Update [2005-5-16 8:20:43 by susanhbu]: Atrios –“It’s the fabulous Karl Rove poison the messenger approach to news. Don’t like reality? Make up a new one!” — Juan Cole, Buzzflash, WNYC, whohijackedourcountry, The Common Ills, and — of course — FrontPage Mag, Little Green Footballs, and SisypheanMusings have picked up this story.
SisypheanMusings, Booman, and I are having an “exchange” in the comments section. Join us there! (You know how we liberals love to foment riots by extremists.)
Of note: Juan Cole‘s informing entry is in particular worth reading.
Cross-posted at DailyKos. The pressure on Newsweek must be intense. The entire rightwing media machine descended on the magazine, blaming its report for riots in Afghanistan, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Pakistan and Indonesia. Even a UK newspaper headlined Newsweek’s guilt for the global riots. What did Newsweek publish?
That’s it. But today we’re seeing these reports everywhere:
Even the Pentagon is pinning all the trouble on Newsweek:
“People are dying. They are burning American flags. Our forces are in danger,” he told CNN.
But there are a couple problems with the blame-Newsweek tack:
1. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Richard Myers, in a U.S. State Dept.-issued press release on May 12, said the Newsweek story isn’t a chief cause of the riots: ” [H]e has been told that the Jalalabad, Afghanistan, rioting was related more to the ongoing political reconciliation process in Afghanistan than anything else.”
2. I’ve found four reports to back up Newsweek‘s sources on the desecration of Korans belonging to Guantanamo detainees. I can probably, easily, find more. Below:
The four instances I found:
1. From The Philadelphia Inquirer, Jan. 20, 2005:
By Frank Davies
Inquirer Washington Bureau
Some detainees complained of religious humiliation, saying guards had defaced their copies of the Koran and, in one case, had thrown it in a toilet, said Kristine Huskey [an attorney in Washington, D.C.], who interviewed clients late last month. Others said that pills were hidden in their food and that people came to their cells claiming to be their attorneys, to gain information.
“All have been physically abused, and, however you define the term, the treatment of these men crossed the line,” [attorney Tom] Wilner said. “There was torture, make no mistake about it.” …
2. From the Center for Constitutional Rights, New York City, NY and linked as a footnote in a Human Rights Watch report:
happened it was always said to be an accident but it was a recurrent theme
3. From the Center for Constitutional Rights, New York City, NY and linked as a footnote in a Human Rights Watch report:
4. From the Center for Constitutional Rights, New York City, NY and linked as a footnote in a Human Rights Watch report:
Statement of Shafiq Rasul, Asif Iqbal and Rhuhel Ahmed, “Detention in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay,” released publicly on August 4, 2004, para. 72, 74, available online at:
accessed on August 19, 2004. The disrespect of the Koran by guards at Camp X-Ray was one of the factors prompting a hunger strike. Ibid., para. 111-117.
There are more. This should suffice for now.
I see this incident this way: Newsweek has good sources for its allegations, but has backed off because it’s find itself in a public relations nightmare.
Newsweek has foresaken journalism to save what it perceives as its own hide.
I hope you’ll all speak up, amplify, and point out areas where we might look further:
I will repeat the inflammatory headlines I found at rightwing blogs yesterday:
Newsweek sparks global riots with one paragraph on Koran
— Timesonline UK
RoP Riots Over Newsweek Article
— Little Green Footballs
299 Words from Newsweek … have yielded death in the streets of Kabul.
— Roger L. Simon
More on Newsweek’s Riots
— Sisyphean Musings
Following all this, and surely some pressure from the Pentagon — since a Pentagon spokesperson (see above the fold) has blamed Newsweek for the riots, Newsweek began a hasty retreat.
Update [2005-5-16 0:14:51 by SusanHu]:
The tale of two stories at the Washington Post:
“British Intelligence Warned of Iraq War“
By Walter Pincus
May 13, 2005
— Page A18 —
“Newsweek Apologizes: Inaccurate Report on Koran Led to Riot”
By Howard Kurtz
May 16, 2005
— Page A01 —
Newsweek Gave the Government an Advance Copy of its story before it was published and asked whether it were accurate. Acording to the Newsweek story “How a Fire Broke Out” on-line today at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7857407/site/newsweek/
“A SouthCom spokesman contacted by Isikoff declined to comment on an ongoing investigation, but NEWSWEEK National Security Correspondent John Barry, realizing the sensitivity of the story, provided a draft of the NEWSWEEK PERISCOPE item to a senior Defense official, asking, “Is this accurate or not?” The official challenged one aspect of the story: the suggestion that Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller, sent to Gitmo by the Pentagon in 2001 to oversee prisoner interrogation, might be held accountable for the abuses. Not true, said the official (the PERISCOPE draft was corrected to reflect that). But he was silent about the rest of the item. The official had not meant to mislead, but lacked detailed knowledge of the SouthCom report.”
Emphasis Added. Looks like the blame should at least be shared. Sounds like responsible fact-checking to me.
Today’s New York Times has an article which makes clear this is not a retraction:
“But Mr. Whitaker said in an interview later: ‘We’re not retracting anything. We don’t know what the ultimate facts are.'”
“In addition, the reporters, Michael Isikoff, a veteran investigative reporter, and John Barry, a national security correspondent, showed a draft of the article to the source and to a senior Pentagon official asking if it was correct. The source corrected one aspect of the article, which focused on the Southern Command’s internal report on prisoner abuse.”
No correction of the Koran desecration was made, even though the Pentagon knew the report would be included in the Newsweek story in advance of its publication.
Surely the issue is not whether the Koran was put into a bucket being used as toilet instead of flushed down a more humane and modern sanitary device, is it?
when we know the story is true?
Plain and simple.
I think Newsweek is falling on its sword for the sake of international relations and national security. And, while our country doesn’t deserve it, Newsweek probably is doing a prudent thing at the request of the CIA, Sec. of State, and even the Joint Chiefs. This story is too big of a problem for Newsweek NOT to retract it.
I think it’s a set up.
This story has been out for a long time — at least two years.
And the rioters have a thousand other issues over which they could also riot on behalf fo the Guantanamo detainees.
The people got fed this particular news in a way that inflamed them. Gee, I wonder who’d do a thing like that.
No, I think the rightwing has it in for Newsweek, who’s being left with ALL the egg on its face while the Pentagon reaps a deniability of responsibility.
Maybe fed from even higher… reeks of a calculated attempt at picking a scab to cause an infection and make it easier to justify more drastic surgery in the future… who might be interested in enabling a few allies to crack a few heads?
but I don’t think so.
I think Newsweek is published and respected in Pakistan and/or India, and this created a legitimate firestorm.
Whereupon, the powers that be had a talk with Newsweek. And given the circumstances, I can’t blame them. The sick fucks.
We’ll know if I’m right if the MSM right wing hacks let the story drop in a day or two.
They can’t control their blogging minions, but they don’t have to push the story after an intitial vigorous debunking.
It is the best they can do.
I think this might be a good thing this is playing out this way. I agree they had to retract, for obvious reasons, not the least of which is the safety of troops, but it seems to be that no one will believe the retraction, especially in the Arab World.
Also this will almost certainly bring up the whole abuse subject again and hopefully congress will take it up immediately. We should really get a camplaign going to email congress reg. torture and prison practices, etc. Does anyone have a petition going. Email Boxer might be a good thing.
As Susan says below, this story has been out there for awhile now, so why are they (Muslims) riled up now and I do think it is they have had enough. Also who is in leadership of these demonstrations? Anyone know.
My feeling this will not go away and the middle east will continue to be enraged and may be the impetus to get us the hell out of Iraq, especially if protests go on there.
My friend just sent this to me — written by Stranger — no URL:
Either 1) Isikoff and Barry were set up by their Pentagon source to intentionally report the Koran story, at which point the source backed off of the assertion that a Koran was actually flushed down the toilet at Guantanamo, or 2) the story itself is true, but has generated such a shitstorm throughout the Middle East that the Pentagon is trying to but back the heat and stop the disastrous results of the story being reported. We noted yesterday that Well-Dressed Unocal Puppet Hamid Karzai is fearing for his life, and has fairly begged the US to do something to save his well-dressed neck.
And naturally, the White House’s course of action is to throw yet another media outlet under the bus.
