Cross-posted at DailyKos. Yup, you guessed it. It’s in Florida. Parents are enraged after Charter Schools USA cancelled PTO meetings at a Ft. Myers, Fla. charter school because “various individuals and groups are trying to politicize the PTO.”
Charter Schools USA is threatening “legal action against parents who use an Internet discussion board to air grievances.”
Check out this parent’s post:
The editorial the parent had just read:
The explosive growth of for-profit charter schools in Florida is diverting hundreds of millions of public dollars to businesses that pervert the program’s intent.
Who is the Jonathan Hage the parent mentions?
From the same editorial in The St. Petersburg Times on September 22, 2002:
Yes. If only that parent — and other parents — had read that editorial in 2002. They’re catching on though.
Below, more posts from parents of children at Gateway, a charter school in Ft. Myers, Fla. From today’s, “Charter threatens parents with lawsuit“:
Parent Angela Reigelman, who created the virtual forum, received a letter via FedEx on Thursday ordering her to remove the forum. The company also warned other Web contributors Thursday.
“CSUSA has reviewed the Web site and has determined that your and other parents’ and other Web site participants’ published accusations, comments and statements are unlawful, defamatory and libelous against CSUSA, Gateway Charter School and Dr. Nauss,” attorney Lisa MacClugage stated in the letter to Reigelman.
“Accordingly, CSUSA hereby demands that you immediately cease and desist your continuous published libel and defamatory accusations, comments and statements.”
Reigelman says the Web forum gives parents an open venue to discuss educational issues.
[A] May 3 letter to parents signed by the PTO’s executive board stat[ed]: “In light of the fact that various individuals and groups are trying to politicize the PTO, we have decided to cancel all further PTO meetings for the duration of the 2004-05 school year.”
More parents’ posts from the forum, gscparents. Please excuse the all-caps post, but it’s important to read:
This message board was created by parents at Gateway Charter School in Fort Myers FL. This is a place where you can leave your thoughts and feelings on GCS anonymously. … If CSUSA does not listen to us, they will continue to loose good kids and their parents. Not to mention teachers and staff … we need to stand together. …
From concern4kids:
Jonathan Hage of Charter Schools USA says, “What we hope to do in this school is create a community where the kids are known by parents, teachers and the principal. It’ll have smaller classes, the kids will wear uniforms, and discipline will be strong but it will be a supportive community.
From teachermom:
I worked there since it opened and parents have no idea of what the staff goes through– we were never supported! nauss just implements her not-well thought out ideas and gives us a directive with absolutely no support nor training and the teachers just try the best they can. Most of the teachers have had no experience other than at GCS which means they are first or second year teachers and do not have professional certification… check out your teacher at for your child’s teacher certification. … Nauss could definately win an academy award for her acting abilities– it is all just a show.
Further down, teachermom helps parents find out if their children’s teachers are certified:
The following link to the Florida Department of Education will provide you with what certificattion a teacher has in the State of Florida. I just did a few lookups and found (actually I didn’t find anything) on a few teachers.
if you don’t find your teacher’s name then they are not certified by the state of florida.
From signed on as a GUEST
It is nice to view who is on the board and see that tonight there are 12 guests. I encourage you to join. We are not a bunch of rebels attempting to destroy anyone or the school. The desire is to make known the strengths and the weaknesses of GCS. Your voice and opinion is important. Charter Schools USA stood in front of all of us made promises, they have not kept their verbal contract. YOU are your child’s advocate, I urge you,-DO NOT tolerate the mediocre curriculm and education that our children are receiving from CSUSA. …
There are many, many more posts.
The lawsuit threat:
The legal route is beign taken. Corporate are you going to fix this mess now or after more bad press. Lawyers are being contacted, the school board, Dr.Browder,the states attorney, the news press. This is the point it is at. What point will it be at before it is addressed? I work in the courtroom. I know what can happen, is this really where they want to take it?
From today’s, “Charter threatens parents with lawsuit“:
“Any action by school officials to remove it raises serious First Amendment concerns,” said Robert Corn-Revere, a Washington D.C.-based attorney who specializes in Internet-related free-speech issues. “No one likes to be criticized, but that doesn’t make it libelous.”
Neither Hage or Senior Vice President Tom Geismar would specify which postings were objectionable.
Nauss said Thursday she hasn’t seen the site but is aware of its content. She supports the company’s decision to begin legal remedies.
She said she hopes the situation doesn’t escalate.
“I think anyone in administration at a school can be viewed by many different people in different ways and open themselves up to scrutiny,” Nauss said. “We are attempting to do things differently at the charter schools. We realize folks will have questions.”
Parent Mary Vance, of Lehigh Acres, was among those who received the attorney’s letter but isn’t sure why she was targeted.
“I can’t figure out how it was learned I was involved in the message board,” Vance said, adding that parents use member names, not their real names. “I’m trying to figure out what I have said or done that is libelous and defamatory. I don’t have fear for this. I have concern. To me, it seems like a scare tactic.”
Blogger Dan Gillmor speaks up on this story:
But I hope the parents will aggressively defend their right to be critical of a school administration that cancels PTO meetings, …
Here, meanwhile, is the almost certain outcome in the wider Web community. Many people will now a) link to the story and the online forum; and b) mention the name of the company. (The story was just Slashdotted, which means it’s going to get huge play online.)
One result? Before long, if you type “Charter Schools USA” into your favorite search engine, that news story — and the forum, assuming it stays online, along with some withering commentary about the company — will be near the top of the rankings. One suspects this will be a consequence that Charter Schools USA did not foresee.
Blowback. Sweet.
This lawsuit and these parents’ predicaments raise so many thoughts:
1. What if those parents had acted before 2002, when the St. Pete paper wrote its powerful editorial?
2. It takes what it takes to get people involved. These parents will never be the same. They’ll always question privatization from now on. They’ll always (hopefully) check the facts and other views on the Internet.
3. I’d also posit that this charter school business is racist and class-ist. Look at where these schools are built — in lily-white, upper-class gated communities:
At $418-million and counting, the public policy questions here are urgent. Is Florida giving tax money to for-profit corporations that are using shell companies to hide their status? Are charter school dollars being used as an amenity for developers who build subdivisions? Is the law being used to create private schools that cater to the children of higher-income families and business employees? How much profit is being made off the charter school public subsidy? Are children learning in these schools? Editorial, St. Petersburg Times, Sept. 22, 2002
4. Your thoughts?
if Florida just became a separate country, we would begin winning these Presidential election thingies again. Just a thought.
I had to skim through this. But it is amazing how the Bush clan has mastered the art of using the government’s treasury to enrich their friends.
Never let someone tell you that all they do is let rich people keep more of their hard earned money. They do do that.
But they also take the ‘hard’ out of ‘earned’; and, in many cases, the ‘earned’ out of ‘earned’.
Now you are making my jaw drop…
Follow the money…
The main thrust behind NCLB is vouchers for schools like this… THEY ARE FUCKING PRIVATIZING THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES.
The problem with the public school system is that the wingnuts have been inflitrating the school boards for over twenty years. My cousin is an administrator in a middle sized city and he has documented how these wingnuts over the past twenty years have systematically destroyed the system from with in… then they point the finger and say that no amount of money can save the system.
More from the 2002 St. Pete editorial:
At $418-million and counting, the public policy questions here are urgent. Is Florida giving tax money to for-profit corporations that are using shell companies to hide their status? Are charter school dollars being used as an amenity for developers who build subdivisions? Is the law being used to create private schools that cater to the children of higher-income families and business employees? How much profit is being made off the charter school public subsidy? Are children learning in these schools?
And they are all operating under the radar too… although I don’t believe all charter school programs are scams such as this (I have no evidence either way). But while I’ve always thought that the voucher/charter school push was basically a way to subsidize private schools in pale and middle class to affluent communities (for all they trot out ‘inner city kids’ in the arguments), I never thought they would be so blatant. Of course, it’s Florida.
Thank goodness these guys were stupid enough to try and bring legal action, so now we all know about them.
And don’t forget Neil Bush, who is also raking in money hand over fist (last I heard) by having introduced software for schools, right after the passing of the law, that dovetails with the NCLB testing and other requirements. (Saudis help him fund this business, by the way).
