After all my recent “Dollar Dump” diaries, my “Bubbles Greenspan” diaries, my “Peak Oil is nigh” diaries, I feel that i owe you sorthing completely different.
Well, here it is: it’s summer in Europe.
Department stores sell swim suits and advertise them with enthusiasm:
(Yep, that’s in one of the main thoroughfares of Paris. Janet jackson, eat your heart out)
Finance ministers frolick happily:
(That’s the Austrian minister of finance, believe it or not, “having things in hand”)
You can keep your Dobs on.
In kind only, or in dKos recommends…
“…completely covered by a blue spotlight.”
There’s just something about the name “Bubbles” Greenspan that make me think of vaudeville and burlesque. And in turn, Gypsy Rose Lee.
However, if Bubbles Greenspan was a stripper, the more he removed, the more he’d probably obfuscate. And the more he obfuscated, the more he’d put on… Even if it was just Airs…
At any rate, for entertainment value, Bubbles is worth a laugh or two (two at the most, in quarter point increments) but nothing beats the real thing:
And if we need something new for Bubbles, maybe we could try: “Tiny Bubbles the Tassle Twirler”
Thanks for this important news from home – would have missed it (bummer).
He actually has everything in hand – apparently a rather wealthy heiress (Swarovski crystal). From what the article says he’s being rather unsporting about the photos.
That finance minister, I like the “percs” that come with the job. Are there any openings?