I am so against these REALID CARDS. Here’s an opportunity to at least voice your opposition to them.
I received the following email from the Caspian Group
We have less than 24 hours to stop Real ID from becoming a Real National
ID. Do we really want to have the same ID system as Communist China? I
think not.
The US Senate is scheduled to vote this Tuesday on the Real ID Act.
They’ve never debated the bill. Most of them haven’t even bothered to
read it. Nevertheless, they’re going to pass it: unless we do something
to stop them.
Take immediate action:
More below:
Real ID is a very, very real national identification card.
This isn’t going to be easy, but we need to put the Senate on notice that if they vote for Real ID, they’re voting in favor of a National ID
All the best,
Bill Scannell
The link to send a fax to your senators is here
This is what I wrote to both of my republican senators:
I am AGAINST the REAL ID card- What is up with you Republican ROBOTS – are you unable to think for yourself anymore? Have you been brainwashed??
You are acting like idiotic stepford politicians. We are losing Democracy and turning to Theocracy. Americans are no longer free since Bushco has come up with all this crap.
Please THINK before you vote or does that go against the Loyalty Oath you had to sign?
The REAL ID has nothing to Do with MY security- its only for CONTROL!! This is so Un American. Vote No on these RealId Cards!
A good article on this topic:
When historians write about our times, they’ll shake their heads and wonder how so many people could believe so many lies for so long. They might actually write two parallel books — one describing the cascading lies and deceptions George W. Bush and the Republicans sold and the other telling the truth.
We’re told, in effect, that trampling on civil liberties and eroding freedom are a sure way to protect us from terrorists who envy our freedom. That colossal lie will be one of the lasting stains on this era, and I fear the day coming when the Busheviks or their political heirs, gripped in fascist fever, will silence those who expose the fraud.
The latest assault on liberty cloaked as protection is the Republican campaign in Congress for national identity cards. Of course, they don’t call them that. Such candor sparks opposition. It’s much more benevolent sounding to call the measure the Real ID Act.
it’s another wrung in their ladder, and I’m not sure where that is taking them on their “upward” climb, but one thing I know for sure. It’s taking the rest of us to HELL.
Thanks for the link, and glad to see you back. Good Work
“Do we really want to have the same ID system as Communist China?”
Spread that and some might wake up to what this BS ID system is all about.
Thanks for the info.