(Updated May 17,)
I just noticed that Booman referenced this diary in his new thread, so I guess I should bring it back up for all the newbies who and oldsters who are showing up here today.
I see the numbers at Booman Trib. are now well into the 800 range and I guess it is time to bring up the Tell Us About You Diary.
I estimate only about 300 members have written in these diaries thus far, so there are a lot of you out there who have not yet done so, so please take this time and do it.
Also even if you have told us before about you, update us on what is going on in your life, how you are dealing with the never ending saga of Bush Co., or whatever you feel like sharing.
Newcomers probably won’t wade back into the old diaries to find something about you, so please tell us more about you. Even us oldtimers might have missed your previous entries, so…..tell us….
If you want to check out all the members who have contributed so far; here are links to the first 3.
I invite all the oldtimers on this site to join me in welcoming newbies to the site or add in your own comments. So tell us about you, we love to hear your stories and see your pics. and have you here to share this site. Please tell us if you are male or female and where you live in your comments if you don’t mind sharing that with us. Oldtimers are welcome to contribute to this page, with their own story updates, pics or whatever; just have a good community chat about ourselves.
Post picture of yourself, please…
Hey, (hey. . .hey. . .hey. . .there’s an echo in here)
Where is everybody? You newbies, we really are interested in who you are, what you are up to, the things you like, anything at all you want to tell us about you. We know some of you are shy, but come on. . .this is your chance to let your ego run and give us the info about you.
Probably everyone here who has read my diary series, “Adopted Daughter – Notes in The Margins” knows as much about me as I do. How’s that for shameless diary pimping?
The part I haven’t said much about is my deeply spiritual self. That would be because it is the essence of who I am and it is very personal, and people often become uncomfortable when we talk of spiritual things. I have some personal guidelines about such things. I would never suggest that anyone believe, think, act or see things the way that I do. That includes any part of life. I honor each person’s views, and most especially their spiritual views. I am not religious. I honor those who are. I honor those who are not. There are numerous and varied spiritual concepts and philosophies that are embraced by people on this planet, and we see that representation here in our community at BooMan. And isn’t it wonderful that there is room for everyone at the table. That is as it should be.
I have great caring, love and concern for all of you. And so I welcome you here and though we most often focus on our political, world event concerns, there is also room for every manner of comment, of every expression of the amazing individuals that we are.
May you see the Divine in your every moment
I second your comments about how we want to hear and share our divergent views of all things.
There are many member of this site I would like to know more about, Ghostdancer, MommaMia, Oui, Booman, Susanbhu, Chocolate Ink, and many others I can’t remember all of your names.
Shirl, tell us more about your spiritual views and outlook, I think many of us here fall into the spiritual side of things.
I am curious too, why no one ever posts pictures of themselves, anyone brave enough, I sure would like to see what you all look like.
I will do it if someone else starts first, ha ha.
to tell you more about the spiritual side of things as I view them would take a whole diary series. Hmmmm, well maybe that’s a possible.
I know there are several of us “alternative” people here and I would love to know more about Wican, and other spiritual practices if any are willing to participate.
Here is the real me. . .
I’d like to add that, I uhhh, I body double for uhhh Salma Hayak …
And damnit Janet. . .I have no doubt that you do!
I’m more of a body SLAM! since I quit smoking 🙂 I couldn’t double for Danny DeVito at this point in my life.
ROFLMAO Isn’t it the way of things!
Hmmmm, you want me to talk about myself? Gee, I’m so reluctant to do so ;^)
I’m a married guy with two kids (son, 21; daughter 19 – both in college (son = computer engineering geek, daughter = fine arts/painter)); I just turned 50 (which I’ve been told is the new 30); I’m an RN and work in the bone marrow transplant ICU at a Boston teaching hospital; I work 7p-7a three nights a week.
I live in Concord, Massachusetts – site of the shot heard ’round the world, Walden Pond, etc.
I like to cook outdoors and go for long walks around town with a digital camera. I mostly post at dKos, and mostly post a daily diary combining an image of the war in Iraq with a poem, as a way to try understanding what’s going on there. SusanHu invited me to post the diaries here as well, so here I am. Cool place.
I’ve been chipping away at my vanity site. Please stop by.
I’ve also just joined ePluribus Media as a writer, and am looking forward to my first assignment.
So good to see you over here at BooMan too. Love your diaries. Keep up the good work!
Congrats for joining ePluribus Media, we all expect some great stuff from you!
