Landing here for the final stop on a five-day European trip, President Bush found himself overwhelmed by an enthusiastic welcome the likes of which he doesn’t get in many countries. Between the fireworks and folk dancing, Bush got so into the spirit that he wound up throwing out his schedule, staying out late and even wiggling his hips in a decidedly un-Bush-like dance move.
“I think he really captured the Georgian soul,” the country’s young, pro-Western president, Mikheil Saakashvili, told reporters afterward with a giant grin. “Some dancers told me they liked his rhythm. I would never dare to dance because I’m not good at that, but he was better than I would be.”
Wash Post: Free Reg
I really want some video of Bush shaking his hips and ‘capturing the Georgian soul’. I hope, for the sake of freedom, that Laura got what she so desperately, and publicly, begged for last week.
uh-huh…completely spontaneous and unplanned, which is how some minor event in some unknown city a few thousand miles away is the talk of the media today. ‘Cause, like, his media people had nothing to do with spreading the word about what a spontaneous, unplanned (and fun!!) guy W is.
Yet another installment in the “Bush is such a little cutie” chronicles. All wrapped up with leering prurience. Did the Post get a memo from on high pointing out the great ratings of Desperate Housewives?
Maybe we could elect GW the National Pet and get us a president with a an actual brain. Kind of like Britain had ’til the bossboy got lost in W’s colon.
‘President stays up past bedtime: First Lady in better mood’
That would have been a better headline.
This enrages me as well. The media continues to facilitate this false meme of Bush as the endearing idiot. Meanwhile, this cuddly little cutie was asleep at the wheel of preventing an attack which cost more than 3,000 men, women, and children their lives (I’ll never forget the story of the little schoolkids who won a National Geographic contest and were on their way to collecting their prize while aboard one of the hijacked planes). This “sweetie” is responsible for the worst post-recession economic recovery since WWII and in his capitulation to neocon lunacy, has killed tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians and more than 1,500 soldiers.
And this mothersucker is dancing? And the media reports it as if it’s cute?!!! Bizarro world, indeed.
Laura watches Desparate Housewives!! She said she’s a Desparate Housewife herself! Hahahahahahahahaha!!! OMG, I love those Bushes! They are so funny and witty and just like us!
I suppose the Karl & George romance, with Guckie making it a threesome, would make a Wife kinda Desperate.
I saw the video this morning on teevee.
James Brown, eat your heart out.
I’m so excited!! Turning on CNN right now! I’m sure it’s in the loop.
My teevee was still tuned to ABC because I was watching Nightline as I fell asleep ,… so I saw it on Good Morning America.
It’s been a while since I caught that scintillating show.
OMG! Did you hear about Renee Zellwegger? GMA had it all!
Obviously, George got his Georgia’s confused–that was his “Omigod–I’m about to wet my pants” dance, because of his joful anticipation of seeing this famous Georgian:
Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out.
They leave the West behind.
And Moscow girls make me sing and shout
That Georgia’s always on my mind.
Danni (my daughter) and I saw it this morning. Made us both feel urpy in our tummies.
George literally dances while so many die and suffer.
It’s not the “news” around here. We’ve taken to calling it – the “spews”.
any links to video yet?
“…I hope, for the sake of freedom, that Laura got what she so desperately, and publicly, begged for last week. …”
So POTUS got more than just jiggy? Desperate Housewives indeed!
Anyone want to place bets on what the Thursday headlines will be in order to distract from oh let’s say the Bolton hearing or um maybe the new waves of violence in Iraq killing more than 300 HUMAN BEINGS in the last month? jiggy my ass!
does Bush have a puppy he could get poisoned and then weep over?
Rustavi-2 television channel had the whole thing last night 😉
Sorry, but this is the end of any affection I’ve ever felt for Georgia. They have behaved so shamelessly during this visit, I hope it takes a thousand years for them to make it into the EU, and then that they’re on probation for a century or two.
They are a disgrace to the entire Caucasian race. If I were Russian, I’d be saying Good Riddance!
If they like him so much and he likes them so much, any chance they’ll keep him?
(I know, I know . . . President Cheney. Nothing we don’t already know. Move along and consume, citizens.)