Beyond being crazy, these people are definitely also crooks.
Wow, I’ve always told this school’s PTA (nothing more than a clique) to think about using electronic means to encourage the other parents involvement/voices and ideas. Such as a message forum… because so many want to be involved but after the usual 1 hour commute to our small town from the city, homework, dinner, baths – most parents aren’t able to make a “after school meeting at 3:15”
It didn’t fly. And they still whine that parents aren’t involved.
Thanks for sharing this, Susan. It was a long read, but very interesting and very important. What an explosive combination – Florida, politics, school systems, free speech, threatened litigation and the allocation of money. Yikes!
I feel for the parents, and I feel for the children (the ultimate victims in this ugly game).
One of my best friends is the president of a grade school PTO located in one of the most poverty stricken school districts in MN – largely comprised of recent immigrants. I’ve been stunned by her stories of the mean-spirited politics, total incompetence and power grabs that take place within the PTO and the school system. She purposely moved to that neighborhood to benefit her children through exposure to diversity, but she quickly found out that the state treats her school system like an unwanted step child. And it’s all to the detriment of the children.
Although we don’t have children, my husband and I have always viewed it as our civic duty to vote for referendums involving increased school funding. Surprisingly – and without exception – virtually every parent we’ve spoken to instructed us NOT to support the funding referendums within our school district because the money never makes it to the intended destination – it lines the pockets of people in power.
My thoughts? This is another example of the ugliness that’s beem infiltrating our nation over the past several years. Bit by bit, the systems are being structured to benefit the rich and create increasingly greater divides between the haves and the have nothings. And I’m fearful that situations such as this, combined with all the recent government actions aimed against the little guys, will create a volatile environment with the potential for increased crime, violence, suicides and ultimately . . . uprisings.
Here in Lake County the schools are doing so poorly. We lost librarians, and now the lunch program is being threatened.
The school always cries out that they are lacking in funding – and they are. BUT… in a time where parents of reg and spec ed are fighting for their child’s very right to LEARN and the schools are hurting… it wasn’t a good idea to “reward” the special ed director with a meal at the most expensive place in the next county – The French Laundry.
Sadly we no longer allow our daughter to participate in the fundraisers. We’ve been slapped by those too many times. Fool me once – and all that. My daughter once raised money – and it was supposed to be for her specific classroom. Money for the teacher to purchase supplies with. Many in the community gave because it wasn’t going to the PTA/PTO… so she raised over $600.
Then we get a letter from the the school saying “thank you for cushioning our account for next year”. It never got to the teacher.
Usually we aren’t even told how much money was raised.
They hold 90 min long assemblies EACH month to instruct the children/salesmen how do the fundraising o’the month. We have plenty of pissed off parents here. EACH MONTH.
I remember we’d have one or two a year growing up. And we could see where the money went immediately. Gym equipment, books, what have you. Not so nowadays.
But then… the higher ups have funds to go eat at fancy restaurants.
It’s unbelievable how many buy into the crap about how scammers like CSUSA, Edison, and the rest of the for-profit “education” corporations are going to take over their public schools and make them better. By what logic would that happen? Why would having ridiculous management pay and skimming profits make tax money buy better schools? Is this really too hard a question? Maybe folks dumb enough to fall for this shit shouldn’t have been allowed to have children in the first place.
For-profit school outfits exist for several purposes: to break the unions, to skim the most profitable students, and to grab the money and run. They cook up sweetheart deals that give them money and facilities for a song, and then sometimes show test improvements for long enough to take their cut.
The GOP’s single minded attack on teachers and their unions over the past decade or two is not just ideology. It’s how they clear the way for their buddies to come in and suck out the last vitality from the public school system and then leave a dead husk behind.
And I agree with Booman: getting rid of FL would be a good start toward forming a more perfect union.
Here’s another link I don’t think is up with a picture of this guy. Also as it turns out besides once being in the whacko Heritage Foundation think tank this guy used to help write speeches for Daddy Bush…surprise surprise, surprise-not.