For checking in here and sharing your personal story, say do you have any good photo’s of your area you might want to post here, (that goes to all of you members), we love to see pictures of your towns or your house, your garden, your kids, pets or whatever.)
Pics of Walden Pond would be nice!
There’s some (very little, but some) concord-by-the-sea stuff here
I was in Concord – ooooh about 14 yrs ago. I married a dude from Danvers. He came out West (military) and found me.
Just was back in Boston last month. Wish we could have said “hey!”
Hiya, ever’body.
Just happened to check this diary and found your picture, good to see what you look like, now I can picture you.
Dare I say you are ‘kinda cute’….
Thanks for being brave enought to post pic, wish more would do it, and especially Booman, I would like to see what our ‘mentor’ looks like.
Check up on thread later!
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Hate to butt in here, but DMC it is a good thing I am gay, or I would have to be thinking you’re a cutie too. Well, you are anyway. Never mind. . .
Well hell, I am 51, Native American and Welsh, a life long liberal, person in recovery, heroin addiction 15 yrs, and believe that America still holds promise. I am married to a wonderful woman whom I don’t deserve, I have two beautiful babies, a 2 1/2 yr old son and 6 month old daughter. I also have a daughter who is 11, whom I have not seen since she was four. Her mother simply decided one day to eliminate me and the courts found a way for her to do that. Another story of another day perhaps. I have been in recovery for almost 18 yrs. I grew up in an insane asylum for a home, a father who was a flaming alcoholic racist and sexual predator, a mother who was alcoholic, weak willed and unable to stand up for herself or her children. I have forgiven them both, father died a horrible death, pancreatic cancer, mother has rheumtoid arthritis. I practice Native American Spiritualism, you know that devil worship stuff that the Christian right talks about, you know we are either devil worshipers or atheists on the Liberal side of life. lmao My wife is a Reiki Master and spiritual healer, as well as the love of my life. We have been married just shy of 4 years. I love my family, it is the primary focus of my life. My children have my full attention and my son and daughter are the light of my life. I love my country and pray that the Great Spirit will find a way to pull us back from this theocratic abyss that we find ourselves teeter over. I have worked hard to change my life, I changed everything that I once believed because it was destroying me as a human being. Many of you have read my comments on others diaries and provided positive feedback for many of my comments. I live each day in grace, knowing that I am blessed, as I have been given a life worth living. I wake each day knowing that from whence I came was a life worse than death, and I have been granted a new day, a new life to find and share the glorious splendor that comes from being a human being. I could only wish that same joy and pleasure for John Bolton and his ilk, maybe they would be less destructive of others freedoms and rights to be a human being. Again I have to tell you that BooMan’s has become a place where this old liberal can vent his spleen and my wife thanks you all, as I have become less crotchety, at home because you have allowed me to be a part of your life today. It is indeed an honor to have been given the opportunity to be a part of such a wonderful community and I thank you for allowing me that pleasure and honor.
Sorry small pix. Normally I’m the one behind the camera so very few pix of me.
Funny to say that for a title, but it’s your name.
The finger is a nice gesture, shall we just say; to Bush and Co.
But Dammit Janet, you did not tell us about you, how about it?
It’s always to Bush.
Haven’t changed much 🙂
Of course this is a future picture, how I will look in 2015 maybe, ha ha.
In case anyone does not know I am almost 62(next week), divorced, mother(5) and grandmother(4) living in Santa Ana, Ca.
I am a spiritual person leaning towards metaphysics, and indian spirituality and culture, think I was Indian in a past life. Would love to know more, so help me out here Ghostdancer and others.
By the way digital camera is on the way for BD present, so I will post more pics and of my gorgeous dog Lady after BD.
I love seeing how you look Janet, and Shirl, so I hope others will be brave too.
Hello Diane!
Sorry about the finger.. 🙂 Kinda goes with my “nick” and it did show my smile. Which is usually around unless I’m reading my typos.
I couldn’t think of anything more appropriate for your screen name than the finger. Jolly good show!
I posted or emailed the C&J about how my son flipped the bird to the Bush/Cheney signs while on the schoolbus.
I have no idea how’d he come across such a vulgar form of communication… 🙂
Hey. I was just thrilled he used it in the proper context and scheme of things 🙂 so was his bus buddy.
I no loner watch the SOTU or other Bush speeches around the kids as they might “learn” language that could strip wax off the kitchen floor.
fool some of the folks around here, Diane, but I know damn well you are almost 62 going on almost 20.
