Drop by, make some snarky comments, introduce yourself, receive mojo.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Once I was a newbie,
without any mojo.
Booman opened a thread,
and pow I had mojo.
I was given TU status,
a prize to be sought.
I keep a civil tongue,
in my head and thought.
I am a liberal and proud,
grateful for the Tribune.
I thank you for this,
wonderful ride on the cloud.
Off the cuff, but fun to write.
This needs to be a blues song:
Once I was a newbie (rising note on -bie)
Ba-ba Ba-bum
Without any mojo (sung with anguish)
Ba-Ba Ba-bum
I can hear it in my head at least.
you write the music, I am sure I can get some lyrics together.
with my usual shamelessness, i jump the line to the highest available position in the thread. (But this time, I did give mojo before posting!)
Gimme, gimme, gimme!
Also, go see how my former ministre Pasqua received a different kind of mojo
This sinful American loves to see the Frenchman move to the top…..have some mojo for smooth moves….
Late to the party, but any mojo left for a Ukranian under a Frenchman? (Oh man. . .give me the mojo just for being a bottom!)
Newbie, Newbie, New…
exchanging stances…
Newbie, Newbie, New…
just take some chances…
Ah geez – I just lost my heart to Jerome above and you woo us all with Sinatra….
Be still my fluttering heart…
Ok, now you’ve really done it, bood…I’m a Sinatra freak and have been since I was in like 4th grade believe it or not(which did kinda make me a bit of a freak for a 4th grader)..that Voice was truly a national treasure-and still is. Newbie doobie do yourself.
Who woulda thunk it that reading a press conference transcript would get ya your first frontpage at dkos since the Plame summary timeline… and throw in a frontpage at the newest, hippest blog on the block BooMan to boot.
Seriously, I read a freakin’ transcript and provided little thoughtful analysis other than to say I wanted to buy some Mike guy a drink.. what was ‘Mando thinking??
I did get to read for the first time in mainstream American print, actual journalists asking questions though and that was nice. 😉
a front page slot is just being in the right place at the right time — and adding some appropriate snark. Also, having content that people want to read helps. Congrats on your status and now we expect more of the same. 😉
So next time offer dinner instead of just the drink?
Hi all,
Is this the place where I come for a drink and a smile from a stranger? Or, at least some pity points in the form of mojo for a newbie?
It’s being hit on the head lessons in here.
Now open your mouth and say WAAAAAAAAAAA!
Here’s the kick in the shins I promised Volunteer
Howdy Omir…good to see you today!
Imagine meeting you here!
Welcome Newbie….
Mr Storyteller…have kick in the shins…but I love his his Sunday Griot…
Drinks are of your choosing – I’ll buy….
And have some mojo to go with the drink!
mooooooooooo joooooooooooooooo
Not that I need it, I can’t spend what I got already.
Well I need it. I gots ta gots ta have it.
ok, you can’t do that….just kidding but that’s a line from a song right? Now unless you want me to spend the rest of the afternoon obsessing over what song that is someone please tell me before I go nuts.(in a good sense of course)
I think it was just an extension of the song (which I can hear in my head) upthread.
when I posted that, although it could be made into one, I suppose. Could you be thinking of “Gimme shelter,” or “Mr. Mojo Risin'”?
Actually what I was thinking when I posted was
Gimme mojo,
Gimme mojo,
Mojo mojo,
Gimme gimme
but I didn’t have my saffron robe and drum around so I couldn’t do any serious chanting.
There was a Motown song many years ago that went:
“I got my mojo working but it just won’t work on you…blah, blah de dum dee dee…” Do you remember it?
In that song “mojo” was a kind of black magic spell. And you could dance to the song. Before the Supremes.
Braggart! :{)
We welcome all newbies and lurkers to this site and urge you to get active and make comments and we will continue to give you plenty of mojo. Please join us in this diary and tell us about you…
Special welcome to Volunteer, strole on over to the above diary.
Thanks for posting the links with each new one Diane…every one gets to go back to see…including us oldies
and some of us have memory issues any way ;^D
Sorry I didn’t have time for your diary – just as I found it I had to head out to a client meeting. And now I only have time to stop by and hand out a whole buncha mojo to all.
Hope ya had a great day!
Thank you, thank you! What a group, fun, smart, and liberal too. Too bad you are only in my virtual reality.
Check out the regional threads – tribe members might be closer to you than you think.
hmmmmm….meet-ups in the future – at local watering holes for the frogs!
I urge all members to reach out in a personal way to those you identify with, by emailing them. I have and have made some wonderful offline friends. Right now I am on a chat with one and we just have the greatest time instant messaging and talking on internet skype phone, which is free. The ‘audibles’ on Yahoo, are just so much fun when chatting. WE laugh and laugh, silly old women we are.
I know others on this site are doing this and making real friends offline.
So those are my words of wisdom for today. make friends on this site.
For anyone who is interested in Skype phone here is the site. Try it, I have had and made calls all over the world, but now I just put it on when I am talking to friends, so I don’t get ramdom calls now. All you need is a mike, and the program, and you can talk anywhere in the world. You can use it to talk to land line phones too, but for that you have to buy time with euros. but the rates are really good. 10 euro dollars buys you about 20 min.not sure of the exact time.
Always fun to read your articles, this morning at the breakfast table.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Well thank you for that, nice to know. I am just getting ready for bed now and you are just starting out the day. Thanks for all the 4’s you give me too, btw, it always makes me feel good to know you and others read my comments. So I will go to bed tonight with a warm feeling about you and others on this site that have so broadened by life and my horizons, and you and all feel just like my family now.
Thanks for all the birthday greeting from one and all, I had the most wonderful birthday and I urge others to do it on their day. We could make it a tradition on this site. What say?????
Welcome again to all you lurkers and newbies. Someone told me that they wouldn’t do much posting cause the people here intimidate them with their collective ‘smarts’.
I think that this community that Booman has started and the people here are very generous and welcome all comments. You don’t have to be genius to post a comment.(I know I sure don’t fit in that category by a damn long shot) I’d say the only real criteria is to be passionate and interested on a given subject.
If you think your comments might not be well received, don’t worry as we are a pretty polite group here who strive for respect of all views. We may disagree but not with rancor.
Start out small if you’re intimidated. Pick someone’s comments that you particularly agree with and just post a ditto. Every comment doesn’t have to be laden with weighty thoughts or insights, sometimes just a good humorous comment gets more attention than anything.
So come out, come out wherever you all are. Join the fun, cause this is great fun at times besides being an eye opening resource into information on local, national and world politics and problems.
There is an incredible array of diarists here who each bring their own unique persona and attitude to these diaries. Enjoy and start dittoing.
You beat me to it!!!
Why, CI! Are you insinuating that we should all be dittoheads???
Oh my god…forgive me! Mea culpa….I didn’t realize that I alluded to the dreaded ‘dittoheads’….
I’ll accept 50 ditto-lashings with a ….well I don’t think I’ll say actually. Don’t want to give any of my more personal secrets away, heh…
Oh my Oh my – – since you didn’t say I can sit here and fantasize about the ‘lashings’…
Oh my! It is getting warm in here!
Let’s keep it clean here, Sally. This is a family thread.
How about grade-school terminology? “Fifty lashes with a wet noodle.”
50 lashes with a wet noodle doesn’t do it for me sweetie…..
We’ll just let the mind wander over what we’d like 50 lashes from……….nothing needs to be said – think what you will 😉
I think it might involve chocolate somehow, personally.
What happens when too many toads get frog-marched? You strap the survivors with backpacks.
We’re gonna be so ready if any trolls ever show up. They’ll just be blown away by getting all this love and TU status and never say a disruptive or abusive word. ‘Cause there’s few things better than being in with the in-crowd. Welcome all!
Thanks for support and analysis, especially your first comment was right on!
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Different Time Zone – Yours Today –
Can’t Compensate This Date
`Cause Living in Tomorrow Now!
So You Know Not To Wait.
Local Time is Thursday 00:30 AM, just past midnight.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Mojo? Why mojo?
There is a tiny British island lying midway between South Africa and South America, called Tristan da Cunha. There a few hundred souls live in splendid isolation except for an annual visit by the only mail ship in the world. And among them is a police officer who, much to his dismay, has never made an arrest; indeed, so remote is that possibility that his prison cell is used as a storage facility.
Now, I’m not implying that noone ever comes here, which couldn’t be more untrue, and especially lately; but for whatever reason, being a TU on BooMan’s is a lot like being the policeman on Tristan da Cunha: There is noone to put in the Hidden Comments cell!
And isn’t that rather lovely, really.
One of these days, there’s bound to be an invasion of wingnut trolls. As the site continues to grow, it seems inevitable, but since BMT is still just below a thousand registered users, it’s probably flying below their radar.
As I’ve said elsewhere, I often consider myself a contrarian and am willing to risk wrath or invective for pointing out the flaws in an argument or debunking the unsupportable. But then, I’m also perfectly willing to walk away from name-calling/trash-talking. Mere disagreement with a progressive consensus isn’t trollish behavior, so long as the basis for it is laid out and can be backed up.
