Telegraph lines to Yankton heat up as Jarry fears Bullock and Hearst have each thrown their weight behind Montana. Swearengen uses a camp tragedy to delay an altercation between Wu and Lee. Tolliver refuses the newly-reformed Cramed a clergyman’s respect, while even Gem whores flesh out the crowd at the minister’s open service. Tolliver and Wolcott continue their infighting.
I’m adding more .. go ahead, and comment. I bet BOOMAN is upset that it was a short episode!
Last Week’s Best Lines:
Tolliver: “Doesn’t take much does it, Commissioner, to get your balls tucked up?”
Jarry: “They’re very sensitive to changes in weather. Do you feel one coming on?”
Wolcott: “I am a sinner who does not expect forgiveness. But I am not a government official. ”
Miss Isringhausen: “Have you come to murder me, Silas? “
Adams: “I wouldn’t turn down the chance. ”
Star: “You want my help, don’t insult me. “
Swearengen: “Oh Jesus Christ, show me the secret grip that proves my regret and let’s be about our business. ”
Trixie: “If it’s fucking him gives you pause, he’d never make you. “
Alma: “What gives me pause–having had the experience–is the prospect of marriage without love.”
Trixie: “Yeah, but when it came to cases, you took that f**king leap. ”
Adams: “You talk like you take it up the ass.”
Jarry: “I do not, my friend Adams, take it up the ass. “
Adams: “Don’t call me your f**king friend ”
Farnum: “Two bucks a room, if you’re staying. 50 cents off for clergy. Six bucks extra if they set up for dice in the room.”
Swearengen: “The day saw advances, Trixie. None miraculous. ”
I missed about half of it so will watch tomorrow night. Is Alma imbibing?
Did you miss: “Go wash your mouth, you’ve got seven flavors of cock on it.” ?
That Trixie is getting awfully bossy, isn’t she.
Were you upset that the episode was so short?
We deserve TWO HOURS next week!
Yeah, I hate short episodes. Doesn’t everyone?
I take it you missed the first half?
Pretty much. I totally missed the first scene although I gathered that several whores died in a fire. But i missed the scene, etc.
OMG — Wu is played by Keone Young. I was going to add his bio, etc. but didnt have time. Here’s the list of his credits:
He was a guest star thsi past week on “House,” the Fox medical drama on Tues. nights at 9PM.
The first scene was kind of weird. The SF cocksucker was standing before a funeral pyre and then one of his boys threw a dead whore on the fire. It seemed clear there were others.
Then Wu showed up and got angry and they pushed him down.
He went off and complained to Al. Al told him he didn’t care.
But that was it.
Where’s Denver with the gold?
He’s probably headin’ for Deadwood to try to win Alma before Elsworth takes her.
Now that’s a thought.
I did a little searching around, and apparently cremation is VERY rare, though I couldn’t find (and got bored looking) for historical information. I also wonder if Wu is Daoist or Buddhist (and which sect of Buddhism) …
Anybody around here know anything more about it?
I got the sense from Wu that they need to be back in China for their souls to be at rest. I recall something vaguely about that.
Given the general treatment of women in China at that, and other times, I wonder why Wu cares about the whores at all. It’s an interesting character trait, but at odds with what I’d expect to be the case. But, I suppose if the writers can give a convicted gravedigger nobility, they can give a Chinese boss who feeds corpses to pigs compassion where you’d least expect to find it.
We saw the kinder, gentler Wu last week when he brought a cup of tea to the doc’s office.
(Too bad “the gimp” couldn’t take the cup.)
her timing seriously sucks, the way she makes decisions …
I keep hoping that Wu will survive, but it’s not looking great …
It looks like nothing has changed in 130 years. Person of color gets thrown to the hogs, no one cares. Pretty white child dies and even the whores turn on CNN.
sad … indeed.
I also got a whif that some of it was due to Bullock’s stature, as far as the size of the turnout.
Did Alma say yes? I could barely hear her. What (else) will be settled next week? I hope it’s not all cliff-hangers. Another thing that puzzles me: how much time in history elapses from week to week in Deadwood? I thought William was 8 years old when he and Martha came. My mistake, I guess.
What’s on the agenda after next week’s finale?
The Sopranos will repeat its last season, which I thought was its best ever. Six Feet Under also returns; I feel lukewarm about that.
did say yes.
Will someone buy the hotel?
Will the two horseshodders return to camp and be lynched?
Will the Chinese start a war?
Many more questions.
We have that new Roman drama coming in the fall. And “Huff” on Showtime is terrific. You can rent the first season DVD from Netflix, etc.
There’s Entourage which is amusing. And I kind of agree with you, Jane, about Six Feet. I guess this is its last season.
And I’ve never watched “The Wire.” Have read that it’s supposed to be great. BOOMAN, have you gotten into it?
the fucking Wire. Only Deadwood is better.
An episode that lives up to and at times exceeds the promise of the first season. Focusing on main characters and moving the story forward.
Of course, I’m still annoyed by the short episode time.
What? The? Fuck? Is? Up? With? That?
This show needs to squeeze out every second of the hour,and fifty minutes makes me feel cheated.
Why oh why do I suspect they are thinking about syndication of the series? Might explain the lack of killings (9 compared to 19 at this point last season) and shocking violence. I’d love to be the one trying to edit this show to make it suitable for basic cable. Heh.
I guess they did it for Sex & The City. But what substitute does one have for “cocksucker”? And, this one cracks me up – imagine those folks who have a problem with the coarse language as not being realistic hearing Al being dubbed saying “freakin”, or “frickin” for every “fucking”. Al as Wild West surfer dude. Heh.
Alma has no worries about not marrying for love — there will definitely be love with Ellsworth. The same for Seth and Martha. Who needs motivations spelled out?
That “finch” that Johnny picked up was a dark-eyed junco. I loved that batch of superstitions that emerged from that little scene.
Beautiful, rip your heart out sad, laugh your ass off funny, shake your head in amazement at the complexity, serenity and the whimsy. This is the “Deadwood” I fell in love with last year. Welcome back, you cocksuckers. It’s about fucking time–greatness becomes you.
So, Al’s history begins to emerge. At what point, as his story gets revealed, does he appear as more sinned against than sinning?
My vote for inclusion in next week’s great lines: “Did you dye your hair?” For that line, context is everything.
Well it beats:
“Do you think you are doing me a favor slobbering on my balls? It’s a strange fucking sensation and it distracts me from my hard-on.”
And what was Jane’s line? Something like, “Shit, I burned my snatch?”
I think there’s actually some good historical evidence of a general suspicion, among certain folks, of the whole idea of bathing.