the toast to DeLay.  Doesn’t this pretty much capture what is at the heart of this “tribute”?

Let’s drink to Hammer; now, raise up your glass!
We know he’s been coarse and we know he’s been crass,
The Hammer’s come down on us all once or twice,
But let’s give him credit; he gave us a slice
Whenever we curtseyed and bowed and played nice.
It’s painful to watch him be tossed on his ass;
So let’s drink to Hammer; now, raise up your glass!

Let’s drink a toast to our friend Tom DeLay!
He’s done what he wanted, and done it his way.
It’s terrible that he’s approaching the end,
But speaking sincerely, and as a true friend,
In this line you look for what’s just `round the bend —
Hell, Tom’s the one got me to thinking this way!
So let’s drink a toast to our friend Tom DeLay!

Raise up your glass with a grateful goodbye!
Thank Tom for the perks and thank Tom for the pie.
Though Tom won’t be long here, or so we expect,
His spirit lives on if you’ll only reflect;
We’ll do what he taught us, but not genuflect
In front of his glowering, menacing eye;
So raise up your glass with a grateful goodbye!

Note: Previously posted as the last comment on a dying DKos diary.