And I am still the Elder Stateswoman around here, so don’t go trying to get all old on me. Heh! Only you have seen me without my makeup. . .I knew you would get me to post my real pic!
Hugs, beautiful Diane
Here is a wonderful site to start you on a journey of discovery and rebirth in native american spiritualism. I hope you find as much joy and peace in life from your journey as I have found in mine.
May the Great Spirit keep you bless you as you walk this wonderful path.
ghostdancer for the link. I love the way of “The People” and it has added immensely to my life and understanding. I will enjoy the link. It has been a few years since I studied specifically the Native people’s ways.
Soar with the Eagles, ghostdancer.
For the Blessing and for the site link, I promise you I will explore it fully, and I am so grateful to you for pointing this way for me and for others as well.
Yes I too am in a stage of having found (mostly)peace and happiness in my life as well, and I intend to continue that journey for as long as I have left here.
“”May the Great Spirit keep you bless you as you walk this wonderful path.””
I return your wonderful blessing to you and others as well.
I think it may be the time of and for the Indian’s to teach us others the ways and beliefs of the Indian’s living on this land centuries before the white man came. I know we (our ancestors) did not listen when your ancestors tried to teach us before, but I for one will listen.
I think someday we (on this site) might delve into the atrocities delivered by the “white man”, onto the Indians. We have much to atone for, then and now.
what is past is past and my hope is that nothing as evil will be a part of human existence again. Yet I know that even as write this there are people on this planet who are being exterminated for their beliefs, religion, skin color, eye color, you get the point. There are many ways to achieve atonement, the most basic is not to allow the transgression to be repeated and I am grateful for that. There is a project being done in the Interior Dept., that is auditing the Native American Trust Fund, it seems that more than 1 Trillion Dollars is missing from that fund folks. This is money held in trust for land leases, mineral and gas leases, grazing rights, timber rights and other uses of Native lands paid by these lease holders. Except very little of that money has reached the Tribes. I can’t imagine why, for more than 100 yrs there was little if any oversight and probably the money was never paid. Anyway just a little politicing for Native American’s. Write your congressman and Senator’s to make sure then continue to back this audit.
Ghostdancer you should do a diary on this subject (above), missing money,treaties broken, grazing rights, etc. this would be a good thing for more of us to get involved in….I would be interested…get us started and I will join in.
Maybe that would be something we could have a direct effect on by our networking and combined efforts.
Just created a diary for this issue. Hope it helps more people understand just what has happened for the last 125 yrs.
Thanks Diane for keeping this going. Wow! 800 members now. I have mixed emotions about the growth. apart of me loves that there are more and more diverse diaries and commentors, the other part wants to keep it small and more intimate.
I will post a pic later this evening as I am at work right now. Most here now know that I am a recovering alcoholic/addict. haven’t had a drink in 24 years but did a back slide and went back out there to investigate drugs around 13 years sober. just celebrated 10 year CLEAN and sober 4/30/05! I found my spritual self in the rooms of AA. I am not a religious person but do consider myself a spiritul being trying to be human. Such a hard job, that.
My life revolves around my son and his family for the most part. I adore my eight year old grand daughter. She is the light of my life. I enjoy sitting on my balcony watching the sun dip into the Pacific Ocean in the evenings while the Universe paints the skies majenta, red and purple. What an incredible sight!
Welcome to those of you just arriving here in this great little community. It is a place I feel is part home, part school. Love and learning at any given moment. It is a blessing to get to know you all this way.
Congrats on your 10 years, it’s quite an accomplishment. I’m also a lover of sunsets. 🙂
Well thank you Egee! It was difficult at first to change my sobriety date but once I accepted an addict is an addict I knew in order to be honest with myself I needed to do that. The sunsets in Tucson are pretty awesome too. When I worked at the airport we would sit out on the ramp and watch the sunset behind A Mountain range.
Glad you made it back in the door, it is never easy when you build up clean/sober time and then go back out the door to do a little more research. I still remember my last relapse, I had more than 4 yrs clean at the time and started drinking again, because Reagan was reelected and I just knew the end of the world was coming. Which of course allowed me to rationalize using drugs again and on and on and on, you know the drill. lol That relapse ended up taking me to a homeless situation for 18 months and then I finally found recovery, I now have 6325 days clean and the best part is that I have today clean. I like the statement you made of being a spiritual being trying to be human. Thank you
Thanks for sharing your recovery with me today.