But take note of something here – the Pentagon is not saying the story wasn’t true. Isikoff’s source is only saying that he read it somewhere, but it may not have been in the report that Newsweek reported it was in. And Newsweek is not saying they made an error in reporting it – only that they may have made an error.
That’s just weird. A non-denial denial from the Pentagon, and a non-retraction retraction from Newsweek.
The Righeous Army of Rightards is, of course, declaring Newsweek to be Dan Rather II over this – even though it’s not clear that their reporting was even wrong.
It’s obvious that the Pentagon and White House are going to walk away from this, leaving Newsweek holding the proverbial bag. And if that’s the case, Newsweek should consider self-preservation rather than quietly taking a hit to their crdibility that they may never recover from.
They should burn their source. Make that source come forward and explain why the information given to Isikoff and Barry was deemed credble at the time of the interview – but then called into doubt after the shit had hit the fan throughout the Middle East.
Do it, Newsweek. You have to, or you are Dan Rather II.
Contributed by: Stranger
Even before I read the last comment in that quote
about Rather, I thought: TANG memos, CBS, deja vu all over again.
So, the question behind this becomes: What has Newsweek been reporting lately that Rove wants to zap it? Is he after the publication, or Isikoff, or both?
And am I correct in remembering that Newsweek is owned by the WaPo? Another connection?
I think the answer lies in what Newsweek has been reporting, or perhaps in what it may be about to report.
Sorry, Boo. The more i think about that possibility, the less credibility it has.
There are hundreds and hundreds of anti-American news reports all the time … the Abu Ghraib photos, and on and on …
I have a sneaking hunch that these riots were set up, and that the blame was pinned on Newsweek.
I don’t know why the riots were fomented.
But it’s easy to see why it’d suit the purposes of the right to blame Newsweek.
let’s keep an eye on it. It could be an attack on Newsweek. I’ll keep an open mind.
it might have just been the famous straw that broke the camels back, or however the saying goes. We have the last drop that brings the glass to overflow – and I think this is just what has happened.
This is all about trying to pin Bush’s mess on the media – blame the media for the riots, not the conduct of the interrogators and those who gave them their orders. Defang the press, punish those who step out of line, remove one more obstacle that threatens this administration’s hegemony…
I agree, Lisa.
And someone just posted this at Kos — I’m reposting here:
This story is exploding and it will get bigger (none / 1)
Fox News just had a Colonel on with Geraldo calling Newsweek treasonous. They are calling for Americans to cancel their Newsweek subscriptions. Someone even uttered the phrase that Newseek should be charged with accessory to murder. This is CBS all over again. The President’s popularity is dropping, and this will be a much needed distraction from his failures. Just as the AWOL is got overshadowed by the “fake’ memo, whether are not abuses have taken place at Gitmo will now become clouded by the growing Newsweekgate. The right wing loves playing the role of victim, and this will give them another opportunity.
by WVmtneer on Sun May 15th, 2005 at 19:21:38 PDT
It’s hard to know if this was premeditated or a crime of opportunity, but going after Newsweek seems to me to be the point now. Two reasons – the right-wing hates Newsweek because they see it as the most liberal of the weekly newsmagazines and would like to destroy it – period. And they may be well on their way to doing just that.
Second, it’s another memogate – don’t look at the abuses at Gitmo (the real story) focus people’s attention on something else. Just like – don’t look at Bush’s (non)service record – look at Dan Rather. Hate him attack him froth at the mouth get angry – demagoguery in action. Take any anger that might be directed at the administration and the horrors of their war policies – anger that is threatening to reach a point where it might result in the powerful losing some power. Redirect that anger at “liberal media.” Liberal media is the problem. They are traitors. Anyone who supports the right of Newsweek to report the truth is a traitor. Consider the penalty for treason.
This scares me to death.
It pays (4.00 / 2)
to understand something critical. Both the NY Times and the Washington Post are willing to engage in psychological operations at the instigation of our intelligence agencies. They are in an uncomfortable position, because they do consider themselves watchdogs, and they are watchdogs. But when the nation needs to be shaped into a mold that supports war…these two venerable organizations are willing to get behind the effort…within limits.
For instance, there is no documented evidence that Zarqawi has ever been in Iraq, at any time. He has been portrayed as the man reading death sentences before beheadings, even though that man does not have a Jordanian accent. That man has no evidence of a prosthesis.
