This has scrolled off the list over at dKos; I’d like to give it a little more time.
Protestors in Houston organized against Halliburton yesterday while the company was holding a stockholders meeting at the Four Seasons. The Houston police, on foot and on horse kept the protesters at bay.
Check out the video, watch Houston’s finest in action.
This one too
The protest was organized by members of Code Pink and Global Exchange. From Global Exchange, Andrea Buffa and Medea Benjamin, were able to get inside and ask Halliburton CEO, David Lesar, questions. Corpwatch’s Pratap Chatterjee was also able to get inside for a couple questions.
Corpwatch spells out the list of government investigations into Halliburton’s behaviour.
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is conducting a criminal investigation into Halliburton’s admission that it “may have paid” $180 million in bribes to officials in the Nigerian government to win a multibillion dollar construction contract. Some of the bribes were paid during Dick Cheney’s tenure as chief executive officer. Halliburton terminated its relationship with former KBR chief Albert Jack Stanley after discovering that $5 million of the bribe money was allegedly deposited into his Swiss bank account.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is investigating a second bribery case involving Nigeria. Halliburton admitted that its employees paid a $2.4 million bribe to a Nigerian government official for the pur-pose of receiving favorable tax treat-ment. As the Houston Chronicle points out, “left unanswered is how a `low-level employee’ could channel that much money from the company to the pockets of a corrupt official.”
The DOJ has opened a criminal investigating of Halliburton’s business dealings in Iran.The company sells goods and services to Iran through a Cayman Islands subsidiary. The sales appear to have violated the U.S. trade embargo against Iran.
The criminal division of the DOJ has issued a subpoena to a former employee of KBR to determine whether the company criminally over-charged for fuels imported into Iraq. Meanwhile Pentagon auditors investigating the same matter found that KBR and its Kuwaiti subcontractor, Altanmia Commercial Marketing Company, had overcharged the military by $174 million for importing fuel into Iraq under the Restore Iraqi Oil (RIO) infrastructure contract. Other alleged over-charges under the same contract (not fuel imports) add up to another $38 million, bringing the total overcharges to at least $212 million. The Kuwaiti government, which has also been investigating the fuel overcharging, recently com-plained about the “lack of cooperation” by KBR and the U.S. military.
The DOJ indicted Jeff Alex Mazon, a former KBR manager, and a Kuwaiti businessman on charges of defrauding the U.S. government of $3.5 million over a fuel supply con-tract. The two men are charged with rigging bids to favor KBR subcontractor LaNouvelle over other subcontractors and then with overcharging the U.S. military for fuel transport services at a Kuwait airport. The alleged fraud cost the U.S. military $5.5 million for services KBR initially estimated would cost only $685,000.
The Pentagon’s Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) has issued several audit reports related to task orders under KBR’s RIO contract that reported $212 million in questioned and unsupported costs. The Pentagon fired Halliburton from its gasoline importation con-tract and assigned it to an office within the Pentagon known as the Defense Energy Support Center (DESC). The result was a 50 percent reduction in gasoline prices charged to U.S. taxpayers.
The DOJ is investigating possible over-billing for government service work done in the Balkans between 1996 and 2000. The charges stem from a General Accounting Office (GAO) report that found Halliburton billed the Army for questionable expenses for work in the Balkans, including charges of $85.98 per sheet of plywood that cost them $14.06. A follow-up report by the GAO in 2000 also found inflated costs, including charges for clean-ing some offices up to four times a day.
The International Advisory and Monitoring Board (IAMB), a watchdog established by the United Nations, is investigating the management of Iraqi finances by the now-disbanded U.S. Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA). The Bush administration refused numerous IAMB requests for U.S. government audits about the payment of approximately $1.66 billion in Iraqi funds to Halliburton, which is the single largest private recipient of Iraqi oil proceeds. In October 2004, after failing to cooperate for months, the Pentagon finally sent the IAMB six of its audits. It was later found that portions of the audit were withheld from the IAMB to conceal damning evidence about KBR, including $212 million in overcharges and “unreasonable costs” associated with importing fuel into Iraq. The evidence was concealed from the public at KBR’s request.
In March 2005, the DOJ opened a criminal inquiry into possible bid-rigging on foreign contracts by Halliburton. The company admitted it “may have” criminally rigged contract bids and said “information has been uncovered” that former employees of KBR “may have engaged in coordinated bidding with one or more competitors on certain foreign construction projects and that such coordination possibly began as early as the mid-1980s….”
“Coordinating” with competitors to secure contracts with foreign governments is anticompetitive and a violation of U.S. antitrust law. The practice, known as “bid rigging,” is punishable by criminal fines and denial of future contracts with the U.S. government.
The EPA is investigating complaints by Wes Wilson, one of its senior engineers, who said the agency distorts science in order to shield Halliburton from pollution laws. The engineer said the Bush administration purposely tampered with environmental science in order to shield a lucrative drilling technique, known as hydraulic fracturing, from all regulations. He believes the technique, pioneered by Halliburton, is harmful to drinking water sup-plies. Halliburton has spent years trying to get the federal government to exempt the technique from environmental regulations.
InfoNews has links, photos, videos and first hand accounts, as well as ways to give to their legal fund, if you feel so inclined.
I just want to take this diary space to further show what protestors have to go up against. Business policies, trade agreements, and labor issues are ultimately protected by the very people who’s job it is to protect you.
Politics is in the hands of business. The Police are in the hands of business. Interest, in general, and specifically, is in the hand of business. And when People question the outcomes of these relations, this is what they are met with.
On this side of the ring we have a police brigade, a multinatinal war profiteering conmpany and their stockholders; in the other side of the ring we have Joe America, concerned individuals, and Code Pink. Let’s get readeeeeee to… hold on.
Don’t they have a right to protest?
In defense of horses, they usually do everything to avoid stepping on people on the ground.
Yes they have a right to protest. I hate the way US police make people lie face down on the ground. These are largely non-violent people in a political protest, do they need to be treated like murdering fugitives?
Seriously. The horses were much better behaved than the police. There are complaints being filed with the SPCA, I believe, due to how the police handled them. No one got stampeded, per se, but they were really pushing into people, very aggressive and intimidating.
One of the horses at the end of the second video decides he’s done with this and bucks the policeman off.
Will watch the video. Bet the policeman was overweight.
Imagine trying to make horses aggressive, how anachronistic of them.
The cop was overweight.
I could hear protestors yelling “Calm down” to the police
and the police screaming at them, GET BACK and lunging for
them by going behind the barricades.
Really aggressive cops reaching out to grab people from
horseback. They were looking to make some arrests that’s
for sure.
Loved the video of Cheney dancing.
“Don’t they have a right to protest?”
Uh, no. Where have you been?!!!!!!
And “liberal” sites. Guess I should get back to reality…
people are squishy and don’t make good footing; horses know that and don’t like to step on them. I haven’t watched the video but it sounds like it was not a good situation for the horses or the protestors.
The police riders were pushing the horses against the
protestors. In many cass the horses reared rather than
go forward. It was bad horse management and bad crowd
control. One horse bolted into the park and threw its
The police were definitely aiming to take down as many
banners and signs as they could.
I should have known. I just started listening to Dem Now! and Amy covered it. Financial Times has a story on it. And Bellacio. I haven’t seen it anywhere else yet.
just wasn’t looking in the right spot
I believe that is one of the provisions or secret provisions of one of the Patriot Acts.
I presume that whether the protestors are executed or trampled by animals is up to Mr. Negroponte.
Mr Negroponte executes only within Honduras or Iraq, where he was appointed US Ambassador to represent our Nation. It wouldn’t be wise for our [sic] presidente to appoint Negroponte to a post on the domestic front. From his record, I don’t think he distinguishes between US citizens and foreign nationals, or from domestic nationals and insurgents for that matter. His concern is to get the job done.
Someone enlighten me, in how John Negroponte* would see his job in perspective to “We The People” and to Law: Domestic, International or otherwise. Will he be scrutinized by Congress, and requires him to speak up about his values and morals in life and profession? Or will Bush|Cheney say his job is executive privilege, and he needs to answer only to the presidente!
Perhaps, a US appointed job is to avoid him from being snatched by the World Body and taken to the ICC in The Hague. An Ideal World and a long wait, in what century?
In Bush’s Ideal World, George would see a partnership of Gonzales and Negroponte on the domestic Front in the War on Terror. As a Commander-In-Chief: “I don’t mind taking tough decisions,” that’s why he wears his new uniform, to show off, ehh illustrate that.
* Google just checking on HITS.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
I took the day off and went riding – just needed to get away – come back and find people being tortured by horses and vice versa. This is just sick! If anything those horses were petrified – they don’t seek confrontation, they run – it goes against their nature to be ridden into anything.
They aren’t loading here or at dKos anymore. Did I do something wrong?
There’s a guideline limit of 400px width. Exceeding
that width sometimes causes problems. Of course you
then have to adjust the height to conserve the aspect
400px width. So you did nothing wrong!
Good diary, recommended!
my server, but picts and vids, even from other website’s (Infonews) aren’t loading. And its taking a long time for the page to load up in the first place (which is unusual) Hmmm. Must be squirrels in the server.
it’s working fine now. At least for me.
Infonews can not link to their photos or videos either.
that was weird. Thats never happened like that before.
Out of control folks. I was talking with a friend that was deeply involved in protests in the 60s and 70s. He said it was dangerous then but feels if we start taking to the streets now, what you see on the video will just be the tip of the iceberg. Spreading Freedom and Democracy across the globe. If this is freedom and democracy American style, no wonder they don’t want it over there. I hate to be a pessimist my friends but this is only the beginning of what “they” have planned for our future police stae. They are starting to hint about the “Empire”s” next king JEB! It’s getting dark in here.
and bring carrots cut into bite-sized pieces for the police horses. The cops won’t like it, but their horses will.
Feed from palm of hand, fingers extended, held together, and kept flat. That way the horse won’t accidentally mistake one of our digits for a carrot piece. And you won’t have to trade part of your pinkie for a bite of chili one day.
You could even stuff your pockets with baggies of sweet feed. When the protest gets heated, open the baggy and dump a little pile of yummy treat onto the ground. Again, the horses will love you for it.
Sugar cubes work great too.
It’s easier to ride a horse sideways into a crowd, rather than forwards, since this gives the horse a way out. Protesters need to be informed that if they put their weight against the horse it will move away.
And if the protesters feel really threatened they should just smack the horse hard on its rump – that will empower it to maybe drop its unsuspecting rider and seek freedom elsewhere.
Striking a police horse will most likely get you arrested for assult on an officer — just like kicking a K-9 will.
You’re probably right, but it might be considered self defense (with a good lawyer) if you’re standing in the horses kick zone. I don’t know what would happen if you kick a dog that has his teeth wrapped around you – not that I’m advocating any of this, any more than I am advocating the use of animals in confrontational circumstances with people.
Besides, I was being sarcastic – I hope people would use their grey cells and stop themselves before dismounting an officer. I don’t think the police would take too kindly to protesters trying to feed their horses either – it might get you charged with interference with police duty or bribing an officer – and I wouldn’t put it past them either.
this. I missed it at dKos. Nasty stuff.