This regular meta-diary focuses on the best overlooked diaries (didn’t get front-paged or on to the recommended list) from the past week; it was once called “Week’s Best Diaries You Didn’t Read.” This column also includes information from elsewhere in cyberspace, blogosphere PSAs, and my own commentary. Diaries are listed because:
- they’re fabulously written & have SUBSTANCE
- they’ll educate you on candidates and states.
- newsworthy items that got lost in the mix
- there was research involved (copyright rules must be followed)
Please add to the list in the replies or email me links you’d like to see included. For previous editions, search my diaries for them. Consider subscribing to my diaries if you never want to miss an edition. Opinions expressed in the links are not endorsed by me. Archives are here as well.
Blue ribbon goes to… FilibusterFrist! who went to D.C. to continue their filibuster…and cheers to the officeholders who joined them!
- DeLay’s Dirty Baker’s Dozen
- When churches do unholy things… The NC church that is kicking out non-Bush voters and the Ohio Catholic church that is trying to cover its ass on molestation laws.
- Ney is in trouble… for helping sell planes in the Middle East. And “winning” enough money gambling to pay off some debt.
- (House Race Hotline) American Prospect’s Levine writes, “Take pity on poor” Rep. Bob Ney (R), “who insists he’s just another victim of lobbyist Jack Abramoff” and consultant Michael Scanlon. Unlike the Indian tribes that paid $82M “to that scamming duo,” the Rep. “at least got campaign donations and a lavish trip” to St. Andrew’s golf course out of them. “Whether he got more than that is now a matter of interest” to the DoJ, according to a source who “says that the probers are seeking to discover whether Ney received any illegal donations from Abramoff” (5/10).
- Ney, DeLay and Abramoff
- Spokane Mayor West who hates gay people… two allege that he made overtures to underaged boys
- More sexual abuse victims of Jim West Americablog has been all over the situation this past week.
- Did Mitt Romney Illegally Use Corporate Funds to Pay Off Consultants?
- Right wingnuts who suck at their jobs.
- Big News on Jack Abramoff – Foreign Government Link, by SwingVoter
- DeLay hearts worker abuse in the Marianas islands
- DeLay Scales Back Power Plays: GOP leader is beginning to realize that controversy over lobbyists is threatening his political career.
- Ohio GOP Rare Coin Scandal roundup
- Larry Flynt says Bolton won’t answer questions about troubled marriage
- ex-CIA director John McLaughlin backs up allegations about Bolton
- Conservatives warn about Bolton.
- Right wingnut Rick Scarborough
- Reid Calls Hatch on Hatch’s Filibuster Bullshit
- Frist lies about the up-or-down vote claim.
- Rep. Sherwood and his mistress…more details of their relationship. Funny.
- NYT: After FL Legislative Session Ends, Jeb Bush Feels Sting of Defeat
- (WakeupCall) Grover Norquist said ATR has received nearly $1.5M from Indian tribes in the past 5 years “and that he arranged for tribal leaders to attend meetings to discuss tax policy” with Pres. Bush (Boston Globe).
- RMN: Gov. Bill Owens and wife reconciliate after a two year separation. He was kicked out of his house, and he wants to come back now.
More blogs that frequently have posts that deal with this topic:
- DNC’s Case File. Scandal Man: A Guide to the Ethics Violations, Abuses of Power, and Corruption of DeLay
- Tom DeLay’s House of Scandal
- Jack Abramoff and Friends
- Drop the Hammer on DeLay
- Republican Noise Machine from MyDD
- DCCC blog: The Stakeholder
- First Draft
- For video on the worst of the phony Republicans, visit Crooks & Liars.
- The Daily DeLay is updated regularly & has action items.
- TAPPED from The American Prospect.
- The Fly Trap at The Gadflyer
Right Wingnuts Off Message
- Hagel Quote on Judges: Cut the Ad NOW!, by QWQ
- Video of Hagel
- Is Norquist Conceding Defeat on Social Security and the Nuclear Option?
- Sen. Lamar Alexander (TN) slams Real ID.