Oh we all have so much to teach and learn from one another. I have used Medicine Cards off and on for years. They help the Great Spirit get to me, in otherwords let myself go and be open to messages. I love my cards. Just as within the rooms of recovery, I here continue to learn and grow. We need each other to get through these very troubled times. Let us be there for each other on a moment by moment basis. Bless!
For such is one human being to be alone,
to never know the touch of another,
never knowing the embrace of joy,
searching always for that one feeling,
that one pleasure, that one desire unfullfilled.
I was lost in that world
never knowing from one day to another,
if I would wake up or would today be the day
that I die.
The Great Spirit found me and released me
from the prison of my soul and
freed me from enslavement and agony.
I now know the caress of another human being,
the joy in a flower, the pleasure in the wind,
the laughter of my children and the love
of a very special person.
I have learned to love myself and with that love
comes the love of others.
Beautiful! Just beautiful!
I too have been down that path as you and Ghostdancer, not exactly the same one, but similar and I cannot say how grateful I am to be whole and happy at this stage of my life and most of all to still be alive, when many times I faced my own death at the door notices.
In my case it was the love of my family that helped me to reclaim myself and of course the love of all that is.
Thanks to you and Ghostdancer for sharing your stories with us, I am sure it will give inspiration to other readers as it did to me as well.
The biggest message I think you give is; there is hope always at the end of the tunnel and love and light there if you let it in.
I think we can apply that to this country and the world at large. There is hope, we only have to think it so and then make it happen.
Spoken like the true Divine human you are!
All that you are, all that gohstdancer and alohaleezy and everyone else here are, is a beatiful expression of All That Is.
So happy to be among family here.
I continue to say that we all have far more in common than we do differences. We are truly connected in a very real and increasinly important way.
Please update us on the site count. I have seen an 832 recently I believe. Soon we will be at 900, maybe by this weekend.
Also Booman I would like to see a picture of you and your wife, so how about posting a pic.
I’m a 3rd generation Californian/10th generation American, from a Quaker family that arrived around 1650. Lived many years in San Francisco and Marin, have a PhD in Psychology, have worked many years to help adults who suffered from homelessness, severe mental illness, addiction, HIV/AIDs, etc…as well as with many people who just face the normal challenges that life brings us…I have learned a lot about myself in the process. Two years ago was introduced to my future wife…who is Swiss. I looked into bringing her to SF…but I was informed that the wait, AFTER we were to get married, could take 12-18 months or longer (thanks to our current regime & post-9/11 life)…and we didn’t want to be apart, so I moved to Switzerland last summer. I miss my friends a lot, California sometimes…but like Europe alot, though the transition has been at times quite challenging (being in my early 50s, and finding it hard to get work when you don’t speak German or French, despite good skills and credentials). I started reading Daily Kos a few years back, and have kept in touch with politics and American life via blogs…and just recently discovered Booman, which I like because it is a bit slower and more relaxed, with a more international audience. So…glad to be here, thank you!
I’m a married 32 year old white male of mixed Slovak, Italian, English, and Irish extraction. Born, raised, and still living in Long Beach, CA (or the LBC as we like to call it). I have 9 brothers and 6 sisters (I am #12 out of 16)… and yes, my parents are conservative Catholics.
My pseudonym is a childhood nickname. Do you remember the old SNL character Roseanne Roseanna Danna? My real name is Jerome, and my older siblings used to call me Jerome Jeroma Boma after the SNL character. One of the original Star Trek episodes (#7 I think?) had a throw-away character named Mr. Boma, so my nickname was modified from Jeroma Boma to Mr. Boma.
I have a BA in History and Anthropology (double major). I worked my way through college as a pharmacy tech. Now I am a substitute teacher with Long Beach Unified School District, currently on long term assignment for the Office of Special Education monitoring Special Ed students enrolled in the Educational Partnership High School, an independent study program that is a partnership between the school district and a corporation called Ultimate Resources, Inc. NCLB is totally screwing up the program, which does not fit into the paradigm NCLB assumes.
I am trying to get started doing voice acting/voice overs. I don’t have an agent yet, but have registered with an online site that is like Monster for voices (I will be recording some samples to post online once I am over my cold). So far I have only had one job, and that was for my wife’s company (isn’t nepotism great?). I also have T-shirt designs for sale at Zazzle (mostly surf-type shirts, with a few political shirts from the election).
If you want to see photos or find out more, check out our homepage.
I’m in Colorado. I live in Longmont, about 30 miles north of Denver, with a really nice view of the mountains. I’m currently owned by two gorgeous daughters, ages 8 and 2, and a whole bunch of cats.
I like to spend time outdoors — easy to do here in Colorado. Fortunately my kids do too, so it’s not hard to draw them away from an electronic screen. I am an amateur astronomer, so sometimes you may see me in the middle of nowhere (or the side lawn) doing weird things with a telescope.
I have a Ph. D. in chemistry, but have been doing Web software development for the last several years. Someday I’d like to combine the careers and do something that involves scientific research without as much of the hands-on lab work. In the meantime, my current job lets me telecommute, so I can spend more time with family members (human and feline) and less time sitting in icky Front Range traffic.
I spend way too much time online, and have been posting to dKos pretty often, so I haven’t spent a lot of time here. So far, I like what I see here. dKos has a nice energy level much of the time, but it also reminds me a bit of Usenet newsgroups: the signal to noise ratio varies enormously, often within a few minutes, and it’s a bit like drinking from a firehose.
Oh the mournful cry of the loon,
is heard far and wide.
Shall we not look up at the moon,
oh where shall I ride.
Can you tell me where you are,
oh how shall I know thee.
When shall I know that you care,
how will I know you, from me.
The joys of life, the happiness I feel,
these are life’s gifts I seek.
The shout of laughters peal,
the cries of loves first peek.
The blessings I know I shall find,
Great Spirit shines love over my life.
Knowing that life is not eating up time,
I shall know that living is not about strife.
I will feel the warmth of a sunny day,
the chill of a spring rain shower.
I will know true loves call today,
as I know the Great Spirit’s power.
copyright Ghostdancers Way (MLM)
Just some thoughts that crossed my heart today, I thought I would share them with you. I write poetry, some good, some not so good, some just so I can put thoughts to paper. I have enjoyed writing for many years, and I feel like I can begin to write again. Thank you all for helping me find that joyful feeling of putting words to paper (err) computer blog and .docs. lol I also do bead work, though with two under age three children, I rarely have the time to spend more than 5 or 10 minutes on any given project. I hope to have a lanyard done soon for my wife. I will make every effort to take a picture of it and post it here, again thank each and everyone of you who have made me feel so welcome here.
I suppose it’s time for me to come out…
Although I’ve been living in Cologne, Germany for over 20 years, I still retain my US citizenship, and still consider myself an American (I thought of calling myself a non-resident American, but I couldn’t stand the initials).
Living here, I’ve learned to appreciate things like universal health insurance and efficient mass transit, although I miss the outdoors (I grew up in Denver).
I’m married to a German, and we live in a townhouse 200 meters from the subway, which will get us into the center of town in 15 minutes. I’m a freelance translator who spends a lot of time in front of the pixels, so I end up poking my nose in here pretty often during the day.
And it’s dinnertime, so cu tomorrow!
I am over here at the tell us about you diary and I am pretty lonely here, only 2 new entries today. Where are all you new members and why haven’t you been to this diary yet.
Come on you can do it, we want to know and we’ve(many of us) shared our stories and I think that has really helped to make us a friendly site.
It’s hard to get mad and stay mad at someone you know a little about, perhaps see a picture of, or hear personal stories that make us human.
We want you to be part of this site, we like newcomers, we welcome you here. This is the easy way to get your feet wet on this site, so what do you say. Write us some lines, I promise we will reward you with mojo.
Oldtimers on this site, please help me with the mojo thing for new members and remember you can jump in and dialogue with them too.
Hello all, (assuming that this thread is not yet dead), I am a 47 y/o married father of a rambunctious 6 y/o (that has given me much to post about). I am an assistant county attorney and work in the family court division (not always a happy place). I’ve been posting diaries at dkos for a few months and a few here recently. None of my postings are of the “breaking” variety as I take too much time from my family as it is. Reading and posting to the blogs has become the interest taking much of my free time but I also enjoy painting (acrylics) and gardening when there is time. I have no photo right now (but wouldn’t want to scare everybody off the site, so just as well.).
For posting on this thread, and no it is not dead or if it is it can be resurected anytime, and as you can see this is part 4, I wait till it gets a little fuller to start a new one, but I have been trying tooth and nail to get members to post here.
Please do post a pic, don’t be afraid, most of us are not beautiful, but in spirit we are, so go ahead.
As you can see we like to talk about all kinds of things on this site, so no worries about breaking news type stories. Plenty of members to do that.
Welcome, welcome, welcome and make ‘lottsa’ comments…..