(cross posted at Daily Kos)
If you are an Atheist, Agnostic, Secular Humanist, or other non-theistic or non-traditional believer, you have likely felt like the U.S. is on the verge of forming an Inquisition to come after you.
The good news is, you are not alone. I wrote a previous diary (at DKos) about the Secular Coalition for America, a new lobbying group representing the 30 million+ U.S. “brights” (anyone who holds a natural/non-theistic world view) and fighting to maintain the separation of Church and State.
Today, I discovered the Humanist Network News, the weekly ezine of the Institute for Humanist Studies. It is full of great info.
See across the bump for story summaries for the week of May 11, 2005.
Humanists out of the closet and in the House
Ron Reagan recently told Larry King that because he is an atheist he can’t get elected to anything. IHS Executive Director Matt Cherry writes, “Maybe Ron Reagan should move to Britain. In last week’s general election, during which Tony Blair’s Labour Party won with a reduced majority, 17 members of the Parliamentary Humanist Group were re-elected to the House of Commons.” MORE
Moderation on the far right?
President George W. Bush recently said, “The great thing about America is that you should be allowed to worship any way you want. And if you chose not to worship, you’re equally as patriotic as somebody who does worship…” Pat Robertson had what seemed to be a moment of tolerance and modernity, too. IHS Public Policy Director Tim Gordinier examines this issue. MORE
Atheists win big in Idaho
Conrad Goeringer of AANews reports: A U.S. District Court Judge ruled (on May 4) that the State of Idaho could not deny a permit to Atheists wishing to hold a “Day of Equality” rally on the steps of the state capitol building, and instead allow a National Day of Prayer event to take place even though the Atheists reserved the space first. MORE
IHS elects new directors
At its meeting on May 1, the Institute for Humanist Studies Board of Directors elected two new members: Roberta Armstrong and Sharon Fratepietro. MORE
IHS 2004 Annual Report now online
The 2004 Annual Report for the Institute for Humanist Studies is now available online as a PDF. If you’re strictly an HNN reader, perusing this report is a great way to quickly familiarize yourself with the other facets of the Institute for Humanist Studies. MORE
IHS supports comprehensive sex ed in NYS
IHS Public Policy Director Tim Gordinier is working with Family Planning Advocates of New York to help see the Healthy Teens Act pass in the New York State Legislature. The Healthy Teens Act will ensure that New York’s public school teenagers receive medically accurate sex education rather than its dangerous and unscientific counterpart: faith-based, abstinence-only dogma. MORE
Humanist Events & Announcements
The IHEU will host its 16th WORLD CONGRESS in Paris from July 5 – 7. The Humanist Association of Canada will host its 2005 conference in Ottawa, from June 23 to 26. A new humanist book for children is slated for publication in June. And a group in Plattsburgh, N.Y. is working to combat Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church. MORE
Universal concern about dying
Canadian columnist Doug Thomas examines the issue of death and preparing a living will in Canada. As an agnostic humanist, he also ponders how he would like his theistic and spiritualistic family members to find comfort after he’s gone. MORE
Sweet Reason, how can high school atheists find equality?
Sweet Reason lends advice to a high school atheist who does not want to participate in mandatory religious services while on a trip with the school band. MORE
Book Review: Silent No More, Part 4
Kenneth W. Krause reviews the rhetoric of the Christian Right and Pastor Rod Parsley’s new book, Silent No More. Kenneth challenges the Pastor on abortion, homosexual union, race, education, poverty, and founder intentions. MORE
Film Review: The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Douglas Adams was a well-known humanist, so it should not come as a surprise that The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy can be seen as a humanist comedy. But it is also a humorous jaunt across time and space. See what HNN film reviewer Carolyn Braunius has to say about this film. MORE
Letters to the Editor
This week we have several excellent letters about spirituality and humanism… and one EGGcellent letter. MORE
Media Roundup
A roundup of news articles of interest to humanists and freethinkers. MORE
Strange Times
A roundup of quirky, eccentric and downright bizarre news stories of interests to skeptics, humanists and other freethinkers. MORE
Cathartic Comics
…an assortment of cartoons and comic strips about humanism, atheism, religion, science and freethought. MORE
Humanist Humor
This week’s joke is about a very precise method of dating dinosaur bones. MORE
Poll of the Week
When do you think you will see an openly non-religious U.S. president? LINK
I am not affiliated with the Humanist Network News nor the Institute for Humanist Studies. I am just a disaffected Secular Humanist trying to spread the word whenever I find good info.
Also, I did not actually write all those summaries myself… they are from weekly email summary sent out by the HNN. I just did a little reformatting for posting here.
http://www.infidels.org/index.html This is also a good site for people who are interested in secular humanism to check out.
I think I’ve said this before here (at least somewhere) that getting interested in ‘freethinker’ sites and secular humanism led me to interestingly enough go back and read the bible more-just to know exactly what was in it. Much that so called religious leaders ignore or explain wrong or take out of context not to mention some truly hair raising awful stories in it.
Sites like these give everyone who is interested in learning or expanding their ideas on religion/spirituality and politics should find a lot to check out on these sites.
The Secular Web (infidels.org) is a very good site indeed. I like the HNN so far because it really seems to tie into the political scene.
I am currently reading “Secret Origins of the Bible” by Tim Callahan. It is a very academic examination of the Old Testament, using linguistics, comparative mythology, history, symbology, etc. that demonstrates rather convincingly that every story of the Old Testament has very human origins. Callahan even takes on the fundie interpretations and misuse of some of the stories. Like I said, very academic, but very informative if you can wade through it.
You also may be interested to know that there is a new lobbying group formed by several atheist/humanist groups called the Secular Coalition for America. Infidels.org and the Institute for Humanist Studies are two of the groups involved. I wrote a diary about the SCA at Daily Kos (LINK).
thanks for the tip…I’ll look for the book the next time I happen to get to the bookstore. If you’re interested in books like this I imagine you’ve probably read Joseph Campell’s book, ” The Power of Myth?”.
All fascinating reading.
Hadn’t read that one… I’ll give it a look. Thanks.