As some of you may have read in my previous diaries, the Wake-Up Wal-Mart Campaign was trying to gather 20,000 signatures for the “Love Mom, Not Wal-Mart” pledge.  

Well most of the results are in, and with the help of many of you, we did it!  We are currently at 21,044 signatures, both from online pledges and from activities run by volunteers in states all across the U.S. and even some in Canada.  
I want to thank any of you that signed or passed the pledge around to your friends.  This was a great stride in the fight to change Wal-Mart.

While at an event at Eastern Market in D.C., I heard countless people say that they had heard about some of the awful ways that Wal-Mart treats its employees, which gives me hope that the issue is becoming more openly discussed and understood.

Please check out the Wake-Up Wal-Mart Blog in the coming days if you are interested in reading about the “Mother of all Mother’s Day Cards” that we will be sending to Lee Scott with all 20,000 + signatures on it.