As was diaried yesterday at dKos by JR Monsterfodder, Wal-Mart is running a campaign in Flagstaff, Arizona to try and overturn a local ordinance that protects communities. Wal-Mart has become so desperate they are now bank-rolling a newspaper ad depicting a Nazi book-burning image.
To view an image of the actual ad, click here.
A Wal-Mart spokesperson wouldn’t comment on the ad. When a reporter finally tracked down a spokesperson for the Wal-Mart backed campaign group, he said the group will continue using the Nazi image because it “make(s) people think.”
Well, its time to help make Wal-mart think about doing the right thing.
Help us tell CEO Lee Scott – Wal-Mart must publicly denounce this ad and state it will never use a Nazi image again. The use of Nazi images is wrong and it must stop right now!
It’s time to make Wal-mart do the right thing!
Please sign the petition today:
Talk about fricken reaching…equating Nazi book burning with Wal-Mart and the government? trying to tell people where to shop?… as always thanks for all the Wal-Mart updates and did sign petition.
How did the Mother’s Day Card go by the way?
still sitting in the office…
we haven’t come up with any creative way to send it, and sending via UPS just doesn’t seem funny enough to us. We’re trying to get someone down in AR to bring it to W-M headquarters for us, but our outreach has been fruitless so far.
The good news is that we are still receiving faxes every day from people all over the country who spent last saturday signing people up, and we are now over 22,000 signatures.
It puts a smile on my face to know that some of these issues are resonating with a lot of people.