He’s lying right off the bat, isn’t he? What was that bit about raising the filiburster vote from 50 to 60? Wasn’t it actually lowered from 67 to 60 back in the 90’s?
He did seem flat or tired. Maybe he’s not feeling well? I had a bout of nausea this morning and had to lie down. Maybe both Harry and I got sick from listening to those bozos.
You know when Orrin the Hatchet Hatch, is lying is lips are moving. This hypocrite was the leader of judicial obstuction during Clinton’s tenure as President and made sure that more than 50 of Clinton’s nominees never saw the light of day. A theocrats theocrat, he would like nothing better than for the US Government to tithe it’s ten percent to the Mormon church.
Cornyn, what a waste of breath he is. Worse than Hatch in not only is he lying when his lips move, he is a shill for the Administration and puppet of Tom Delay.
My god, could this women look any more Puritanical. The only thing that could make this woman look more severe, would be if she pulled her hair back in a bun. I am not one who usually makes any kind of judgement on how a person looks, but I also can feel and this woman feels twisted and dark. Look at her eyes, it is almost like their is no reflection of light in them, and then did you see that almost sneer, or smirk. Is she a Dubya clone, in female guise.
I’m watching the hearings, but cannot listen to Cornyn, I have seen this man too many times in hearings and I know where he stands, with Bushco, tight, like dried gum stuck to a desk.
Anyone know who’s up next on our side….
For those not able to watch the action we are providing videos throughout the day. The action from this morning with Frist, Reid, Leahy, and Kennedy can be found here.
Keep checking the site if you cannot see the action live.
Is that George Allen, you know the one, if George Bush stopped suddenly, George Allen’s head would pop out of Buchco’s mouth, from being stuck so far up Bushc0’s a**
Chuck laid it all out pretty explicitly and yet easy to understand. One question that I asked on the Scotty McObfuscation thread: Didn’t these nominees already get an up and down vote like Schumer stated? And didn’t they NOT get enough votes? Then what’s the big F-in’ deal? They already had their shot and didn’t pass. Next, please, Shrub. I’m just amazed that the press is falling for the “up and down vote” thing. (Okay, I’m not really amazed, just let down… again.)
Feinstein is on cspan2 now discussing the filibuster and blue slipping. Makes some really good arguments and slammed Hatch. Wish someone would slam Hatch’s hatch shut.
Oh damn, one of my Senator’s was just on cspan2, The disreputable unhonorable Senator Samuel, the pope is my guiding light, Brownshirt of Kansas.
It appears he ceded some of this time that great Humanitarian, Sen. Sessions of Alabama, I think between the two of them, they might constitute half a brain.
And it has gotten worse over the last 20 years. A lot worse.
The larger question comes to mind – why are we getting these clones in the U.S. frickin’ Senate, for god’s sake?
Power-seeking losers with limited intelligence. Hmmm. Could they be TOOLS? You know how clubs often elect a dim bulb as President, and the bulb never gets it.
(S)He’s proud of his(er) responsibilities, even though the core of the group often has to come along behind and fix things up, it works out better because the bulb has to do all the tedious crap, and take the hit if things get ugly.
We’ve got a Senate infested with these tools! AACK! And I think we know who the core of the group, pushing these tools on us, consists of.
Brownshirt, likes to hear himself speak, I worked with someone, who’s father worked for Brownshirt when he was AG secretary in Kansas. His father made it really clear that Brownshirt was a two faced, manipulative extremist, who would do what ever it would take to further his own career.
In the Republican pantheon, there are Good Women and Bad Women,” writes Amanda. Terri Schiavo is a Good Woman: “brainless, wordless, unable to rebel against her parents…the kind of woman that makes sexist men feel like saviors…On the other side of the coin is… an insolent teenage girl who ran around with boys and got pregnant and now wants to get an abortion without notifying her father… Bad Women are disobedient and despicable and so low that often dealing with them is a task beneath a man. Enter the Sister Punisher, a woman whose willingness to turn on other women to curry the favor of sexist men knows no bounds.” Voila! Judge Priscilla Owen… Read the rest…(Pandagon)
Frist smirks worse than Shrub.
And does anyone hear how he’s saying “and vote”? It’s like he thinks he’s talking to small children. Then again, we are talking about Republicans…
Two more minutes before I’m done taping The Practice, and I’m off to CSPAN2. Thanks for the heads up!
If you’re lucky, you’ll miss Frist. This is painful.
He’s lying right off the bat, isn’t he? What was that bit about raising the filiburster vote from 50 to 60? Wasn’t it actually lowered from 67 to 60 back in the 90’s?
Saw Frist while I was at the gym…had to mute the sound because the lying was getting my blood pressure up! What a tool!
Then Harry said, “That’s wrong … Paragon of virture.”
What a Freudian slip 🙂
Yeah – that was a good one! On the whole, however, Reid didn’t have much fire in him. I was kinda disappointed.
He did seem flat or tired. Maybe he’s not feeling well? I had a bout of nausea this morning and had to lie down. Maybe both Harry and I got sick from listening to those bozos.
Easy, girl.
Peppermint tea.
Absorbing all that politico-smoke-talk WILL nauseate anybody.
Imagine the Dalai Lama’s smiling face.
You know when Orrin the Hatchet Hatch, is lying is lips are moving. This hypocrite was the leader of judicial obstuction during Clinton’s tenure as President and made sure that more than 50 of Clinton’s nominees never saw the light of day. A theocrats theocrat, he would like nothing better than for the US Government to tithe it’s ten percent to the Mormon church.
You know when Orrin the Hatchet Hatch, is lying his lips are moving.
Cornyn, what a waste of breath he is. Worse than Hatch in not only is he lying when his lips move, he is a shill for the Administration and puppet of Tom Delay.
goes to show you how weak the democrats’ bench is in texas…that guy was a tool to begin with.
My god, could this women look any more Puritanical. The only thing that could make this woman look more severe, would be if she pulled her hair back in a bun. I am not one who usually makes any kind of judgement on how a person looks, but I also can feel and this woman feels twisted and dark. Look at her eyes, it is almost like their is no reflection of light in them, and then did you see that almost sneer, or smirk. Is she a Dubya clone, in female guise.
I’m watching the hearings, but cannot listen to Cornyn, I have seen this man too many times in hearings and I know where he stands, with Bushco, tight, like dried gum stuck to a desk.
Anyone know who’s up next on our side….
For those not able to watch the action we are providing videos throughout the day. The action from this morning with Frist, Reid, Leahy, and Kennedy can be found here.
Keep checking the site if you cannot see the action live.
is a fathead.
Is that George Allen, you know the one, if George Bush stopped suddenly, George Allen’s head would pop out of Buchco’s mouth, from being stuck so far up Bushc0’s a**
would never fit in the Chimp’s ass.
Chuck laid it all out pretty explicitly and yet easy to understand. One question that I asked on the Scotty McObfuscation thread: Didn’t these nominees already get an up and down vote like Schumer stated? And didn’t they NOT get enough votes? Then what’s the big F-in’ deal? They already had their shot and didn’t pass. Next, please, Shrub. I’m just amazed that the press is falling for the “up and down vote” thing. (Okay, I’m not really amazed, just let down… again.)
Feinstein is on cspan2 now discussing the filibuster and blue slipping. Makes some really good arguments and slammed Hatch. Wish someone would slam Hatch’s hatch shut.
In the spring of ’72, I was supposed to be studying for freshman year finals.
I could not do it. I was obsessed with the Watergate process. The night Ruckelshaus quit rather than fire Cox – wow!
So here I am, with work to do, but I’m flipping from kos to boo, to CNN, and back around, dosing my brain with political theater.
I anticipate some moment, a little deflection, from one of the players, that will change the flow in a definitive way. I hate to miss those moments.
And even though I have never met any of you fellow net-travelers, I feel like we are doing this together.
Oh damn, one of my Senator’s was just on cspan2, The disreputable unhonorable Senator Samuel, the pope is my guiding light, Brownshirt of Kansas.
It appears he ceded some of this time that great Humanitarian, Sen. Sessions of Alabama, I think between the two of them, they might constitute half a brain.
I like to think that my perception that most (R) and some (D) senators are half-brains is NOT because I disagree with their opinions.
It is other evidence that contributes to that impression.
Tortured non-logic.
Poor presentation skills.
Obvious pandering.
And it has gotten worse over the last 20 years. A lot worse.
The larger question comes to mind – why are we getting these clones in the U.S. frickin’ Senate, for god’s sake?
Power-seeking losers with limited intelligence. Hmmm. Could they be TOOLS? You know how clubs often elect a dim bulb as President, and the bulb never gets it.
(S)He’s proud of his(er) responsibilities, even though the core of the group often has to come along behind and fix things up, it works out better because the bulb has to do all the tedious crap, and take the hit if things get ugly.
We’ve got a Senate infested with these tools! AACK! And I think we know who the core of the group, pushing these tools on us, consists of.
Brownshirt, likes to hear himself speak, I worked with someone, who’s father worked for Brownshirt when he was AG secretary in Kansas. His father made it really clear that Brownshirt was a two faced, manipulative extremist, who would do what ever it would take to further his own career.
From Peek:
The kinda woman you’d detonate the Senate for
In the Republican pantheon, there are Good Women and Bad Women,” writes Amanda. Terri Schiavo is a Good Woman: “brainless, wordless, unable to rebel against her parents…the kind of woman that makes sexist men feel like saviors…On the other side of the coin is… an insolent teenage girl who ran around with boys and got pregnant and now wants to get an abortion without notifying her father… Bad Women are disobedient and despicable and so low that often dealing with them is a task beneath a man. Enter the Sister Punisher, a woman whose willingness to turn on other women to curry the favor of sexist men knows no bounds.” Voila! Judge Priscilla Owen… Read the rest…(Pandagon)