I’m feeling good tonight!
I’ve made a couple of comments this morning about May 17 being the Norwegian Constitution Day.  Which was cause for a couple of toasts this evening (me being Norwegian, for the info of newcomers).

But that’s not the point.  This morning, Booman and Susan presented us (and the world) with a great front-page story.  The spun Newsweek-story totally debunked.  Linked all over the blogosphere.  Generating record traffic.  And leaving us begging for more..
Great effort from both of you and my profound appreciation.
And then the other story which has gotten my attention today; George Galloway’s testimony before the Senate sub-committee.  I first saw a clip at Crooks and Liars this afternoon and I was in awe at how he took on Norm Coleman.  He may have his detractors, and certainly has some extreme views – but in any case, he has prevailed in court

In December, Mr Galloway won £150,000 in libel damages from the Daily Telegraph over its separate claims he had received money from Saddam’s regime.

Read the rest of the article here.  And some of his choice quotes here.

If you have a chance, look for BBC World’s coverage tonight (there is also a video link in the articles).  Much of the MSM will spin him as an extremist and traitor – but refuting it is easy, and he brought out the real issue; where’s the $8.8 billion unaccounted for during the CPA’s first 14 months of administration.  And the fact that the US accounted for 52% of the oil exported during the OFFP (sorry, cannot recall where I saw the link).

And then, Susan’s current front-page story wraps it up so nicely for tonight.

How do you feel tonight?