After Jebbie lost his bid for governor in 1994 he started a think tank called the ‘Foundation for Florida’s Future’-which was about starting charter schools…and guess who he asked to be the Research Director? Too easy huh. According to Hage Jeb said that charter schools were the future and although Hage knew absolutely nothing about schools he thought it sounded like an incredible business opportunity -to make money. He opened the first charter school in Florida then of course went on to branch out for himself and found his own company.
The whole charter school agenda is to do away with teacher unions according to a few other articles I read. To that end also there is a organization that was founded called CEO-Children’s Educational Opportunity which just happens to have John Walton, the Wal-Mart heir as founder and director. They have funneled money into various republican groups, etc in Florida.
A lot more to this other article but it all comes around to a rather monumental money circle-jerk of right wing nut jobs. Make money at the taxpayers expense while trying to couch it in terms of doing it for the children, yeah right.
More background from 1999 article that shows how entwined these people are.(and how religion comes into it also..)
I want to first off thank you ALL for your support. And thoughts and comments no matter what you think about our site.
The funny thing is I had started this because of my daughter. How awful to fall through the cracks of a school system. I was a homeless child and fell through the cracks. I am now very fortunate and have a beautiful family and wonderful home. Although it’s in FL (yeah I know hanging chads and all) Ugh!
I have always been a republican. Yes, I am without a doubt taking a step back and wondering why I have followed along. That being said, here is a quick story on the board.
I was disgusted with the fact that a school that made such promises, hadn’t followed threw with any of them. Do I question our role in this too? YOU BETCHA! This is unacceptable on both of our parts. However I we were seeing passing grades. C & D grades, my feeling on that is we are all different and we want our daughter to be a happy progressing student. And now at the end of the year we are all left with nothing but a HUGE failure on all of our parts (not being our daughter).
At first I saw the main problem was a local administrative level. The more we all looked the more we saw that CSUSA was lacking on many of their promises. I am mad that I FELL for the scam, it really bothers me that so many others are in for the exact same thing.
In reality there is no way in hell that this can be changed. This is way above the local administration, although they are a big part of the problem too.
When I began the message board, my daughter had come home from schoool. The day after I had a meeting with Dr.Nauss and a reading teacher. When we were sitting at dinner, I asked my daughter what she did in reading class today. She went on to tell me that the reading teacher told the entire 28 kids that she was “tired of having angry meetings with parents , becuse THEY weren’t learning”!
It has become a hotbed of controversy, on many levels.
I have considered closing it down.
I mean after all, there is NO way in hell I would put my kids back there. We have 2 more weeks here, so why fight the fight?
Because of the others left behind? Shouldn’t they be smart enough to join us? Or I suppose they should all sit back and take what their kids are getting.
Is it worth it to me to perhaps have to spend time and money on these Bozo’s?
I am yet to decide on what to do, I am strong and being pulled in a few different directions.
I have contacted the ACLU, and heard from a wonderful man on Friday. I believe we will be talking tomorrow. I am going to ask his advice on what I should do.
Thank you all, I have to tell you I am so happy to find you. Where have you been all my life?!
You’ve given a voice to all of these parents and teachers.
And you’re being heard. That that company is having a hissy fit about your forum is a GOOD sign. They haven’t a leg to stand on legally — I just hope they don’t intimidate any of your participants.
I don’t think, after reading your post, that they’ll be able to intimidate you!
Please stick around and keep us posted. We are all very interested and terribly concerned, and we’ll be at your back. Count on it.
Also: If you’d like me to cross-post any of this at Daily Kos, I will. And invite your friends to register here at Booman where they can post right away.
Please cross post whatever you see fit.
Thanks again for your support, you showed up at a perfect time.
Momma Mia, we are glad to have you here and if you like go to this diary and tell us more about you, we like to hear about our members:
Keep up your good work..
Momma, I copied your post to DailyKos.
I hope you’ll remember us when you have news… we’ll pay attention and spread the word.
This is in the local front page news on the website. It will be hitting papers tomorrow!!!!
I think we raised some concern?
DAVE BREITENSTEIN’s email is available with the article. Perhaps he would be interested in interviewing you, as well as learning that your story was picked up prominently by Booman Tribune and Daily Kos.
Congratulations on getting some news coverage!!
Momma, we will need to update this story! Keep us posted.
Talk about the power of one.