It’s not my horn to toot, and when they’re ready, I’m sure a proper diary will appear at Booman Tribune.  Ever vigilant, multi-talented, and bang-on, georgia10, highacidity, and ,mikecan 1978 at dailyKOS have announced the grand opening of a new web site: Downing Street Memo.

Now America has a place to get the full story on President Bush and his Administration’s perfidous rush into an unnecessary and unprovoked war with Iraq.

What the MSM won’t or can’t(?) tell us, this web site does.
Read georgia10’s diary annoucement for additional details.

Click on the Why Care icon to see a direct comparison of excerpts from the Memo and the words out of Fearless Leader’s mouth at the time.  Decide for yourself if you were misled.  To me, damning is a word that simply does not do justice!

And the web site gives you the means to take action on a variety of levels, both political and media-centered, locally and nationally.

Hoodwinked of America — Arise!