Alexander and other lawmakers said the rules established in the REAL ID Act will have unintended consequences. Driver’s license examiners trained to decide whether a person can parallel park will have to determine whether an applicant is an al-Qaida terrorist, he said.
Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, vice chairman of the National Governors Association, has said “if more than half of the governors agree we’re not going down without a fight on this, Congress will have to consider changing” the rules. Huckabee also is a Republican.
“If you think a trip to the division of motor vehicle is a bad experience today, wait until the REAL ID takes effect,” Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said.
Action Alert
How close is your representative to scandal-plagued Tom DeLay? Take action against him/her.
- (Hotline) Sunday — Meet the Press hosts Egyptian PM Ahmed Nazif, Washington Post’s David Broder, Wall Street Journal’s Paul Gigot, BBC’ Katty Kay, and Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson. Face the Nation hosts Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA), New York Times’ Elisabeth “Hack” Bumiller and Washington Post’s Colbert King. This Week hosts Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AR) and Dem strategist Paul Begala. Fox News Sunday hosts NSA Stephen Hadley and Sens. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Mitch McConnell (R-KY). Late Edition hosts Hadley and surprise!!!! Sens. Richard Lugar (R-IN) and Joe Biden (D-DE). Saturday — Capital Gang hosts Sen. John Sununu (R-NH).
- Houston Chronicle: O’Reilly a Bald-Faced Liar, by heterodoxy Too Funny
- AP on the GOP payroll?, by becca00
- The “Liberal Media” Strike Again, by kaineforgovernor
- Phony Journalists for the NRA, by doink
- Debunking the Drudge-Novak Dissing of Dean, by wyethwire
- Broder, do not go to the Dark Side, by wolverinethad
- My Own Wingnut Columnist, by folkbum
- Blog Regionalization: MSM is Paying Attention in Philly, by danielua
- The Right Wing Smear on Reid: Anatomy of Killing a Story by That “VLWC”
- Brooks & Tierney columns are almost identically stupid.
- Laura Bush’s Joke Writer
- Media News Monday 5/9/05, by Newsie8200
- Penndit’s RWCM Watch & Media News Link Listing
- Nightline: former Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski speaks out about Abu Ghraib
- One 16-year-old girl detainee “quietly” released, by SusanHu
- US Donates $1.3B to Pakistan Military, by profmarcus
- “Not women anymore”: rape as a weapon in DR Congo, by Plutonium Page
- Abu Ghraib Still Haunting America, by DemFromCT
- Nyberg explains military recruiting, by Carl Nyberg
- Base Closings: Red vs. Blue breakdown, by Montco PA for Kerry
- Bird Flu Round-Up, by DemFromCT
- Captured Al-Qaeda kingpin wasn’t third in command, after all.
For more on these issues, check these out:
PDBs from Soj Fantastic daily resource. Subscribe to Soj!
Daily War News from a veteran
Laura Rozen’s blog War and Piece
Juan Cole’s Informed Comment
The Washington Note
Flogging the Simian by Soj
- Bush Flip Flops on Social Security Disability Benefit, by Eloy
- Olympia Snowe: “45% of Americans” Are Moderate, by southlib
- Quick Guide to Kennedy- McCain Immigration Bill, by Crystal Patterson
- Using the media to twist science: the energy lobby and global warming, by Plutonium Page
- Report Just In: Crimes Against Muslims Soaring in U.S., by SusanHu
- Business Week Cover Story-“Safety Net Nation”, by mmolleur
- What Have Unions Done for Us? by shirah
- Schumer Uses the U Word, by Steven D
- Senator Bayh’s the efforts to increase ethanol use!, by Boppy
- Something completely different…Open Table churches! by Renee in Ohio Very interesting.
- Charter School Co. Threatens Parents’ Internet Free Speech, by SusanHu
- TX Action TODAY: Compulsory Childbearing for Children, by moiv
- May 13, 1985 – The Day Philadelphia Bombed Itself, by the holy handgrenade
- Ohio Rev. voices concerns about “Patriot Pastors”, by Renee in Ohio
- Attention: Deficit Disorder, by Robert E. Rubin
- Taking the “Public” Out of Public Lands
- New Democratic Think Tank: New Politics Institute Feat. Joe Trippi and Markos!
- ( MN Star Trib: As debate on a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage languishes in the state Senate, a Star Tribune poll shows that 52 percent of adults in the state oppose gay and lesbian legal unions, an increase of 10 percentage points over last year. (Newsie: This is in line with other data showing midwesterners increasingly opposed to gay marriage.)
- Democratic Presidents are better for the economy than Republican ones
- Blog-Journalism: My Interview with Deacon at East Waynesville Baptist Church, by southlib
- NC Church flip-flops on ex-communicating non-Bush voters
- Moronic Energy Bill Soon to Celebrate 4th Birthday by Meteor Blades at Next Hurrah
- CAFTA and Democrats from MyDD
- Sirota on the whinging from the moderate to conservative House Democrats. Pelosi did the right thing. Personally, I usually identify myself as a moderate Democrat, but if I go issue by issue, I’m liberal on some and centrist on others. There should be leeway for differences within the party. That’s what makes us better than robot Republicans. However, there are ways of disagreeing with the party that won’t hurt the party, and there is some legislation that is absolutely unacceptable for any Democrat to vote for. IMO, there ought to be some leeway on social issues, but on economic issues, by and large, there’s rarely any reason for any Democrat to stray. Unless the rep is representing a district or state that depends so heavily on keeping one or two businesses happy and employing people in that state (and therefore, the only way to get re-elected is to keep that one business happy), there’s really no excuse.
- 70% of Americans will see benefit cuts under Bush’s Social Security “plan.”
- Paul Krugman Smacks Down David Brooks
- Ideas on how to Lower gas prices
- Reid v. Frist from The Decembrist
- DKos Student Roll Call
Series & Roundups
- Jerome a Paris economic & international events diaries
- Investment Club, by CA Pol Junkie Link to first diary on this, titled “The Basics.”
- Healthcare News Round-ups by the holy handgrenade
- Daily Pulse, by dhonig Roundup of smaller newspapers.
- Reasonable Conservative bloggers
- CrooksandLiars’ blog roundup
- Basie’s interviews with prominent Democrats.
- DKos Diary Series: A Compilation
- NYers United to Portect Social Security
- DCCC: Privatize This! Anti SS Privatization website
- AARP Social Security Blog
- For the latest on Wal-Mart’s crimes, click here for JR Monsterfodder’s diaries.
- For the day’s Greatest Hits, Progressive Pundit Picks from baldandy
- For your LGBT news, please read pamindurham’s LGBT news roundups.
- For all your economy news, please read bonddad’s diaries and economic news roundups.
- For all your religious news, please read PastorDan’s religious news roundups. You can also check out his blog, Faith Forward
- Other meta-diaries: Tomtech’s this week in facism, SeattleLiberal’s Nerd Network News (Science Diaries), and jotter’s jotter’s Most Recommended Diaries.
Campaign News Round-Ups Here:
(instead of the old scrollbox)
* Campaign News Update for 5/7 to 5/14
From other Kossacks & other places:
- Pennsylvania State Senate Special Election-Update and Action, by procyon Special election is this coming Tuesday.
- Illinois Politics Jonez 5/13, by Ralph
- Colorado Politics Roundup 5/10, by Ralph Ralph also did roundups for other days, too.
- Michigan Politics: The Week in Review, 5/1-7, by Dump Terry McAuliffe
- dKos Reader Blogs Alphabetized by State, by JenAtlanta
- List of blogs on all kinds of subjects.
- PENNDIT LINK LISTING: Issues, Activism, Political Info, and General Political Blogs & Websites
- Donate to the DNC
- Donate to the Democratic Governors Association
- Donate to the DSCC
- Donate to DCCC.
- Be a Monthly Donor to DCCC
- Donate to College Democrats
- To Donate to Specific Campaigns, find a campaign site here and donate directly…or check out ActBlue.
Newsie’s Entries:
but your first cartoon reminds me of a GIMPed image I did the day after the “horse story”. (It was only the 2nd one I’ve done so it is a little rough)