If we’re going to take back Congress in 2006, we need to get started right away. Frontier PAC wants to get out ahead of pack — and allow the netroots to frame the Democratic message. If we can reach voters before the DC consultants and pro-corporate Democrats, the Democratic grassroots has will set the Reform tone. We need to strike fast, we need to start the values conversation that will define 2006, and we need your help.

What is the Open-Source Campaign?
Frontier PAC was started by proud Democratic activists, and this campaign is an attempt to give more ownership of our programs to other activists like us–to legitimately apply the open-source principle to a sustained campaign.  In order to get the ball rolling, our first project has been planned by Frontier PAC staff.  Beyond that, though, every other decision will be member-driven: which races to focus on, whether to focus on print or broadcast, what issues to hammer home, etc.  

Repeatedly during the 2004 election cycle, we saw a great idea bubble up from the grassroots only to get incorporated in a half-hearted way by people who didn’t fully get it.  Frontier PAC is launching the Open-Source Campaign–an effort to put corrupt GOP incumbents on the defensive early–in order to avoid those same pitfalls in delivering a reform message for 2006.  

This campaign doesn’t speak for the netroots, it is the netroots: no consultants, no focus groups, and no conventional wisdom.  Just an earnest and aggressive values-based showdown with Republicans.


How are we getting started?
By going after Conrad Burns in Montana.  Burns is far more in touch with the values of Jack Abramoff and Tom DeLay than with the values of the people of Montana–and Frontier PAC is going to make that case to the voters.  Conrad Burns has been bought, and we’re not afraid to say that out loud.  That’s why we’re running hard-hitting radio ads all over the states–targeting sportsmen, small business owners, and all the other constituencies Burns puts on the line for his corporate patrons.  Here’s the script:

Does Conrad Burns share your values?  Since he took office in 1988, he’s put the interests of multinational corporations above the interests of Montana families.  Is Burns corrupt? His office rewrites legislation to benefit his donors and lobbyists.  Is Burns cowardly?  He has failed to stand up to runaway deficits and budget waste.  Is Burns clueless?  He told the newspaper Roll Call that he didn’t even know his own Chief of Staff was taking cruises with lobbyist Jack Abramoff.  

Corrupt, Cowardly, Clueless.  Conrad Burns: he’s more in touch with Washington, DC than with Montana.    We need a Senator who stands up for us.  Read more at RealMontanaValues.com.

Paid for by Frontier PAC.  This message not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.



This sounds great.  Is there a catch?
Well, yes.  This campaign is only going to be as successful as you make it.  We need ideas, research and input, but we also need to pay for the air time.  Frontier PAC has no support from the national party, and we can’t count on the kind of corporate-PAC money and high-dollar contributions that fund many Republican and Democratic groups alike.  That’s why you can rest assured that we’ll stick to our economic populist principles–but it’s also why we need your help.

We’ll need to raise several thousand dollars for the Burns ads alone, and we can do it if we get the right input and support from the netroots.  Please contribute to Frontier PAC — whether you can give $15 or $1000, every contribution is important.