Every bombing is attributed to this man, which personalizes the ‘insurgency’. But the NYT and WP have never questioned obvious holes in this story.
This is a psy-op. And they are going along with it. Yet, they are simultaneously doing investigations that undermine the war effort by exposing other lies from the administration.
It’s a complex relationship between the government and the BIG TWO.
Newsweek has just apologized for their article about flushing Korans at Gitmo. Their source is suddenly unreliable. This is what happens when Porter Goss calls the editor of Newsweek and says, “You’ve created a crisis. People are getting killed. Our mission in Afghanistan is at risk. Musharraf is at risk. You’ve got to undercut this story.”
What is the editor supposed to do?? Good question.
It’s a psyop to instigate riots? why?
I think there’s some funny business going on too. I don’t think though that the pentagon falsely planted the story wtih Newsweek since Newsweek — just as I did above in the diary — can easily find this info in any number of places. They could have also interviewed the attorneys and Michael Ratner, head of CCR-NY.org — who could VERIFY this stuff in a heartbeat.
The only successful end-results seems to be the egg on Newsweek’s face (not for those of us who can read beyond the headlines, but for all the rest of America and the world).
I’m suggesting that Zarqawi is a psy-op.
What I think we are witnessing now is damage control. Newsweek reported the news, IMO, but no one expected riots for the very reasons you suggested. But riots did happen and now Newsweek is being forced to fall on their sword.
This could happen in two ways. The CIA calls them, tells them the gravity of the situation, and gives them a script to follow.
or they get to the source, and have him backtrack.
The source could have been a plant. But I just don’t feel it in this case.
yeah, i agree with you about a plant. Don’t think so. They could easily verify that stuff elsewhere.
Zarqawi is SO psyop … he’s the Paris Hilton of Iraq! He’s everywhere and ALWAYS in the news. That publicity hog.
But why did this one-paragraph story in the Periscope section of Newsweek get such huge play and cause such a huge reaction? People have seen the Abu Ghraib photos .. they’ve heard about Afghanis whose legs were beaten to a pulp at Bagram air base …
why this one report?
I just don’t get it.
it’s as simple as a the butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil.
Also, there are other intelligence agencies in the world that are flaming anti-American sentiment. There are regular preachers fanning flames. Newsweek is a weekly mag that is published over there, whereas some of the other sources have been minor.
Why would we want to fan anti-American riots just to get at Newsweek?
I think you’re so smart. Yup … and that makes newsweek the hapless victim of some confluence of anti-american intelligence + some religious leaders fanning flames — and woosh — there are riots.
It’s incredibly frustrating, though, that the rightwing media gets to get off on this. Dammit all.
(See Example 1. in the diary, below the fold.)
Why didn’t those six countries riot on January 21, after the Philadelphia Inquirer published its report of desecration of the Koran?
Why not?
And why didn’t the rightwing media gang up on the Inquirer on January 21?
the denial is for home consumption. The people must continue to deify their military and not believe any critical reports.
Few abroad doubt the US military flushes Korans down toilets. After all we abroad (including this ex-pat) have seen the mass murder in Fallujah, the state sponsored torture in Abu Ghraib and Guatanamo, the rendering of prisoners to lovely places such as Uzbekistan, the targeting of doctors, ambulances and non-US reporters, and of course the time honored practice of putting troops in countries that are not even subject to local law.
Not a lot to be proud of there.
Still the US people must love their military.
There must be a complete state of Bush designed, military sponsored and media enforced mass delusion in the US.
It’s also a warning to other large news organizations to watch their step.
But mostly, I think, it’s to deflect growing attention to the Downing Street memos. If Newsweek can be discredited, then by extension nothing in MSM is to be believed. Believe only the brave and noble words of Dear Leader. All hail.
Bush Media Services, Inc., seems to have pulled out all the stops on this one. We have to ask ourselves why they’ve sent a Cease & Desist memo out to all the usual suspects in the SCLM when they haven’t tried this hard with previous reports. I suppose the answer is obvious: no film at 11 on this one, so “plausible deniability” comes into play. But it could also be that they’re finally scared shitless. They know they simply don’t have enough troops to resist “insurgents” in half a dozen other Islamic countries.
