Hello everybody! Severely jet lagged after virtually 48 straight hours of land and air travel, I’m back in the good ol’ USA. Just as I had anticipated, all along, Dub seems to have done a marvelous job of continuing to ruin the country in my absence for two weeks… It has been kind of refreshing to be out of the current events loop for two weeks, but it may take me awhile to get back up to speed.
The above picture is from a tiny stretch of the Namibian Desert around the Naukluft Mountains. Those are actually all sand dunes in the distance and not mountains… they are some of the tallest in the world. This desert stretches almost the entire length of the country, and is one of the driest on the face of the earth…
Particular stretches of the Namib have been found to be so dry that they are virtually dead, and devoid of life. It has been shown that there is NO weather in these places, as the wind doesn’t even blow and there has been no precipitation or moisture of any kind for two to four hundred years! There are places (well protected) where you can actually see the covered wagon tracks of the original white settlers migrating from neighboring South Africa…
Oh, getting back to GWB… imagine my surprise to see that King George had run away for a European Vacation while I was gone… seems to be his tried and true strategy for dealing with slumping polls… This picture was glaring at me from the NYT front page as I sat in the airport in Frankfurt yesterday… Dub and Pooty-Poot standing solemnly at attention with the minarets in the background, reviewing Russian military might in procession… what a photo-op. Rest assured that this photo will be tinkered with should I get my hands on it online. I was struck with the impression that it made upon me that it was basically the same pose we used to see from all the soviet leaders lined up to review troops in the communist heyday… chilling… sort of like one old failed experiment in government handing over the reigns of power to the newer failed experiment. All that was missing was images of Stalin, Lenin, Breshnev, and Kruschev hanging in the background… or better yet, in person along with Dub and Pooty standing and waving to the crowds from the podium…
Dub seems to be bound and determined to pursue this political face lift throughout his remaining lame duck term… and sadly, I think that he has the propaganda infrastructure to pull it off and manufacture a legacy of sorts… What’s a Cognitive Dissonant to do?
Well, I decided to leave my own legacy for GWB in the timeless sands and desolation of the Namib… I could have gotten in some trouble for this, but I felt that it had to be done for posterity… For those of you, who are ecologically and historically minded, accept my humble apologies, and I am dutifully shamed. This being said, we can all rest assured that the truth will likely remain for four hundred or more years, written in the sands of Africa as a tribute to King George…
(No moisture fixating lichens were harmed in this senseless act of desecration)
I’ll post more pictures from our Safari later, if youse guys are interested!
Us guys are interested: more photos please and tell us all about what you found in Namibia. But don’t ever desecrate the Namib again! 🙂
animal and landscape shots.
Hell yes we want pictures. For me especially due to my health(and money situation) I can never be anything more than an internet vacation traveler…so to use some rather noxious parlance..’bring em on’
Great thought, and probably one of the only truths that will not be washed out by MSM weather, or the government tinkering of the history books in school.
Let’s hope it does’nt take the world 200-400yrs to realize this. (most of us with a brain allready know) ; )
(anyone know how long it takes a zombie to realize something, if ever?)
ps. I sure hope you left some “water” by GWB’s name in the sand.. ; )
a little yellow would have been a nice color contrast to the composition… I was a little dehydrated, so maybe that’s why the thought didn’t enter my mind…
“Urined the Money”: a song about what this administration has done for our country’s financial future…
I think your message in the sand might actually fit that dumb commercial for mastercard ..where they talk about this costing so much and that costing so much then mention something that’s ‘priceless’…your vacation..xxx amount of dollars-bush lied, people died written in the sand-priceless.
it’s unimaginable.
I thought the first photo was the GWB memorial.
An image of Bush’s plan for Iraq.
Great diary, recommended.
anything that did live was a mass of thorns or spines, and never squandered water.
But in most parts, as in Death Valley, there are any number of scrappy animals and insects…
this guy, if you can make him out, was kind of hiding in plain sight…
I thought the first photo was the GWB memorial.
An image of Bush’s plan for Amurka.
Welcome home bood.
Not enough swearwords-for-posterity in your Namib signpost.
I say we stake him out there.
I’d like to see pics and hear tales of the people you met, and what they say about the weather-free zone!