I read a recent diary by diane101 about hope and it motivated me to find at least one positive event and diary it.
And to my delight I found this:
Evangelical Doctor to Leave FDA Advisory Panel
Dr. W. David Hager, appointed to the FDAs’s Reproductive Health Drugs Advisory Committee after ardent opposition from women’s reproductive health and rights groups, including the Feminist Majority, told the Lexington Herald-Leader that he will no longer be on the advisory committee after June 30.
The rest of the story is here
The article references the expose in the Nation that brought to light allegations of rape from Hager’s ex-wife.
It also mentions the attempt of Senators Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and Patty Murray (D-WA) to force a closer look at the process that led to the denial of otc status to emergency contraceptive Plan B. Please take a moment to write/call or email support to both Senators and then, take a moment to smile a little. It may be only a baby step but still, even a baby step in the right direction is worth a smile.
Can you give us a brief sketch of this rape allegation?
Sure, sorry about that.
more here-
Sounds like a highly repressed closet homosexual who hates himself so much for being a homosexual that he will force himself on his wife to prove that he is not. Yet forcing himself on her anally only reinforces his homosexual tendencies, which causes more pain and anguish for his partner. How horrible it must have been for his wife and how horrible for him that he is unwilling to to allow himself to come out of the closet. Must be painful to have such political and religious beliefs that take away your ability to feel human. I can only hope that this sociopathic homophobe, will become just another ameoba to be washed away in the great cycle of life.
You’re a kinder soul than I am! I’ll have to think about your take on this, I assumed it was simply a matter of misogony-not that misogony is a simple matter but..
you’ve given me something to think about, which is a good gift! Thanks!
This is great news. Hard to imagine this has received virtually no play in the mainstream press. They usually love a good anal rape/money for sex story…
But I can’t help but hope that the door hits him in the ass on the way out, hard, real hard, with full doorknob involvement.