How much more of this should the American public be expected to take?
It breaks my heart.
How much more of this should the American public be expected to take?
It breaks my heart.
this is an issue Democrats must make an issue of…look at the vote on this…92% say the Executives should be held to their promises…and I agree. This sucks…
more for the rich, and screw the poor/working man, which under this watch, is getting poor-er.
I personally think the bastards from all the corps, should be in jail. (that jail should be controlled by the people they stole from too)
How long are we as people going to allow this corporate piracy to be perpetuated on us. I for one am disgusted that we can bail out multinational corporations to the tune of billions of dollars. Yet we have many millions of children in the US that go to bed hungry. And these same corporations pay their top management millions of dollars for doing a terrible job of managing. Hell pay me half of what United Airlines President makes and I can do half as bad a job. lol I say it is time to kick the corporate kiss a**es out of congress, elect real citizen representatives and take back our government. MSM isn’t worth a tinker’s damn, so we do it through grassroots and local radio and television. Neither one of my Senators is worth spit, and three of the four reps for my state have taken major money from Tom corrupt us with your money DeLay. The only reason the other rep didn’t get offered is he is Democrat. lol. The entire House of Representatives is up for reelection next year, lets mobilize and make it clear that if you are not with us you are against us and you will be defeated.
Damn that felt good.