), by SeattleLiberal
- New Tactic by Scientists in the Evolution Wars, by Unstable Isotope
- Education Meta Diary #3, by teacherken
- Video: Olbermann’s Report on NC Church, by LawStudent
- First shots: Westboro Baptist Church protest in Durham, NC, by pamindurham
- Krugman Nails Big Pharma, by pacified
- Should Dems Campaign for Moratorium on death penalty?
- Not covering the Uninsured, By the Numbers
- SS politics: (TheNote) “Friday’s announcement by the Powerful Chairman of the Powerful Ways and Means Committee (Bill Thomas) that the House will move forward on hearings and a bill without waiting for the Senate to act is huge news. For one thing, it means forward movement (which is by definition — in the face of the CW and the polls — progress), the main thing the White House needs now to buy time and look for some breaks. It shows that the House leadership and rank and file are willing to continue to see themselves holding hands with (or “being handcuffed to”) the President as they walk down what they hope is a road to reform (rather than a plank to a 2006 drop in some alligator-infested water). That same quiet and determined sense of entwined political fate and shared ideological purpose can also be seen in the near-universal Republican acceptance of putting progressive indexing on the table — which is also evidence of strong White House coordination. Even those Republicans who made it clear that they don’t much like the idea (See George Allen and Sam Brownback weekend comments.), didn’t throw down any gauntlets, draw any lines in the sand, or use the phrase “deal breaker.””
- WaPo: Frist Protest at Princeton Is Lesson in Art of the Filibuster
- Krugman: A Gut Punch to the Middle
- Tax $ Used to Build Church Buildings
- New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady said he’d consider a post-football career in politics because he wants to “inspire people to do more.” The Boston Herald reports that Brady didn’t help himself by not voting in two presidential elections and many local races.
- This past week was “Cover the Uninsured Week.” (Per The Note)
- Why lobbyist-paid trips aren’t all equal.
Campaign News Round-Ups Here:
(instead of the old scrollbox)
- Campaign News Update for 4/30 to 5/6
- Star of 2006, by Show Me Dem
- 2005/2006 Political Updates, by MrLiberal
From other Kossacks & other places:
- AZ-Sen: 2006’s Shocker?, by displacedyankeedemocrat
- Wisconsin Wednesday: The People’s Legislature, by folkbum
- Winning In 2006: Let’s Run Our Own Referenda, by acbonin
- Colorado Politics Roundup 5/2, by Ralph Ralph did a couple of other CO political roundups during the week. Check ’em out. I like the one from 5/5.
- Pres-2008: The Darkhorses, by displacedyankeedemocrat Those three aren’t running, but it’s still a good idea to get to know who those three are.
- Michigan Politics: The Week in Review, 4/24-30, by Dump Terry McAuliffe
- Penndit’s List of (Un)Official Democratic Websites & Blogs.
- Penndit’s Political Link Listing
- Donate to the DNC
- Donate to the Democratic Governors Association
- Donate to the DSCC
- Donate to DCCC.
- Be a Monthly Donor to DCCC
- Donate to College Democrats
- To Donate to Specific Campaigns, find a campaign site here and donate directly…or check out ActBlue.
Newsie’s Entries:
Newsie’s Entries:
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité