I have been following the many deals being made around the world by oil & energy producing nations (with a focus on Venezuala & China) for the last few months with much interest. As we all know oil makes the world go ’round and sets the neo-con “hearts” a flutter.
For background on how Venezuala has been standing up to the US and forging deals with China see:
The Great Game part III & China Moves Closer to Latin America
I also peruse EnergyBulletin quite frequently as it is a great aggregate source for world energy news.
Yesterday, Al Jazeera reported on a conference of nations hosted by Brazil that not only went unreported in the American press, but one that must make the US policy makers (same people as the energy guys) quake in their boots.
[more on the flip]
Between them, they currently pump around 27.26 million barrels per day (mbpd) of the world’s demand of 84 mbpd or around 32.5% of total production.
While we aren’t likely to see an immediate impact from this conference, one of its participants noted:
“They helped Iraq a lot in previous times. I do not think you are going to see any real concrete structures coming out of this meeting, but it could be a start of some extra political, economic and cultural bonds.”
Uh oh Cheney, they’re onto you guys. Man, you really should have left Chavez alone and stuck to Saddam & your pals the Saudis. Hell, even Castro has found oil that’s of course off-limits to you.
Venezuela has been looking long and hard for alternatives to simply supplying the United States with its demand for crude oil. Although there have been recent fluctuations in supply, Venezuela – the world’s fifth largest exporter – averages around 13% of the daily imports of the US.
Recently, however, they have been branching out, penning new deals with Spain and a new player in the global energy market, China.
China has also figured prominently in South American oil infrastructure. It recently signed deals to build refinery projects in Venezuela and has made some possible exploration deals as well.
This could have prompted the recent news that Venezuela wants to sell two of its US-based refineries. It says they are unprofitable and amount to “a subsidy to the US economy”, according to President Hugo Chavez.
Seriously guys, are you that stupid to have provoked a guy right when your next rival on the world stage, China, was making overtures? And about that coup attempt…
Opec nations too have been opening up new supply routes to the Chinese markets. So this summit may spur the participating nations into more deals and a greater possibility of energy related tie-ups in the future.
“While this [summit] is not going to affect powerful organisations like Opec,” said Dr Zainy: “It may help these nations to more co-ordinated policies, some extra deals and better political relationships. Those may bear fruit in the future.”
The Great Game lives on. And once again the US is behind. Far behind… and all the the domestic laws in the world won’t stop it.
Now about those Russians… how did that trip go for ya Dubya? Might want to start making nice with Vlad before everyone decides to switch to the Euro and cut you out…
I suggest everyone invest in a Hybrid asap.
{all emphasis mine}
Cross posted at Daily Kos
quite a bit, but the behind the scenes machinations are just as vital… and telling.
Heard a report on BBC Radio -yesterday- with the juicy part, the US knowing it would not receive an invitation, suggested to send an observer to the Conference.
The reply the US got must have made Dick C’s pacemaker skip a beat, couldn’t have been more than a single line: DENIED!
Thanks for excellent coverage of important issue. This topic has got my interest also, on which I have added a comment regularly. China needs to spend its BIG US $$$ surplus, does it through major investments in South America, including Argentine, Brazil, Cuba and Venezuela. China and Iran have immense contracts for LPG shipments, and China is presently talking with former rival India for close cooperation.
Big bad bully GWB is still bogged down in the created mess called Iraq, wasting years and those similar big $$$ bucks without doing reconstruction for the Iraqis. In April 135 car bombs attacks!
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Great info Oui, thanks!
Of course it got coverage on the BBC… I should have guessed!
Interesting tid-bit about the US knowing they wouldn’t be invited… seriously, there are repercussions for playing cowboy… Rove is not as smart as everyone thinks he is.
And Cheney’s just an asshole.
This is an important subject, global energy, especially oil & gas. When I looked at it, Condoleeza Rice’s name kept coming up. It seemed that the US State Department had morphed into US Department of Oil and Gas. From country to country she was speaking about energy. For example, while in India she cautioned the Indian government about importing oil & gas from Iran. The response was “We have no problem at all with Iran.”
That was possibly the Rove/Cheney plan all along, use Condi, the ex-Chevron executive, as Secretary of Oil. But if the general response is anything like India’s the world is not listening.
[I ride a bike. But will accept a lift whenever I can. 🙂 ]
First I’ve heard of this! Thanks so much for posting, Chavez is becoming one of my favorite politicos, now, just what is the immigration policy like there?
and was turned DOWN! We don’t know first-hand what was discussed. Diplomacy’s fruits again…