Thousands of Moslems have been protesting (and in some cases rioting) all across Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan and Indonesia for the past few days. The protests started after Newsweek published a report of one particular interrogation/ humiliation technique practiced in Guantanamo Bay: Interrogators would flush a Koran down the toilet.
If the situation were reversed, just imagine — if it’s even possible — the reaction in this country. Just pretend for a minute: Jerry Falwell being felt up by female Moslem prison guards and then having to watch while a Bible gets flushed down the toilet. Can you say Holy War?
Now Newsweek is in the process of recanting their story. But these allegations have been leaking out since last Spring. And they go hand in hand with some of the other abuses and tortures committed by U.S. soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay. If this story turns out to be false, the fact remains that it was so believable because of all the prior scandals.
Extremists on both sides are milking this for every last drop. Radical Islamic leaders are using it to fan the flames and turn the protests into riots. And here in the U.S., the Far Right wingnuts have found another hot-button issue to get themselves worked up over.
Right wing pundits and bloggers are in their tightest lockstep formation since the Terri Schiavo case. And what are they all chanting in unison? It’s Newsweek’s fault. Newsweek caused these riots!!
Yup, it figures. Last year when the Abu Ghraib tortures were first publicized, rightwing Neanderthals were up in arms. Were they furious that some inbred prison guards were violating the Geneva Convention and putting other American soldiers at risk? Nope. They were furious at the media for airing the story.
And you remember last Fall, when a soldier in Iraq asked Rumsfeld about their substandard equipment, and Rumsfeld gave his famous response of “you go to war with the army you have, not the army you wish you had.” According to the Chicken Hawks on the Far Right, the burning issue here was that the soldier’s question had been prompted by a reporter. So what if our soldiers are getting killed because of inferior armor — by God, a reporter snuck in there and planted this question just to embarrass Rumsfeld.
So again, like a stampeding herd of cattle, the right wing bloggerbots are off and running. Look out; don’t get trampled. Here comes one now; and here’s another one. And yet another one. There are plenty of others, but after awhile one stampeding head of cattle looks pretty much like the rest of them.
So these protests and riots were caused by a magazine article?!? These right wing dildos have such a clear grasp of cause and effect, they probably think rain is caused by wet sidewalks.
Cross-posted at Who Hijacked Our Country
Cross-posted at Bring It On!
I like this:
“Extremists on both sides are milking this for every last drop.”
And thanks for the reminder about the stupid spin from the soldier’s Q for Rumsfeld.
Just posted a response at rightwing nuthouse, I fully expect to be flamed, yet it was worth it. And you know it really is a nuthouse, they have this to say about michelle malkin “Michelle Malkin does her usual great job of rounding up reaction from blogs both big and small.” I am sure she picked up every possible seed of hate and hatemongering toward liberals in general and non-neocons in particular. God I love America, I just hope that the neo-cons and Fascists don’t take away my ability to debate and confront those who’s views are diametrically opposed to my own. How boring it would be if the neo_cons succeed in eliminating the first amendment.
Well I was flamed and of course I was censored, I can no longer post there. Just as I thought would happen, but had to try, here is what I posted and here is what the response was to my post.
So I did make an effort to talk to this super chickenhawk, to no avail, I have been eliminated because I don’t prescribe to the pundits scorched earth policy I guess. lmao
Thanks Susan.
Ghostdancers Way: Sorry you got flamed at Rightwing Nuthouse. That guy’s an asshole; no 2 ways about it. He attacks every commenter with “you didn’t even read this whole post, did you, you %$#&*#” His posts are a mile long; who’s gonna read all that? So that’s his opening salvo every time he attacks a commenter.
Some of the conservative bloggers are willing to discuss things rationally, but he isn’t one of them.
Thanks Tom, I try to keep an open mind, I have tried several right of center blogs to gain some perspective in how they come to their conclusions. For the most part I usually get what I received from this nutcase. I won’t give up trying though, I know there are many conservatives who want and need intellectually stimulating discussions on the issues and are willing to listen and possibly learn something new. And in the same vein, there are many liberals who can and are willing to listen and learn something from the conservatives. I am dismayed whenever someone is extremist either left or right. So many have made up their minds that it is their way or the highway, on both sides of the aisle. I need and want information that I can analyze and assimilate into my cognitive abilities, so I can come to conclusions that are fact based, not emotionally based. I believe (I have to believe) that our country has bottomed out with this administration and we can only go up from here.
I sure hope we’ve bottomed out. Otherwise, God, don’t even go there…