An example of contrarianism: While Tristan de Cunha is indeed incredibly remote, there have been at least three visits by ships in the past month and a half, according to the Tristan Times:
According to this website by the territory’s former administrator,
From the official Tristan de Cunha government website, one can see the schedule of visits for the remainder of 2005 and for 2006.
I think it’s not the only island in the world with a mail boat, as well. A number of the offshore Maine islands, the ones that still have year-round populations, get their mail delivered by boats. Offhand, I can think of a half-dozen or so.
Maybe Sirocco’s original reference was supposed to be “the only male ship in the world,” since all boats are considered female. Now that would appear to make it unique.
That’s an astute observation, and let’s hope it remains like this for a while.
But unlike Rumsfeld, the tribe will be ready for ‘war’ with the army it wants.
Welcome all newbies of the latest influx here. Jump in the pond in this thread and give a wave or do as diana101 suggests above – hop over to that thread and introduce yourself.
And that goes for you long-time lurkers as well. Join in, we’re all exited to see new nicks on the board.
Oh, I could think of one but I won’t mention any names.
Anyone listening to Durban from Illinois. He is slapping frist around like a terrier with a rat.
Missed the listening…but anyone slapping around Frist is cool by me!
Did you catch the interview with Durbin today?
Eeek .. Tom Coburn is speaking / where’s my cross and garlic? One of the most disturbing thnigs I ever watched on TV was CSPAN’s airing of last fall’s Senate debate in Oklahoma.
Uhoh . i switched because I couldn’t stand to listen to Coburn, just in time to hear Sen. Corzine on Hardball say “nucular.”
he always looks unkempt, messy and unprepared. I also didn’t like that he said he didn’t like what the Texas Judge has said when she has spoken in public, but when asked couldn’t quote opinions or dissent that she has given in her Texas cases where her opinions are just crazy batshit. Can’t we send out Senators that are prepared, so the public knows in just a couple of sound bites and sentences that these Bush Nominees are FUCKING EVIL PEOPLE and that taking away the filibuster would change our lives, destroy the constitution, not to mention the environment. It would take away many of our rights. It would only help Big Business and these decisions will last for decades and generations to come. Not to mention our reputation in the world.
Since we got us some Rhepeblikans fallin’ all over each another to outsell their souls, I figure we need a little back to the roots hoodoo magic work on our side…
an if we’re gonna talk mojo, we need some source…
We’re covering the 10 most overlooked stories of the past year, based on the United Nations’ terrific list + information.
Please sign up to do a story. You’ll see which ones have been taken, and which are left to do.
You can do a lot or a little. If you don’t have a lot of time, the U.N. page has almost all the information you will need.
Here are the stories left to do:
U.N. page with info/links
This one is for YOU!
Now if I can just figger-out how to do a picture I’ll be completely fulfilled & my life will be over.
I was sorely tempted to not give any mojo to your comment here because your choice of color is giving me a headache. But in the spirit of the thread, I changed my mind.
Earth tones, people! It’s one of the (many) reasons why I can stare at a Rembrandt painting for over an hour. . .
Everybody wants to call the shots.
Spock: Your illogical approach to chess does have its advantages on occasion, Captain.
Kirk: I prefer to call it inspired.
Spock: As you wish.
Booman did it again! So I must respond (Pavolian-R-Us):
I cheerfully acknowledge it was the Spock character that first got me interested in Logic when I was but a mere sprat.
Spock: Fascinating is a word I use for the unexpected. In this case, I should think “interesting” would suffice.
Are you a fan then of Diego Rivera?
If you mean Diego María de la Concepción Juan Nepomuceno Estanislao de la Rivera y Barrientos Acosta y Rodríguez, then, yes.
Also Velasquez, Vermeer, Braque and plenty of others. For brighter colors, I might turn to Liubov Popova or Kandinsky. For example, in Composition VII, the brighter colors are integrated with a more muted pallette:
It’s been a while since I’ve been to a museum; maybe that’ll be my main activity this weekend.
thank you. There is a world in that painting.
I’ve never lived anywhere near a art museum unfortunately. I have to settle for checking out prints online at places like above link. And putting a lot of prints on my revolving screen saver.
I tend also to earth tones/primary colors in art which leads me to much of Latin America, Mexican and African American art.
I do like Kandinsky also. And thanks for the great picture.
I assume this is directed towards Maven but it does give me a chance to correct myself.
Pavlov was a Russian psychologist who trained dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell. In literary useage it means ‘knee-jerk reaction.’
Pavolva is a meringue cake with cream and fruit. The word does not have any metaphoric useage.
(Oops) “Preview IS my friend!”
And – just in case- yes, I like some of the work of Diego Rivera.
Scuuuuuze me. . . .I was just tripping through with this basket of overflowing 4’s and then I really did trip and then, well. . .the 4’s just went everywhere, so if some landed on you, just keep them. I know you are soooooooo deserving.
And who started that darn blues song running through my head about mojo?
later guys and gals,
I can’t stand the arm twisting anymore.
It’s true that up until now I have felt intimidated
by this brainy group, but now it feels just like a 70’s love-in! Thanks for the good vibes.
GLAD you’re here, Curly … is that about your hair, btw?
I’m very glad you deferred to assuming “curly” is about my hair and not a strange penchant for The 3 Stooges. Thanks for your welcome wishes.
I felt the same way you do, these folks here are so smart and have so many degrees and write so well to boot, it was hard for me to post, but I did and another member, Mindmouth, was so nice to me I got really brave and did my first diary. That was not so long ago.
Now I know that even though others may be smarter I still have something to say.
That is also one of the reasons I keep putting up the tell us about you diaries, so newcomers and the timid can start out by just talking about yourself, goodness knows you can’t be wrong about that.
Pretty friendly and forgiving bunch we have here and I am just so proud of the members of this site.
So once again a call out to tell us about you…to any any all who lurk here.
PS: to members a question, do all lurkers even know what we are talking about ratings and mojo, unless they have come from DK, will they know. Especially since if you are not a member you can’t see the ratings.
Thanks for the encouraging comments Diane. I’m sure you’re right about jumping in since I was brought up with politics in my soul. I’ll hop over to the tell us about you part after dinner – can’t write or reveal oneself on an empty stomach!
Hi Diane –
Just wanted you to know I finally posted a bio, at least I think that’s what I did – you’re a very persuasive person. Have a great night!
Mojo? We don’ need no stinkeen mojo!
Love ya
I was a Lurker, now I am a Newbie. Go easy on the Mojo as it tends to give me gas. Sweet, you have spellcheck, YYYEEEEESSS
McKinley Morganfield, AKA: Muddy Waters.
da blues comin’ atcha!
The new Diet Coke with Splenda is goooooooooooood.
Diet coke sucks in any form…IMHO…Diet Pepsi Mucho good!
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Love ya Oui…good luck. Would be interested in an email exchane with you about a couple of things.
I can’t publish my email address on the blog, too much flame.
Need good friend as go-between, perhaps Diane101?
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
sure Oui, what do you want me to do…….
Thanks Diane!
Let Alohaleezy contact you by email, please provide her my email address.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Aloha my address is listed, so email me as Oui says and I will jet out an answer to you.
Will do!
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Well, there are lots of us already here– and we’d like to welcome the rest of you to Our Fair City in June. Sign up for Democracyfest 2005– featuring many famous liberals! and join in our Bloggers Caucus on June 17. It’s usually not too insufferably hot yet in June . . .
Click the link for all the details.
ok this is really really silly and didn’t know where to post it but ever since this thread started the word newbie keeps running through my brain…and a voice keeps saying: Newbie One Boo-no-bie, sorry people just had to get that out of my system.
See referrals not only from UK and France, but a number of Asian origine:
Hong Kong – Japan – Singapore – Australia – New Zealand!
All World Lurkers and NewBie’s are welcome to say hello on a post. BooMan doesn’t charge per mm, it’s only your own contribution that counts.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
How do we post an invitation in Japanese language?
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Number of comments on special open threads —
West Midwest South East World/Open
265 94 62 78 253
No intention of offending anyone, but if the USA would be divided along Time Zones Pacific – Mountain – Eastern – ; could try during a month an Asian/Special open thread. Some Asian specific items could be published in diary during the month special.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
That’s a large library of information, the participants shouldn’t have a lack of words.
The present data shows upwards from 100,000,000 Internet users, it’s just a beginning. India has a similar number, and is making great strides in technology.
BTW most HiTech US companies have either moved to Asia our outsourced our jobs. In accordance with Republican economic policy to stimulate our job growth, or was it profit growth of the happy few?
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
HELP HELP HELP!!!!Having withdrawls…need mojo fix…really late to the party…any mojo left for this mojo poor granny in Del Mar?
ps..God, I hate begging…lol!
