new creve coeur … got to run!


First post successfully launched just before midnight 00:00 PDT.
Got to run … politics can’t wait much longer.

Kind regards,
aka new creve coeur @dKos

The Hague Thursday May 18, 2005 09:00 AM Local Time

Update [2005-5-14 15:45:40 by BooMan]:

I have been in private email correspondence with Plutonium Page. She is a member here, which I didn’t realize. I have reset her password, because she forgot it. I have invited her to respond here. But I will convey her response here:

“I didn’t recommend his banning. At. All. Not. Once….He was banned because he had two usernames. End of story. AND I DID
NOT recommend his banning.”

I accept her word. Whether this diary should continue to exist in its present form depends on whether Oui accepts her word. If you believe her, you might consider whether this diary is fair to her.

FINAL UPDATE [Tue. May 17th 16:00 PM PDT by Oui]:

[Sun. May 15th 00:30 AM PDT]
Have made proposal to DailyKos.
Will keep you informed.

Ban was possible within one hour!

After an exchange of emails with proposal to reinstate sig name creve coeur, and a long wait … more waiting, I once again placed a request tonight after two full days.

Conclusion: a longer wait and no decision. No other option than to register under another sig name — new creve coeur at dKos. Lose all mojo and build up of reputation. Recent diaries cannot be edited or updated, and search tool will not list all comments, etc., etc.

I had hoped for a humane blog solution, that was not possible due to lack of cooperation.

Start of diary …

A Ratzinger Inside dKOS ¶ My Dear KOS Community …

Slowly migrating from my membership at dKos – user ID 32011 since Nov. 3, 2004 – to Booman Tribune. I was a full fledged NewBie early October 2004, got first internet connection when starting to blog on the Kerry Campaign website. As JFK website closed down immediately after the election results, I felt lucky to find my new home at dKos.

The excellent diaries and comments were matched by an harmonious spirit and consolation of sorrow, but soon changed to a fighting spirit. First the activities started to check the irregularities across America in counting the ballots.

Late January inspired by SusanG, NYBri, Silence et al, I participated intensely in the PropaGannon investigation. Spend many, many hours and met new blog friends. Those weeks were amazing and again inspiring what power lies in a close knit community. As soon as JG was uncovered as JG and from mid February, I discovered that the dKos outer community had changed. Many factions had been formed and the inflammatory remarks had increased. Due to closeness to PropaGannon, I signed up at their new site under a new sig name: Oui. The intention was to regain some anonymity on the forum.  A small group of close friends were aware of my ID, others observing the unchanged style of my writing could have guessed.

Some incidents occurred on dKos, that bothered me a lot. First there was a blog death threat.

It’s time to unfold …  
blog death threat

Emerging Diebold Scandal in MD

You suck (1.50 / 14)

You posted a picture that had nothing to do with the subject at hand.

You are always inarticulate; you never make sense.

You are nasty; and for me to notice it, it must be bad.

Whenever I find out a comment is yours, I trash it in my mind.

You are representative of the hard-of-thinking riff-raff that showed up on dKos after the election.

Die, motherfucker!

We’re trying to deal with real, solvable problems!

by hamletta on Thu Mar 17th, 2005 at 03:47:05 EST

A single comment could happen to anyone. The surprise and disgust lies in the number of dKos members who support such a remark by adding 4‘s. I got plenty of conciliatory heads up, but yet something changed inside. It is a remark that is scary. I couldn’t grasp that this villain remark was addressed at me.

Community Guidelines PastorDan

Suggested dKos Community Norms
by pastordan  Mon Oct 4th, 2004

It’s considered rude to insult or swear at a conversation partner on the board, and it is never acceptable to threaten physical violence.  (Kos if you’re reading this, making threats should probably be ground for automatic expulsion.)

In the following weeks, I started to notice the overall degeneration of comments, superficial remarks, not reading the substance of diaries nor commenting in line with diary content or author’s intent. I kept my focus on doing investigative research PropaG GOPWEB in line with the broader issues of the Bush | Cheney regime and GOP propaganda.

There were kossacks who were tired of PropaGannon, and became annoyed. One person in particular, PP thought it important to place nasty remarks on my diaries and to start derating legitimate comments which were not to her liking. What her motivation was, I wouldn’t know, she got her Frank from the Netherlands and his vision on what happens in the country differs from my observations. I tried to avoid PP whenever possible, as I consider it childish behaviour.

 PP childish behaviour  [PP judges and rates 4x a 2 Ouch!]

Businessman charged with genocide for selling US chemicals
by SusanHu  Fri Mar 18th, 2005

Frank, for chrissakes (none / 1)

Don’t you see?


Geez, Frank, get a fucking clue 😉


Which they didn’t.  Which is the point.

Rumsfeld, however, did.

The US actively armed Iraq.

Not the Dutch.  
[pic Rumsfeld – Saddam}

by Plutonium Page on Fri Mar 18th, 2005 at 17:02:07 EST


By chance I found Booman Tribune, through GrannyHelen, a remark she made after a troll rating she received at dKos. The rage of troll ratings at dKos was a ridiculous happening, someone again should negate a topic or comment and move on. I decided to use my sig name Oui at BT and fell in love with the people and a friendly website.

The PropaGannon diaries I kept at dKos for a while under my old sig name with TU status. I trust my mojo rating must be high and the average above 3.9, because although the mojo rating changed recently at dKos, I have retained my TU status to date.

Since early April it became clear I spend most of my time at BT and enjoyed it. I found a new home once again, with a much slower pace where diaries just won’t go away, instead of being lost at a rate of 25 per hour at dKos.

As BooMan has written, the community needs to grow to 3,000 users to gain a financial sound base. I try to be exclusive with first publication at BooTrib, and dependent on nature and topic of diary, would decide whether it fits to cross-post at dKos.

Till yesterday [Tues March 10], my last comment I wrote at dKos. I made a long comment on Open Thread, to provide content for the dKos reader and get others interested to follow up and read my diaries at BT. Not really to my surprise when I think back a bit, but I was lucky to be honoured with a comment from PP, I understand she is now a badged blog police with frontpage status.

PP reply to my comment

Hey creve coeur (none / 1)

I feel sorry for the people on dial-up today.

Your comment will make this thread load even slower than usual.

Oh, and if you’re gonna have multiple user names, at least be subtle about it.

Not just another blog: The Next Hurrah
by Plutonium Page on Tue May 10th, 2005 at 05:20:37 EST

EDITED Sat May 14th, 2005 at 02:00 AM PDT

I love your sig line Sirocco!

I understand you’ve had him banned. (none / 1)


Equally smart, more cosmopolitan, less crowded: join Booman Tribune!
by Sirocco on Fri May 13th, 2005 at 09:40:12 EST


  • for contributing with heads-up comments and
  • Kudos to BooTrib community!

    I want to underline the issue at hand: it’s about blog procedure and grounds for banning. It’s nothing personal about myself or PP. I like PP, her skills and excellent contribution at dKos.

    A magnificent site like dKos should not allow a single person, beyond kos himself, to be able to ban someone.

  • END

    Punishment by Ex-Communication
    As I was adding another comment to the new Open Thread, the comment feature was lost, I lost the comment I was editing, and when I checked my home user page, I noticed I could no longer place comments, enter a new diary or make recommendations in other diaries. Flabbergasted, upset, I tried to understand and realize what was happening. A bit later the same happened to my original sig name of creve coeur at dKos.

    Apparently, someone at the moderator level of dKos, used his/her power to JUST PULL THE PLUG and SEVERE ALL MY TIES I HAVE WITH MY KOS COMMUNITY. No warning of any wrong doing, no explanation of any sanction or punishment to be levied, just cut through my communication line with the community. I cannot ask for an explanation, because I cannot make another comment at dKos.  

    I have gone over and over, to imagine what major rule or regulation I could have broken. I had checked the dKos FAQ’s content and PastorDan’s Community Guide, but I found no paragraph on maintaining one’s anonymity by a second sig name, coming over from another blog to write a comment or diary in an open source internet blog community.

    I am really, really upset and angry, walking about during the night, adding some comments to spiderleaf’s excellent diary, and after two hours tried to get some sleep again. Can someone at BooTrib enlighten me, as I consider myself still a NewBie with just 6 months internet experience in a monogamous relation with a small community. Please advise, for I need HELP on how to break out of this predicament.

    My hope is that someone from dKos puts up a comment here at BT: “Sorry Oui, our mistake – you are still welcome”.

    PS  — EX-COMMUNICATED! How can someone in his/her right mind just cut my ties I have with a great community I correspond with? This is the worst kind of Ratzinger courts, at least Ratzinger communicated the sentence in a lengthy dogma. What are the rules? Why not communicate on a blog as a liberal would expect!

    APPENDIX — Overview of remarks made.

    DELETED per Sun. May 15th, 00:30 AM PST
    Has been sufficiently noted and read, became superfluous in time.

    Original Diary – with Appendix


    My First Diary and Comments at BooTrib – 344 comments ago
    Fri Mar 25th, 2005 at 09:36:41 PM PDT

    An easy header … (4.00 / 3)

    So I figured to put 1 and 1  together in a single diary.
    Not for enjoyment, just sadness.

    PS GREAT JOB Booman & congratulations

    by Oui on Fri Mar 25th, 2005 at 09:49:33 PM PDT

    Wow – precious You gave me ID #452 (4.00 / 2)

    Now I get to teach the young whippersnappers a lesson from, ID # 20,000 on!
    I was led here of course through dKos – but what are your preferences on topics for diaries.

    I already see here my favorite writers – and diaries staying up longer than 15 min.! I’m falling in love all over again.

    by Oui on Sat Mar 26th, 2005 at 01:00:09 AM PDT

    Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité