Catching up for having missed posting this yesterday…
one way to support the Iraqi people
Support the Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict (CIVIC)
many other ways to support the troops and the Iraqi people
one way to support victims of torture
one way to support the fallen
one way to support the troops
one way to witness every day
image and words below the fold
from Seven Laments for the War-Dead
by Yehuda Amichai
I came upon an old zoology textbook,
Brehm, Volume II, Birds:
in sweet phrases, an account of the life of the starling,
swallow, and thrush. Full of mistakes in antiquated
Gothic typeface, but full of love, too. “Our feathered
friends.” “Migrate from us to warmer climes.”
Nest, speckled egg, soft plumage, nightingale,
stork. “The harbirngers of spring.” The robin,
Year of publication: 1913, Germany,
on the eve of the war that was to be
the eve of all my wars.
My good friend who died in my arms, in
his blood,
on the sands of Ashdod. 1948, June.
Oh my-friend,
The poem by Robert Lowell in yesterday’s diary references the memorial to the Massachusetts 54th Regiment and Robert Gould Shaw. I just wanted to post a small image of that memorial, along with this link and this one.
The memorial to the Mass 54th right across from the State House is one of my 2 most favorite sites in Boston (the other being the memorial to historian Samel Eliot Morison on Comm Ave near Exeter Street).