Greetings from a transplanted San Diegan, to of all places, Kansas. Though I am near that great Blue stamp on the red map of Kansas, Lawrence. The only place that the Bigotted, hateful protection of marriage amendment failed to pass. I miss the surfing, the mountains and of course all that ethnic food. I just could not take all that traffic any longer. Glad to see another blue southern californian.
Hey Ghostdancer…
I have only been here three years. I hear you on the traffic. I lived on Kauai for eight years before Del Mar and was I ever in for a culture shock when I arrived. I thought I would have a stroke every time I would have to get on a freeway for the first year back.I am very fortunate to be a resident manager so I live where I work. The commute is eight stairs to the office. Can’t beat that. If I had to drive everyday in the traffic I am sure I would be dead by now…or someone else would be dead by now…lol. sorry about Kanasas but you know the routine my friend…you are there for a reason. Now get to work on converting those red staters!!! Have a great day my friend.
Hello folks. Greetings from someone who believes that the penultimate right governing all others is the right to consent, or not. A whole lot of wrong would be gone if we all were simply allowed to say “no thanks” to the BS of others and actually have it mean something.
I hate to quibble, but in light of the frankly outrageous amount of quibbling attracted by my innocuous little island analogy above, I’m going to do it: How can the penultimate right govern all others?
And what is the ultimate right then? The right to mojo perhaps? But that’s not very libertarian… 😉
Welcome on board – I’ve always had a soft spot for anarchists.
Penultimate. Dang. I did write that.
That’s a hell of a way to intro myself. Well, i hope the soft spot for anarchists is open to ones who fail to proof read …. Since i was speaking of a world with more than one right, I meant ultimate (highest, top, etc), of course.
–2nd to last / first and foremost…. what’s the big deal???
No worries, I never proof-read. It’s cheating, really.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Hey, welcome to dKos, new creve coeur! 😉
I donated a 4 to your mojo there and encourage others to do the same.
and I have a right to say “no thanks” but how can I force
my declining their BS to have any meaning except to me.
Its a goal — Join those working to achieve it! You in?
should have used the word “persuade.”
So — are any newbies and lurkers besides curly actually going to post?
I will! I will! I’m gretel, pacific northwest. I will comment if provoked. I’m really old, going to be 70 next birthday. Must be lots of folks out there who can beat that.
I talk to anyone who will listen, you can’t imagine how many times I have been accused of being a devil worshiper. Seems like the first words out of most peoples mouths is, “what church do you attend?”. I have begun responding with the Church of the Sacred Earth, which surpises them to no end. I strive not to create dissension but to look for ways to open avenues of communication, yet in the great red state of Kansas, most seem more interested in my soul and its salvation, then in finding out that their government is steadily working to limit their freedoms. I will never give up working to educate and enlighten my fellow citizens that they must participate in their democracy, if it is to survive.
do you belong to was always the first question out of my EX-inlaws mouths. If you weren’t an Envangelical nutcase like them…say maybe a catholic or Buddist, et el my EX motherinlaw would reply…”That’s ok you can still be saved and born again”….UGH!!! Used to frive me batshit crazy.
DRIVE not frive…I probably ought to quit apologising for my typos. You all must be used to it by now.
No worrys you can fix your type o’s tomarrow
After I recommended the book “Life After Sixty: The Last Gift of Time” to Diane101 for her 62nd birthday, I wondered whatever happened to the author, Carolyn Heilbrun. I found out that she had killed herself at the age of 77. What a shock after reading her wonderful description of her full life in her 60’s, to think that she would end up putting a plastic bag over her head seven years later. It was not encouraging news and how would Diane take it.
Carolyn had received no bad news about her family or her health. She had been taking walks in Central Park every week with her best friend and had given her no hint. As a young woman, she had publicly vowed to take her own life at the age of 70 because she believed that she would be useless to society at that age. Seventy came and she wrote that book about her sixties.
I thought about this and I did not believe that was the reason she killed herself. She had a loving family and if someone loves you and you love them back you are not useless.
She was not a cold isolate. She was surrounded by friends, family and colleagues. Why then? I remembered that she was also a writer of mysteries and that held the clue to her suicide. I came to the conclusion that she wanted to control her own ending. Mystery writers most often begin their stories with the ending and work backwards to the death scene. I think, Carolyn could not stand the suspense of waiting for death, “will I wake up tomorrow morning?” “how will it happen?” She decided not to wait for a random death and to put an end to the unbearable suspense. With that theory, I was able to think “Good for you, Carolyn Heilbrun.” Not that I would want to follow her example, I like random.