Jesus Hubert H. Humphrey Christ, I am tired. I’ve been working all day, doing interviews, corresponding by email, making phone calls, talking to my programmer, making plans…
Susan and I are going to unveil our reaction to this Newsweek story soon. Probably in the morning…if I ever wake up.
Meanwhile, all you Tribbers around the big old goofy world, tell us what’s going on in your neck of the woods.
I DJ on the side, have been doing it for over seven years. It’s prom & graduation season so I’m satisfying my not-so-minor addiction to iTunes. Ironically, I’m not much of a fan of the rap-hip/hop stuff; my parents raised me on 70’s funk and Motown so that’s what I have playing in the background. Anywho, back to getting my fix.
Boston Red Sox just gagged up a game in Oakland with yours truly in attendance. boo!!! adn more boos to BART for taking so freaking long to get me home!
WOW BooMan – new targets to be set.
The full million should be achieved within … weeks?
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
A press release needs to be issued NOW!!!
There is so much good information here that desperately needs to be circulated.
Even a one pager of FACTS would be helpful. IT needs to be sent to every radio station librul and conservative and put out on the news wires.
As we have witness journalists are incredibly lazy you have to give them the information in bit sized morsels.
Also, those people writing Letters to the Editor can either attached the press release or quote from it.
I noticed the ePlibusMedia’s first press release was indeed qouted in many newsmedia.
Where else to put this than in the World Open Thread?
Today – May 17 – is the Norwegian Constitution Day. The constitution was written in 1814, when Norway declared independence from Danish rule.
This was at the tail end of the Napoleonic wars, and the victorious European powers led by Britain would not let that happen. Norway was forced into a union with Sweden (reward for Swedish support during the wars).
The constitution and the newly established parliament (the Storting) were maintained, but the King of Sweden was made the head of state for Norway as well.
Final independence only in 1905 – so this year is our centennial.
Photo: Aftenposten
A bit more info.
Those so inclined may raise a toast to Sirocco and yours truly.
Gratulerer med dagen ask!
The spekemat, kringle, and rømmegrøt stuff just finished hereabouts. Sensors detect the usual over-sated feeling…
Gratulerer tilbake!
It’s hard to find the spirit for celebration here.
There was a parade in Brooklyn last Sunday, but I was home busy with the Somalia-story.
However, I have some Linie-Aquavit waiting at home for a proper toast in a few hours.
BooMan, remember when your spam filter intercepted by e-mail? Turns out it had its reasons: someone, apparently some German speaking asshole, is spamming the world using the e-address I put up on dKos as a faux sender. I only found out because my inbox is being flooded with Delivery Failure Reports.
So to those who think the worst that can happen is getting spammed when you make your e-address public: well, that’s what I thought too.
Happened in my office as well, in spite of all sorts of security.
Hardly any content, just a message like this:
“Subject: Schily ueber Deutschland”
Body: Lese selbst
and then a link to follow.
“Subject: Trotz Stellenabbau”, again with a suggestion to read a link.
Yes, but the problem is that they’re using my address as the return path. So if you ever get links to a Spiegel article or suchlike from, it ain’t necessarily my fault…
A few dozen came through during 24 hr period, thereafter it was filtered at host level and no problem since.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Head of MI6 accused of “sexing-up” a report from the International Survey Group (ISG) – Iraq.
Could you post the World Open Thread an hour or more earlier, by the time you post it I and probably other Europeans have to go out of the house. And with my work I can not access the net.
Are you going to follow the Galloway hearings. As I have no tv I would be interested to know how they are going. I think, they will be a great match, as I read that Galloway is a excellent speaker and itching for a fight,
Google links up to a lot of specific diaries, a bit scary. You can find just about anything and everything written on the blogs.
Lt C was on leave in the States, but is back on the job. He stayed surprisingly cool, no more bad mouthing like his first review of BooTrib.
Individual declined to leave a name, I’m shocked…
Rusten D Currie – US Army
PS. For the far left, peace under Augustus saw 11 years of peace across the Roman empire (Europe) which has not seen such a lasting peace since.
[That’s what I love about Lt C, his great historic insight and ready to share – Ed]
A comment
You site is interesting, but to allow people to publish without review can lead to your site being “hi-jacked” by those with agendas.
I saw BooMan was present to jot down the suggestions in his little notebook. LOL
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
We’re getting mega hits from
Investigators find more evidence to suggest Quran abuse
Check the Sitemeter:
Average per day: 1,164
Last hour: 283
Suggests quite a spike in traffic.
wow Booman, this is the highest traffic on this site ever.
Happy day! Way to go, Boo and Sue!
Maybe you could put up a newbies and lurkers diary, to catch some of these visitors and help them to begin to comment.
Do you have anyway of knowing if they are all members?
Crooks and Liars has a 4-minute segment up from this morning’s testimony (also Olbermann on the Newsweek story from last night).
Have a look, I got goosebumps listening/seeing his statement. What a clear and straight message he delivers – “I told the world that your case was based on a pack of lies”. Spoken in the Senate today. BTW, I understand that the Committee is in recess. Seems Norm Coleman is totally out of his league here.
I hope substantial parts of this testimony will be shown prime time tonight, but since the administration now decides what is appropriate coverage by the media – those hopes are not high.
My fellow freepers are galled by Galloway’s gallantry.
You’re on an alliteration roll. You had a triple one the other day, no?
How’s the celebration going? I got to get outta here, away from the office.
Had a look. They’re not happy about the fact that he was called to testify. Looks like this is seriously backfiring for Norm.
“not invited to call American people names on our land”
Somehow that freaks me out more than anything else our illustrious freeper tried to say. Guess it’s a good thing I insult Americans only when I’m in Europe, eh?
It’s heartening to see how scared they are by Galloway’s testimony though.. I don’t know what the Senate was thinking trying to mess with him, of all people. He is not a man to back down to a challenge, and he made all rational people proud today.
Upward channel with higher tops and bottoms, excellent moment to step into options too.
BooMan — Site Meter
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Wow, just saw BBC World’s coverage of Galloway’s testimony before the Senate Committee. What a takedown of Coleman.
Above interrupted me while I was going to post regarding the Sitemeter again. Check the ‘referrals-page'(1-5); a large number coming here from “Rawstory”.
Welcome to all of you – why don’t you sign up here and join the debate on all sorts of domestic and world issues?
I can’t recall seeing this before —
Italian – Thai – French – German – British – Dutch
by Donna in Rome (IT) – May 17
1 comment
by observer393 (TH) – May 16
by Jerome a Paris (FR) – May 16
by cached (DE) – May 18
by Londonbear (GB) – May 17
by Oui (NL) – May 17
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité