Yet another e-mail from the UCC Justice & Peace Action Network:
There is no legislative decision Congress will make this year with more far-reaching consequences than whether to preserve the 200-year-old Senate filibuster. As we near the final hours of this historic moment, it is clear that Senators from Alaska, Maine, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, and Virginia may cast the decisive votes. Together, the United Church of Christ is partnering with groups like the NAACP, Interfaith Alliance, People For the American Way, Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, and other national agencies to convene a conference call of clergy from these crucial states.
More details below.
On Thursday, May 19th from 11:00-11:30am (EST), all clergy are invited to join a conference call led by Hillary Shelton of NAACP, Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy of the Interfaith Alliance, and Rabbi David Saperstein of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism to strategize how leaders of the faith community can move forward effectively and advantageously to stop the “nuclear option.” If you are not clergy, please forward this information on to your minister to increase the UCC’s involvement. Also, please take action and forward on to your friends and congregations the recent JPANet action on the filibuster by clicking
You bet your bippy I’m taking an early lunch and holing up in the conference room. I am so there.
Thoughts, anyone? What kind of cookie do you bring to a conference call?
Bring it. Pastors can hold their own.
I should have gone with atomic wedgie. What was I thinking?
hide from the claw. Rarrrr.
could kill you with one hand!
Is homemade chocolate chip okay?
Your wish is our command!
Today I called both of my Senators (McCain and Kyl) regarding this issue. It isn’t something I am in the habit of doing and I have to admit that I was out of my comfort zone, but nobody got hurt and maybe it even helped.
Hi volunteer, Tucson here. Hey, that rhymed…
We need to figure out how to get Kyl’s scourge off our state. Glad to see another desert-dweller here!
He is awful isn’t he? I am just glad for Napolitano. I think she stands a very good chance of getting reelected too.
Tucson. I (heart) Tucson. I was born there. Alas, I am in Phoenix now.
Janet rocks! I have been enjoying the vetoes of all the insane bills being passed by the Az legislature.