that yesterday was a turning point… There was a confluence of events… Galloway going William Wallace on The Third Right on national television… reporters actually asking some tough questions of “Beam me up Scottie” during a press conference… Multiple sources, including our own SusanHu and BooMan, as well as John Conyers immediately calling Bu$hCo on the hypocrisy of the Newsweek bashing… call me naive, but I’m pretty optimistic that people are beginning to wake up.
Grab your plunger and follow me…
Today we face the blustery threat from Frist the Cat over the “Nookular Option”… and I say, “Go ahead, push that button! Make my millennium!”… once again, they fail to appreciate the true destructive power of nuclear weaponry… everything is destroyed if you press that button, Fristy, buubie… we Democratic cockroaches will be crawling around and proliferating quite nicely in the rubble long after you and your kind are gone…
I find it interesting that Bush and his ilk have worked so diligently to shove everything that is right and good about America into the crapper and pull the flush handle… wiping their asses with the cheap, phony paper of our economy that they’ve ruined… And then, ironically… one last schoolyard bully torture and intimidation tactic… flushing the Quran down the john… has the potential to blow wide open the plumbing of this entire administration, like an M-80 in the school toilet…
Well, I say to you, Dub… Welcome to Swirleygate… don’t try to eat the big blue mint… and keep an eye out for Mr. Jinx…
Sort of adds a whole new meaning to “Lame Duck President”, doesn’t it?
I tried to express something similar in a diary last night. Emotions have been running primarily way over in the “outrage fatigue” area for so long.
Yesterday was different. Turningpoint, I don’t know – but I hope Galloway’s testimony was inspiration both for the apologist hacks of the MSM and the (mostly) spineless Democrats in Congress.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
I think we have it sorted out.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Just back from my trip.
Will read some diaries, but too tired to do much.
Man, wasn’t that lovely to see. Someone articulate and not afraid to get right to the point without being shrill or sounding nutso….(like all the whiny, overthetop repukes). Counteracting point by point plus throwing in the Iraq war and Billions ‘lost’ by Bremmer and Company.
And really sad that it wasn’t someone from the Democratic party standing up to all these assholes.
Seems quite bright …
to be reading the Koran. <satire>
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Well a name doesn’t strike me offhand but I think what Young Cat is probably saying is: ‘hey, I’m just trying to hide from that Frist guy.’
And we know who the quack is, don’t we?
Yes the repubs are definitely quacking up
speaking of quacking…did anyone know that only female ducks quack?…I just read that today. Yeah I know not exactly earth shattering info but I thought it was interesting. A little more useless trivia to add to my trivia overloaded brain.
I was gonna call BS on the quacking, but checked first. There is only 1 species of waterfowl with “mute” males, and that would be the domesticated “muscovy”. All others “quack”…or some semblance thereof.
Didn’t want you wandering around spreading rumors. :{)
There was an excellent episode where they debunked the myth that ducks’ quacks don’t echo…
Sounds like a Repug punk band…or maybe quarks…blackholes?
I’m, outta here.
dada, thanks for the info…it seems like anything you read anymore has to be double and triple checked doesn’t it. No matter how mundane or trivial it seems, jeeeeeeezzz. Thank god for computers.
Definitely something good in the air…a mixture of hope and satisfaction at seeing our media start to ask Scottyboy some tough questions. The number of people who are aware of the lies and deceit and corrupt behavior of this administration seems to be growing at a logarithmic rate recently. Onward!
I do too, I was thinking the very same thing last night and I woke up and here was your diary. Galloway, Newsweek, vs. Norm Coleman, Frist, Bush others who are on the hot seat now and its just going to get hotter. This thing with Blair, plus the Newsweek story are going to blow this admin. right out of the water. I am surely hopeful today.
I think the Koran story may be the straw that broke the camels back.
I watched the Charlie Rose Interview with Galloway last night and boy do I wish we had men who spoke like that here in this country. He was fabulous with old NOrm. Knocked that grin right off his face.
Diane. . .
there you go again stealing the words right out of my mouth. As I watched MP Galloway on Charlie Rose last night and as I heard his remarks earlier in the day on AAR I just kept thinking, “Why can’t we have someone that clearly spoken, and that filled with indignation over these lying pack of jackals in power?” Isn’t there really anyone out there that will step forward?
oh, wait… sorry… you said that you didn’t want a lying pack of jackals, didn’t you? Never mind…
I’ll pick you any day! Step up and I will be the leader of your fan club, promise!
Count me in for the fan club! The bood definately abides.
requires that, like him, they 1) have principles; 2) know where they stand exactly on an issue, having arrived at their opinion through; 3) an examination of the evidence, and by 4) reasoning clearly so that they can; 5) compare their opinions to their principles and be resolute in their convictions.
Then, once they know their own minds they will be able to articulate their positions, defend them against all comers, and vanquish empty-suited, lickspittle (I promised myself to use this word as often as possible.) politicians who are without informed opinions, possessing only talking points, sound bites, spins, and memes — all of which are produced for them to mouth into the waxy aural cavities of their nodding nimwit followers by a cartel of crazed cranks.
That was fun! I feel so much better now.
Limelight…fun for you to write and extremely fun to read. I too am feeling somewhat more positive after the last couple of days. It feels good to be more optimistic than brooding, frustrating or out and out angry all the time.
Hanging out with you guys sure helps too. Very good vibe here.
I don’t think anymore that it will be this or that story that breaks the camels back so to speak….I think one day it will just be some story out of left field the media will glom onto and ‘make’ into a major story and that will be it…at least I hope that is what happens.
Since there isn’t any rhyme or reason to the media any longer who knows what ‘they’ might decide is the story to bring george and company down or to get outraged at. It might be something as silly as finding out he outsources all the gardening done at the whitehouse to illegal immigrants(then again that really might be happening-with him pocketing the difference in what he gets paid for whitehouse operating expenses)
the right wing mind control force fields in place in an attempt to continue controlling this massive cognitive dissonance in America are strained to the breaking… IMHO it will be hilarious to watch as one insignificant little insult… such as the first lady admitting that she practices fellatio with the Chimperor… or finding that the Pentagon actually did perform routine Quran Swirlies will be the detonator for an explosion of putrescence that nobody will be able to stop… We’ll all be covered in crap, and it will smell so bad, but so real…
“Ooh, I got the poo on me! …”
as ‘they’ say, absofuckenlutely!
Feeling some hope too… or is it that the sun has to shine on a dog’s ass every once in a while type thing?
If history has told us anything, the GOP will never maintain a majority the way the Dems have.
Caving to the Religious Right is what killed the GOP in California. Arnold would never have gotten the nomination if he had to win a primary. The basic problem in California is the RR doesn’t have to votes to win on their own and their candidates repulse too many people to win when they are the controlling faction. The result is they can’t elect anyone to state-wide offices.
The National GOP is heading down the same track. We may loose this particular battle – tho’ I’m not counting Senator Reid out (GIVE ‘EM HELL, HARRY!) – but in the near (2006 elections), short (2008), and long term (5+ years) the bozos are hanging themselves.
I say PUSH THE FRICKIN BUTTON, FRISTY BUUBEY… we lose, we win… America gets a good look at the new ruling class and rides them out on a rail…
I think things are going pretty good for us right now. Galloway’s comments could not have come at a better time. Scotty was out telling the world that Newsweek was responsible for innocent deaths and then he comes along and calls the republicans on there BS. It took the wind right out of there sail.
This really makes me smile :
If we can keep this up for 18 months the last 2 years of smirky’s 2nd term will be fun.
and isn’t it dam time us lefties had some freaken fun finally.
pass the popcorn cause its gonna get exciting this next week. Fun, fun, fun!