Many of you know by now that I am an Austin, Texas, lawyer focusing on constitutional law, and that I live in Austin with my 17 year old son who is a college freshman here. Tomorrow (May 19, 2005), the Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs will be hearing public testimony on the proposed Amendment to the Texas Constitution banning same-sex marriage and other arrangements “similar to” marriage, possibly including common law or informal marriage which is recognized in Texas.
My son has prepared written testimony for submission to the Committee, and is working with several of his college friends who are also doing so. I wanted to share his testimony with you, as a proud Dad.
Testimony Prepared for the State Affairs Committee of the Texas Senate, Hearing on HJR 6, May 19, 2005
Prepared and Respectfully Submitted by:
Zane [full name redacted]
[address redacted]
Austin, Texas 78701
[e-mail redacted]
I am a student at Austin Community College originally from Fort Worth. This summer I will be taking a class on Texas Government, so I am here doing my homework in advance. I will turn 18 in July, and I will register to vote on or before my birthday. Please do not make me cast my first vote in an election on this misguided Amendment which would write discrimination into our Constitution.
Like most Texans my age, I am Straight but not Narrow.
This proposed Amendment is all about religion. I grew up going to Broadway Baptist Church in Fort Worth. My parents and my Church taught me to read the Bible for myself. I do not need Warren Chissum and Robert Talton to teach me Sunday School in the Texas Constitution by writing into it their own narrow religious views about homosexuality or what constitutes a good and appropriate marriage, whether formal or informal.
HJR 6 would render many Texans second class citizens. Who will be the next class of Texas citizens told to stay at the back of the bus?
This proposed Amendment rises out of bigotry, hatred, irrational fear, or, at the most charitable, misunderstanding, about gay and lesbian Texans. Frankly, there is enough fear and misunderstanding, and too much bigotry and hatred, in our society, without the legislature encouraging such emotions by putting an Amendment such as this to a vote of our people.
Like many Texas students in our colleges and universities, I hope to find a good job in Texas when I graduate. What kind of message does it send to national and international business considering locating in Texas when you are writing discrimination against some people who will be or are their employees into our Constitution? What Dutch, Belgian, Spanish or Canadian company would want to locate in our State? Please, Senators, do not take any steps to discourage the growth of jobs in Texas. I plan on one being available for me.
I am greatly concerned about the threat Senator Ellis received when he placed a hold on an earlier hearing. An election on this amendment is likely to stir a great deal of passion, and violence and threats of violence will most likely occur. Senators, I live in the neighborhood of the Capitol and the Travis County Courthouse. I go to the ACC Rio Grande campus right down the street. I frequently walk by the Capitol on my way to Stubbs or other music venues. Acts of violence which occur during an election on this proposed Amendment or a following court case are more likely to occur in my neighborhood than perhaps in any other neighborhood in Texas. Please work to keep me and other students at ACC safe, and do not encourage violence by passing HJR 6.
Finally, like many Texans my age, my principal source of news is the Daily Show. I have been able to follow the Texas House pretty effectively this session by watching Jon Stewart. I hope I do not see The Texas Senate on his show.
I want to thank each of your for your work in public service, for your consideration of my testimony and for giving me a headstart in my Texas Government class.
The committee hearing will be at 5:00 pm in the Senate Chamber. You can view the text of the Amendment as it passed the House here:
For more information or to take action visit the LGRL of Texas website, here:
I love that, and you should be justly proud of this young man. And he should be proud of himself, as well, for taking a public stand against hatred and bigotry, as young as he is. He obviously got a good grounding in principles in his formative years.
Kudos to him (and his parents).
Thanks. I am very proud of him, and try to remember to tell him so every day.
Sometimes it feels like throwing hay in the wind, but this is good and props to your son.
My 2 cents:
or, at the most charitable, can be eliminated and just go straight to “and misunderstanding”.
“Straight but not narrow” might be more understandable as “straight but not narrow minded”.
I’d also add in some list of HOW the homosexual/informal couples would suffer if the constitution was amended (denied medical visits? what?).
Where does this knowledge of violence come from? From law enforcement sources? Need to say how you know (from previous situations in other states? where?).
Super testimony!
Thanks for your suggestions and I will pass them along to Zane.
“Straight But Not Narrow” is already out there as a phrase. We saw it on a bumper sticker and both Zane and his 14 year old brother immediately adopted it as their own.
I will be covering the actual effects of the discrimination in separate testimony which I have already provided to the committee. I am appearing before it representing a “straight but not narrow” couple who are married in an informal marriage and concerned about the amendment’s impact on their relationship and also representing roses of our community as a concerned Texas taxpayer unwilling to fund an election on an amendment which is fiscally irresponsible and constitutionally reckless. Much of the legal analysis I provided to the committee is reflected in the diary I earlier posted about the Bruning decision,
As to the violence, the Senate Committee is well aware of it because of the threat from the Aryan Brotherhood (or someone claiming connection to it) which one of its members, Senator Rodney Ellis, received after he put a hold on an earlier hearing scheduled for last Monday. You can read more about the threat as well as Senator Ellis’ response to it at
Gay bashing happens. Every day on his short walk to campus Zane passes by the state headquarters of LGRL of Texas, a gay rights lobbying organization which cannot feel free or safe enough even to place a sign saying who they are on their property. My son is very much in the zone of potential crossfire.
janet strange is also working on written and oral testimony about the threat of violence. For her personal memories of some aspects of this see her excellent diary on the protest in Austin which followed the Kent State shootings,
Susan Hu and BooMan have been doing an excellent job of keeping our community at the forefront of the battle for a free press with their stories on the Newsweek scandal. roses, janet strange and I are working on this issue and showing that we can effective on the front lines of an important civil rights struggle as well. Comments such as yours show how the whole community we share is involved in these efforts.
This is a wonderful diary to give everyone hope. Just the kind of diary I need to read to remind me that with all the bad or depressing news that there are normal, decent people who are standing up and doing the right thing. And to have one who is as young as your son, should put many people to shame. And I certainly hope his testimony does achieve that effect.
To say you are very proud of him is no doubt quite an understatement.
You must be very proud of your son-hey, I don’t even know him and I’m proud of him! He gives me some hope for the future,maybe the dark times won’t last long with people like him to bring some light. Hope so.