Newsie’s Week in Reviewsies: Bush, Chafee’s Spine and Voinovich’s Guts All AWOL This Past Week

This regular meta-diary focuses on the best overlooked diaries (didn’t get front-paged or on to the recommended list) from the past week; it was once called “Week’s Best Diaries You Didn’t Read.” This column also includes information from elsewhere in cyberspace, blogosphere PSAs, and my own commentary. Diaries are listed because:

  1. they’re fabulously written & have SUBSTANCE
  2. they’ll educate you on candidates and states.  
  3. newsworthy items that got lost in the mix
  4. there was research involved (copyright rules must be followed)

Please add to the list in the replies or email me links you’d like to see included. For previous editions, search my diaries for them.  Consider subscribing to my diaries if you never want to miss an edition. Opinions expressed in the links are not endorsed by me. Archives are here as well.

Democratic Officeholder(s) of the Week!
Blue ribbon goes to… FilibusterFrist! who went to D.C. to continue their filibuster…and cheers to the officeholders who joined them!

Pinocchio Politicians…Phony, Weak, Useless, Incompetent, Hypocritical, Radical, Petulant, Regressive, Corrupt & Power Hungry Right Wing “Worse Than Nixon” Republican “Do As I Say, Not as I Do” Coward Watch!

Items (copied, pasted or reworded) from various sources or compiled by me; some commentary is mine.

More blogs that frequently have posts that deal with this topic:

  • My Pet President?: Even More to the Story than you think, by Magorn
  • Smilin’ Norm Coleman update, May 12, by jimdscott Regular update on Sen. Coleman from MN.
  • Vid of Hager bragging about killing Plan B on WH orders found, by Magorn
  • Dr. Hager will not re-up at the FDA, by RevDeb
  • Hart(R-PA): leave Delay ethics panel or give up law license, by balletshooz The Dems ought to put a strong challenger up.
  • SENATOR KENNEDY: Republicans Breaking Senate Rules, by Crystal Patterson
  • Priscilla Owen: boy died? not my problem, by bigskiphazzy
  • 6th Circuit nominee donations to Spencer Abraham, by joan reports
  • Bush’s Economic Report Card: An F, by bonddad
  • Damning analysis of leaked memo, by Christian Dem in NC
  • The Return of the Swift Boats Writer! by StevenD
  • Bush: A Crisis of His Own Making, by pacified
  • “Physician of the Year” Scam Linked to Rep. Tom Reynolds, by dietznbach
  • Debunking Kudlow, by bonddad
  • UT-Sen: Hatch the hypocrite, good news at the Dem Convention, by Mormon for Democracy
  • Henry Rollins rips Enron and Bush, by asdfasdf
  • Appeals court sides with Cheney on Energy Task Force suit, by lipris

    Outrage of the Week
    The Bush administration periodically put the USA on high alert for terrorist attacks even though then-Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge argued there was only flimsy evidence to justify raising the threat level, Ridge now says.

    Right Wingnuts Off Message

    Alexander and other lawmakers said the rules established in the REAL ID Act will have unintended consequences. Driver’s license examiners trained to decide whether a person can parallel park will have to determine whether an applicant is an al-Qaida terrorist, he said.


    Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, vice chairman of the National Governors Association, has said “if more than half of the governors agree we’re not going down without a fight on this, Congress will have to consider changing” the rules. Huckabee also is a Republican.

    “If you think a trip to the division of motor vehicle is a bad experience today, wait until the REAL ID takes effect,” Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said.

    Action Alert
    How close is your representative to scandal-plagued Tom DeLay? Take action against him/her.

    Right Wing Corporate/Controlled Media (RWCM) Watch
    National Security/Foreign Policy/War/International Issues, News & People in the News

    For more on these issues, check these out:
    PDBs from Soj Fantastic daily resource. Subscribe to Soj!
    Daily War News from a veteran
    Laura Rozen’s blog War and Piece
    Juan Cole’s Informed Comment
    The Washington Note
    Flogging the Simian by Soj

    Domestic Issues & Other Issues, News & People in the News

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    Democratic Advocacy & Get to Know These States, Regions & Their Players

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    * Campaign News Update for 5/7 to 5/14

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