TBILISI, Georgia, May 9 — Maybe it was his wife’s televised teasing about going to bed so early, but “Mr. Excitement,” as Laura Bush sarcastically dubbed the president a week ago, seemed eager to live up to the nickname Monday night.

Landing here for the final stop on a five-day European trip, President Bush found himself overwhelmed by an enthusiastic welcome the likes of which he doesn’t get in many countries. Between the fireworks and folk dancing, Bush got so into the spirit that he wound up throwing out his schedule, staying out late and even wiggling his hips in a decidedly un-Bush-like dance move.

“I think he really captured the Georgian soul,” the country’s young, pro-Western president, Mikheil Saakashvili, told reporters afterward with a giant grin. “Some dancers told me they liked his rhythm. I would never dare to dance because I’m not good at that, but he was better than I would be.”
Wash Post: Free Reg

I really want some video of Bush shaking his hips and ‘capturing the Georgian soul’. I hope, for the sake of freedom, that Laura got what she so desperately, and publicly, begged for last week.