Crossposted from dKos

Today’s White House Briefing is a doozy–don’t miss it.  Dan Froomkin goes in depth on the parallels between what is sure to be one of the biggest movies of the summer–Star Wars III, Revenge of the Sith–and our favorite chimp.  

The basic idea is that a major element of the movie’s plot, the transformation of the Galactic Republic into the evil Empire, parallels the loss of freedom that has occurred during Bush’s presidency.  One of the most glaring similarities is when the character soon to become Darth Vader tells Obi-Wan that he is either with him or against him.

Froomkin notes that Lucas claims believably that the story was written well before current events, and much of it was originally based on Vietnam, the rise of Napoleon, and the rise of the Roman Empire out of its predecessor republic.  Lucas does say that the degree of repetition in history, particularly between Vietnam and Iraq is “unbelievable.”

Could this movie be the one to get through to the masses?  Let’s hope for the power of parables…