Georgia10 has created a new website to highlight the Downing Street Memo. You can visit it at: I have cribbed and edited a portion of the site, and I reproduce it below. It makes for a good contrast between the truth the memo reveals and the bullshit the Bush administration told us before the war. You should email this link to all your wingnut friends and relatives.
July 23, 2002 Words of the Bush Administration
leading up to War in Iraq
“There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD.”
“No decisions had been taken, but he thought the most likely timing in US minds for military action to begin was January, with the timeline beginning 30 days before the US Congressional elections.”
“We are doing everything we can to avoid war in Iraq. But if Saddam Hussein does not disarm peacefully, he will be disarmed by force”
– George Bush, Radio Address Mar. 8, 2003
“I think that that presumes there’s some kind of imminent war plan. As I said, I have no Timetable.”
– George Bush, Aug. 10, 2002 while golfing
“But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy”
“Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD”
“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised. This regime has already used weapons of mass destruction against Iraq’s neighbors and against Iraq’s people.
The regime has a history of reckless aggression in the Middle East. It has a deep hatred of America and our friends. And it has aided, trained and harbored terrorists, including operatives of al Qaeda.”
– George Bush, Mar. 17, 2003, the War begins
“The NSC had no patience with the UN route, and no enthusiasm for publishing material on the Iraqi regime’s record.”
“America tried to work with the United Nations to address this threat because we wanted to resolve the issue peacefully. We believe in the mission of the United Nations.”
– George Bush,Mar. 17, 2003, the War begins
“There was little discussion in Washington of the aftermath after military action.”
1600+ US Soldiers Dead
12,300+ Wounded
Iraqi casualties 20,000 – ?????
– CBC, May 9, 2005, Casualties in Iraq War
“Bush had made up his mind to take military action, even if the timing was not yet decided. But the case was thin. Saddam was not threatening his neighbours, and his WMD capability was less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran.”
“The President has made no decisions about what the next step will be. Clearly, we will continue to talk to the United Nations about the inspection process.”
– Ari Fleischer, Oct. 12, 2002, White House press briefing
“This is about disarmament and this is a final opportunity for Saddam Hussein to disarm. If he chooses not to do so peacefully, then the United States is prepared to act, with our friends, to do so by force. And we will do so forcefully and swiftly and decisively, as the President has outlined. But the President continues to seek a peaceful resolution. War is a last resort.”
– Scott McClellan, Nov. 12, 2002, White House press briefing
“He cautioned that many in the US did not think it worth going down the ultimatum route.” (of UN resolutions).
“And now they must demonstrate that commitment to peace and security in the only effective way, by supporting the immediate and unconditional disarmament of Saddam Hussein.
The dictator of Iraq and his weapons of mass destruction are a threat to the security of free nations. He is a danger to his neighbors. He’s a sponsor of terrorism. He’s an obstacle to progress in the Middle East.”
– George Bush, Mar. 16, 2003, in the Azores
Is our focus educational? spreading the word?
I believe the focus is to get the word out.
send letters/email to the preznit, your state representatives/senators and others to insist that the Downing Street Memo be addressed officially, all via the links at Gerogia10’s site.
This is a perfect example of a front-page article I never would’ve seen had it not been for a link in a comment posted today. My own fault, but that’s just sad – this is really great stuff that might otherwise be overlooked.
While I fully understand and appreciate that we “can’t have everything”. . . I was just wondering if the site might be interested in a format such as “Rigorous Intuition” where past articles are shown under categories, by date, in a list on one of the side margins. (Good Lord, I can’t even allow myself to mention out loud that the margin is on the right hand side.)
I don’t know if Scoop could do something like that, of if anyone other than me even likes that format – it just seems that it could accomplish so much. It could be a means for front-page articles to remain on the surface at all times, which promotes continued great writing, continued great reading, continued growth, continued research opportunities and enthusiasm for those who like to participate, and continued glory for the host/writers. Just pondering