[Edited, thanks to the kind comments from Nanette]

It’s time for liberals to define the lexicon.

For years, liberals have been defamed, derided and debauched. Now we are going to the term “progressive” to describe liberal ideals.  Correct me if I am wrong, but we went to the term liberal because the republicans were so good at framing “progressive” with communism.  I say it’s time we fight back.

We have already started with the term “neo-conservative” for the far right wing of the republican party, framing neo-conservatives as a bad thing. But we need to go further.  I have some basic ideas below the fold, and I make some assumptions about the democratic party. Hopefully they are correct. If not, let me know, I’ll edit it. If I’ve made a mockery of the Christian faith, let me know and I’ll delete the diary.
We are under attack by people of questionable faith. Whose only god is power and, like wolves separate the sheep from their shepherd. The “neo-christians” mock the faith and everything the concept of “Jesus Christ our Savior” in the Christian churches. They are no more Christian than John Paul II was protestant. And we should call them on it. Any time we attack the right wing christians, we group honest people of faith with these neo christians. We need to separate neo christians from christians the same way we separated neo conservatives from conservatives. And we need to do it in a way that will appeal to people of faith

These neo christians promote murder. Contrary to biblical tradition, they do not think dying for one’s god is the greatest gift to god, mocking the thousands of martyrs in the first century AD. Instead, they think killing for Christ is the best service to the lord. Do they really believe that, or is that what they want the sheep to believe. Whether the person is follower of Islam, or Matthew Shepherd, the call is the same. “Kill everyone different from ‘us'”

These neo christians are cowards. While they believe that killing in pursuit of their goals is valid, they recognize the risks involved, and wish others to fight, kill and die in support of neo christian values.

These neo christians do not believe in Christ’s teaching of “turn the other cheek.” Instead, they applaud torture, rape and other crimes against humanity and God.

These neo christians have a love of money. While the Jesus Christ of the bible said feed the poor, help the sick, the neo-christians want every last piece of silver. Arms makers are flush with cash as we beat plowshares into swords. Money lenders get special incentives to provide predatory lending. And veterans Administration hospitals have budgets cut while the number of wounded veterans rises daily.

The neo christians bear false witness against their neighbors. The lied to start a war against Iraq. They are lying to start a war with Iran. If this is truly a global village, how can the other members of the world community trust a bully, liar and cheat?

The neo christians do not honor the father and mother. Our senior citizens, after working their entire lives, are now being told the neo christians want to change the rules. They want to make it more expensive for medication, to provide even more pieces of silver to the pharmaceuticals. They want to revamp social security, to provide even more pieces of silver to the Wall Street financiers.

The neo christians refuse to bless the children. Instead, they take money from the unborn generations to finance their wars today. They refuse to finance education, preferring a two tiered system; one for the wealthy, and a mockery of one for everyone else.

I say the following: The democratic party more closely follows the teachings of Jesus than our neo christian counterparts in the republican party. Using the examples of the Beatitudes, look at what the Democratic Party believes in and compare that to the neo christian republican platform.

Blessed are the children. The democratic party is fighting for them to have the opportunity to live without hunger, get the best education, the best medical care, and have the best hope of doing better than the generation that came before them.

Blessed are the veterans and their families. The democratic party believes we should honor their sacrifice, help to bind their wounds and ease their suffering, for they have sacrificed in our name.

Blessed are the old and infirm. The democratic party believes government and businesses should honor their promises to their citizens and employees, not to discard our promises to care for them once they are unable to continue to be productive.

Blessed are the poor. The democratic party believes a rising tide lifts all boats.

Blessed are those that hunger and thirst after righteousness. The democratic party believes that no politician should be above the law, whether Republican, democrat, or any other party.

Blessed are those that are reviled and persecuted. The democratic party believes the minority should be free from the tyranny of the majority.

If anyone else can say how we are blessed because there is a democratic party, please say so.