I have no doubt that the Newsweek story is going to be backed up by literally dozens of other reports in the next few days. It angers me that that will no doubt never be reflected in the U.S. media. But this story is now a whole lot bigger than your usual U.S. media scandale de la semaine. Maybe, just maybe, this will be the beginning of a truly global movement to bring the U.S. back into the hands of international law.
then has just the picture for you in his new post.
When I saw and read it, I just went WOW!!!!!!!!!!
This is almost porn, it’s such an arousing fantasy!
I think I’m going to make this photo my desktop, to cheer me up when there’s nothing but bad news.
We can dream!
A statement made by another Gitmo detainee released without charge after being returned to the UK, published in the Mirror confirms the cause of the riot at Gitmo Bay.
There is other evidence that this has been common practice by US soldiers. Desecration of the Koran also happened at Kandahar Air Base in Afghanistan. This statement by Asif Iqba and others (your #4) was published in The Observer in March 2004.
I think Susan has it nailed. This story was “out” in the eastern press long before it was in any papers in the US.
BooMan makes a valid point about NewsWeek being published in South Asia, but since the story has been out so long, why is NewsWeek so late to the table?
Observer, I think, has a bead on it. Why they think they need riots to facilitate expansion of the crusade theatre, I don’t know.
I do not agree that it is prudent for NewsWeek to out itself as a slave of warlords. It might have been prudent to refuse the assignment in the first place.
US National Security has been placed in the hands of survivors of US policies for a while now.
With or without NewsWeek, with or without this story, every victim of Gitmo, Bagram, Guantanamo and all the various secret prisons, all have families, friends, people who love them, and it is those people in whose hands the safety of ordinary Americans – and American gunmen – has been placed.
There is nothing that Porter Goss or anyone else can do to change that.
If Washington were concerned about the safety of its “troops,” it would not be sending ill-trained, ill-equipped individuals into a chaos that Washington itself created, and with now over 200,000 of its nationals deployed and engaged in armed aggression on foreign soil, it sure as hell would not be running torture camps and rounding up peoples’ wives and daughters and the whole filthy list of atrocities.
The Washington warlords are not imbeciles. They know good and damn well that they are sending a clear message regarding how they wish captured Americans to be treated.
Their denials that any Americans have been captured may be swallowed whole by a wishful US public, just as they swallow the nomenclature: seized foreign national=detainee, seized westerner=hostage, but like the NewsWeek “retraction,” this acceptance is rather confined to US shores.
Several former detainees at the Guantanamo and Bagram prisons have reported instances of their handlers sitting or standing on the Koran, throwing or kicking it in toilets, and urinating on it. Prior to the Newsweek article, the New York Times reported a Guantanamo insider asserting that the commander of the facility was compelled by prisoner protests to address the problem and issue an apology.
One such incident (during which the Koran was allegedly thrown in a pile and stepped on) prompted a hunger strike among Guantanamo detainees in March 2002. Regarding this, the New York Times in a May 1, 2005, article interviewed a former detainee, Nasser Nijer Naser al-Mutairi, who said the protest ended with a senior officer delivering an apology to the entire camp. And the Times reports: “A former interrogator at Guantanamo, in an interview with the Times, confirmed the accounts of the hunger strikes, including the public expression of regret over the treatment of the Korans.” (Neil A. Lewis and Eric Schmitt, “Inquiry Finds Abuses at Guantanamo Bay,” New York Times, May 1, 2005.)
also confirmed by another former detainee, Shafiq Rasul, interviewed by the UK Guardian in 2003 (James Meek, “The People the Law Forgot,” Dec. 3, 2003). It was also confirmed by former prisoner Jamal al-Harith in an interview with the Daily Mirror (Rosa Prince and Gary Jones, “My Hell in Camp X-Ray,” Daily Mirror, March 12, 2004).
The toilet incident was reported in the Washington Post in a 2003 interview with a former detainee from Afghanistan:
“Ehsannullah, 29, said American soldiers who initially questioned him in Kandahar before shipping him to Guantanamo hit him and taunted him by dumping the Koran in a toilet. ‘It was a very bad situation for us,’ said Ehsannullah, who comes from the home region of the Taliban leader, Mohammad Omar. ‘We cried so much and shouted, “Please do not do that to the Holy Koran.”‘ (Marc Kaufman and April Witt, “Out of Legal Limbo, Some Tell of Mistreatment,” Washington Post, March 26, 2003.)
