As was diaried yesterday at dKos by JR Monsterfodder, Wal-Mart is running a campaign in Flagstaff, Arizona to try and overturn a local ordinance that protects communities. Wal-Mart has become so desperate they are now bank-rolling a newspaper ad depicting a Nazi book-burning image.

To view an image of the actual ad, click here.

A Wal-Mart spokesperson wouldn’t comment on the ad. When a reporter finally tracked down a spokesperson for the Wal-Mart backed campaign group, he said the group will continue using the Nazi image because it “make(s) people think.”

Well, its time to help make Wal-mart think about doing the right thing.
Help us tell CEO Lee Scott – Wal-Mart must publicly denounce this ad and state it will never use a Nazi image again. The use of Nazi images is wrong and it must stop right now!

It’s time to make Wal-mart do the right thing!

Please sign the petition today: