Senate Democrats:
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- To Donate to Specific Campaigns, find a campaign site here and donate directly…or check out ActBlue.
Other Democratic organizations:
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Filibuster Fight
- 24 GOP Filibusters against judicial nominees
- Video of Schumer calling out Frist.
- DemBloggers: Video of Durbin floor speech
- DemBloggers: Video of Reid speech on steps of Capitol Hill
- DemBloggers: Video of Kennedy floor speech
- DemBloggers: Video of Leahy, Boxer and Schumer floor speeches
- Senator Dayton – Short, Sweet, and Beautifully Relevant, by Duncan1800
- Durbin calls out Frist on Frist’s over-the-top rhetoric
- Blogger Conference Call with Schumer on the Nuclear Option
- Democratic Response to Nuclear Option
- Democratic Response to Nuclear Option Part II
- catnip is proud
what I love most about today’s debate is the way the Dems have stood up against the religious extremists and have embarassed the Republicans who cowtow to their influence. Way to go Dems! It’s about time.
- Bush Nominee’s Father Led Last Filibuster of Supreme Court Nominee
- Money quote: Lott said ‘nuclear option … blow the place up’, by jukeboxgrad
- Great Judicial Stall of Bill Clinton.
- David Brinkley video on Abe Fortas in 1968
- 501(c)(3) status violated by Justice Sunday? by JLFinch
- Focus on the Family endorsed the Filibuster against Clinton
- GOP Filibuster of Abe Fortas-Part II
- GOP Filibuster of Abe Fortas in 1968
- Reid offered Frist at least two compromises. Frist said no.
- Republican Filibuster Whines & Media Plays Footsie With Republican Word Games
- Bolton lied under oath: Senate FRC Dems to release smoking gun , by baldandy
- (Hotline) * Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE), on why he opposes Bolton’s nomination: “Three reasons. One, I think that we’ll find out that there seems to be that he apparently put some pressure on some analysts who did not like what he – intelligence analysts that he sought to get fired for refusing to go along with his version of things as stated with regard to Cuba. He took out the offending comments but still seemed to pursue their being fired. … Number two, I think that at the very time the president of the United States is relying more on the United Nations with regard to our efforts in the Sudan, with regard to our efforts in the Middle East, I think it’s a bad idea to have a man there who doesn’t have much regard for the U.N. And lastly, he hasn’t done a very good job where he has been, which is in charge of arms control and proliferation issues” (“Late Edition,” CNN, 4/10).
- Democrats on SFRC kick some ass on April 19 Bolton hearing.
- Dorgan, Reid, etc. have travelled the country in an effort to protect SS.
- Preview of [Recent] Bush [Press Conference]: Bush Has Tail Between Legs on Private Accounts, by georgia10
- Senator Bayh’s the efforts to increase ethanol use!, by Boppy
- Reid Calls Dubya a Loser
- WaPo: Unexpectedly, Capitol Hill Democrats Stand Firm
And shoutouts to House Dems
- House Dems Put Health Care on the Agenda
- From April 2005: Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) on handling the Tom DeLay predicament: “We’re not going to meet with an Ethics Committee that is neutered by the Republican leadership” (“Fox News Sunday”, via WakeupCall).
Again, reward good behavior and make this man (and DSCC chair Schumer) smile:
Senate Democrats:
- Donate to the DSCC
- To Donate to Specific Campaigns, find a campaign site here and donate directly…or check out ActBlue.
(P.S. We criticize Congressional Dems a lot around here, and I would appreciate it if we could keep this diary on the positive side.)
(P.P.S. If someone from SDCC or DSCC is reading, don’t get complacent! 🙂 )
(P.P.P.S. If you send cash, also send a little note of what you’ve liked thus far and what you would like to see in the future. Be firm, but nice.)
Newsie’s Entries:
and check out John Kerry’s speech today on Dembloggers. I may just be biased but that was one of the greatest speeches I’ve heard. If history matters to anyone anymore, he’ll be remembered as one of the best of modern statesmen. He called the Repugs out on their lying soundbites and appealed to them to defend the Constitution, not be party hacks. The official text is here but doesn’t do it justice; quite a bit was apparently off the cuff. He was impassioned and smart as could be.
Just a bit of it:
And I think there would be more outrage if the value of truth had not been so diminished by this Administration.
In 1795, Senators who were friends and colleagues of the founders themselves, and who surely knew their intent, defeated George Washington’s nomination of John Rutledge to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
In 1968, Republican Senator Robert Griffin captured the spirit of this event when he said: “That action in 1795 said to the President then in office and to future Presidents: `Don’t expect the Senate to be a rubberstamp. We have an independent and coequal responsibility in the appointing process; and we intend to exercise that responsibility, as those who drafted the Constitution so clearly intended.'”
The Constitution didn’t mandate a rubberstamp for George Washington, and the Constitution doesn’t mandate a rubberstamp for George Bush.
History has always remembered those who are courageous, and will remember the courageous few who lived up to their responsibility and spoke truth to power when the Senate was tested – so that power did not go unchecked.
The Senate and the country need Senators of courage who are prepared to make their mark on history by standing with past profiles in courage, and defending not party, not partisanship, but defending principle and democracy itself.
I was fortunate to be able to watch and listen to it on streaming video at work, thanks to cspan2. I thought he did a remarkable job of opening the door for the more moderate republicans who actually still believe in the Constitution. Not the Hacks like Cornyn, Santorum, Kyl, Frist and the other Theocrats that have invaded our Government. I can only hope and pray that our Government will survive this wholesale onslaught of corruption, dishonor and disrespect of our Constitution.