Aid to Christian School In Alaska Spurs Lawsuit

There are those who complain that Congress does not care about the concerns of the little guy. But those people do not attend Alaska Christian College.

The school, founded five years ago and affiliated with the Evangelical Covenant Church, has 37 students. It is not accredited and does not grant degrees. It offers, instead, certificates in biblical studies at the end of a student’s first year and certificates in biblical and general studies to those who complete a second. Over the past two years, Congress has given the school more than $1 million.

pot calling kettle…come in kettle do you read me…Roger

Bond Blasts Saudi Funding Of Islamic Schools

Senator Kit Bond says enough is enough – the Saudi Arabian government has to stop funding fundamental Islamic schools that teach students to hate Americans. He says these madrasses need to be shut down before another generation of terrorists grow up with that mindset. And, Bond says while he’s sure behind-the-scenes talk has been going on between the U.S. and the Arab world, it’s time to end the quiet diplomacy with the Saudis on this subject. Bond says it is also concerning how big of inroads these madrasses have made in Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia. He wants American efforts to offer an alternative education stepped up.