Also citing the toilet incident is testimony by Asif Iqbal, a former Guantanamo detainee who was released to British custody in March 2004 and subsequently freed without charge:
“The behavior of the guards towards our religious practices as well as the Koran was also, in my view, designed to cause us as much distress as possible. They would kick the Koran, throw it into the toilet, and generally disrespect it.” (Center for Constitutional Rights [.pdf], Aug. 4, 2004.)
The claim that U.S. troops at Bagram prison in Afghanistan urinated on the Koran was made by former detainee Mohamed Mazouz, a Moroccan, as reported in the Moroccan newspaper, La Gazette du Maroc. (Abdelhak Najib, “Les Américains pissaient sur le Coran et abusaient de nous sexuellement,” April 12, 2005.) An English translation is available on the Cage Prisoners site… Tarek Derghoul, another of the British detainees, similarly cites instances of Koran desecration in an interview with Cage Prisoners.
Desecration of the Koran was also mentioned by former Guantanamo detainee Abdul Rahim Muslim Dost and reported by the BBC in early May 2005. (Haroon Rashid, “Ex-Inmates Share Guantanamo Ordeal,” May 2, 2005.) link
Surely Mr Goss will be contacting all these organizations to inform them of the threat to national security their reporting has caused.
The pressure was not first put on Newsweek but on “The source”. Without “the source” in THE PENTAGON, Newsweek has no choice but to pull back from the story. This whole thing smells loke a rotten pile opf crap. I say flood Newsweek with letters demanding they reveal the source with timeline of conversations with said source. OUT the source and then it puts this mess back on Bushco. Rove has his stinking mitts on this one. It reeks of Rove manipulation. The “story” Did not start the riots. The ACTIONS of Bushco’s interrogators did. Gotta go write the letter now. Hope all here will do the same.
Another well written diary Susan!
“We will not be deceived by this,” Islamic cleric Mullah Sadullah Abu Aman told Reuters in the northern Afghan province of Badakhshan, referring to the magazine’s retraction.
“This is a decision by America to save itself. It comes because of American pressure. Even an ordinary illiterate peasant understands this and won’t accept it.”
See, even they know the truth.
Matt: Tim,why is the Newsweek story so important?”
Russturd:”Matt, Because people died”.
WTF…these people have totally lost any reasoning skills. They make me sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry…I am so pissed right now I couls spit bullets!
This one has even got me a bit “exercised.”
Abdul Nasser
This time, this prisoner is not watching a Koran being flushed down the toilet.
This time, this cowed, chained, complicit prisoner is watching journalism being flushed down the toilet.
On the Today show? Who said that? (I’m betting it wasn’t Matt or Katie…)
Tim Russert said it and Matt was asking the question. So, IMHO matt is complicate in spreading the lie. Newsweek is being blamed for the deaths that occurred thousand of miles away for a one paragraph story.
And of course, it wasn;t the first time that story had been reported. I’m sure none of this would be an issue f Newsweek would have only put Ann Coulter on the cover…
As for Matt, I don’t expect anything but complicity from him, after he lied (ok, it was to Kitty Kelley, but still an easily debunked lie) about playing golf with Bush Sr….
“Newsweek would have only put Ann Coulter on the cover”
Yup. That’s a great comment.
My cynicism was showing ;^)
Just another action by our fascist government to underline the fact that our country is on The Highway to Hell. Sadly to many citizens are busy pampering their sorry asses. America will continue to get what she deserves. I have a feeling the sheep will need to be slaughtered, before they realize something is wrong. It was a nice ride. :>(
XTRAMSN News reports that comedian Ali G narrowly excaped a riot, he induced, at a rodeo in the U.S. Ali G hosts a variety show on HBO(which I strongly recommend). According to the report:
After telling the crowd he supported America’s war on terrorism, he said,
And he’s still alive? ,snark>
to your kos diary, susan. You’re becoming famous! Well, almost… but soon. Well deserved too, you do wonderful work.
Four Other Citations