Aid to Christian School In Alaska Spurs Lawsuit
There are those who complain that Congress does not care about the concerns of the little guy. But those people do not attend Alaska Christian College.
The school, founded five years ago and affiliated with the Evangelical Covenant Church, has 37 students. It is not accredited and does not grant degrees. It offers, instead, certificates in biblical studies at the end of a student’s first year and certificates in biblical and general studies to those who complete a second. Over the past two years, Congress has given the school more than $1 million.
pot calling kettle…come in kettle do you read me…Roger
Bond Blasts Saudi Funding Of Islamic Schools
Senator Kit Bond says enough is enough – the Saudi Arabian government has to stop funding fundamental Islamic schools that teach students to hate Americans. He says these madrasses need to be shut down before another generation of terrorists grow up with that mindset. And, Bond says while he’s sure behind-the-scenes talk has been going on between the U.S. and the Arab world, it’s time to end the quiet diplomacy with the Saudis on this subject. Bond says it is also concerning how big of inroads these madrasses have made in Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia. He wants American efforts to offer an alternative education stepped up.
Never heard of them before. From what I’ve been able to ascertain, they are primarily involved in funding mission work, and are cleverly using their funds for expansion.
The Alaska Christian College website is temporarily out of order, I guess they don’t want much attention right now.
If they’re not offering accreditated education, then can education funds be used? Or should this go under the FBF as they are teaching the students to minister to the needy?
I don’t know enough about how either department funds post-secondary schools of any flavor to have an informed opinion, I was just curious.
This is such an outright and blatant abuse of taxpayer money that I wonder when and if the public is going to wake up to this merging of church/state-make that whacko ‘christian state’.
I would also imagine that if we looked a bit harder we’d find this is happening on a much much larger scale. All these religious nuts in various states that are Senators or Representatives are probably doing this in their states in one fashion or another with taxpayer money.
My only feeling on all this is that sooner rather than later there will have to be some national concerted movement to take back the country from these theocratic abuses and stop them in their tracks.
Just protesting here and there in a hit and miss fashion isn’t going to accomplish all that much.
100% Pure Frikken Insanity!!!
Thank you for your diary! I had no idea… well scratch that – rewind – I’m not surprised.
Let us see now, that paragon of virtue, Kit Bond is demanding that the Saudis stop their religious indoctrination of the young because they are being influenced to hate America and just a few days ago, Kit’s leader, President GW the talkinghead Bush, is photographed walking hand in hand with the leader of the Saudi Government, skipping down memory lane. And just a few days before that, this very same leader had 10 to 12 christians, including children arrested for praying privately in their own home. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Kit you should get out more, maybe read some blogs that don’t distort the world view so much in favor of your world view. And now we have the US congress funding a fundie religious school that my educated guess preaches that hatred of liberals is an accepted practice and of course GW the talkinghead Bush is the next best thing to God. Lordy Lordy Lordy, I see that the reichwingers have gotten really well educated in the do as say not as do, preaching and sermonizing. I can hear ole Kit now, well you know now those are fundamentalist MUSLIMs who hate America, and those good ole christians in Alaska love America, even if they do hate Liberal Americans, and who can blame them, you all are the reason our society has hit rock bottom. I can hear it now, good christians only hate that which deserves to be hated, Muslims just hate indiscriminately.
the hell of it is, it’s only going to get worse…
Cant say this surprises me