With the “sluggish” coverage of the Downing St. Minutes and the attempts to discredit Newsweek, it might seem as if a free press is truly in the last throws of death. Having been branded for years with “liberal bias” by the right wing noise machine, the 2004 election cycle only helped to nail the coffin on an independent media. There was the humiliating resignation of Dan Rather, and the media’s miscalculation of Karl Rove’s ability to rally an army of right wing religious zealot’s with “moral values” issues to deliver the election to an incumbent who could not poll above a fifty percent approval rating. They totally missed the early signs of vote fraud and manipulation, and once again had to deal with claims of “faulty exit polling”. “How could we have missed this?” was the general tone of the punditry on the evening of November 3rd. They appeared to be rolling over dead.
Having been living with a lap dog media that was comatose at best, and in many cases appeared to be collaborators with the political right, the imminent death of the free press has gone relatively unnoticed by the public in general. As long as a steady stream of Scott Peterson and other such trifles could be viewed on screen, or read in a tabloid by an American public grown complacent by mediocrity, there has been a general satisfaction by most that they have seen “All the news that’s fit to print”.
Within the past few days it appears that the rumors of the press’s demise may have been exaggerated. Although still on life support, a combination of provoking from the “liberal” side of the blogosphere and prodding by certain members of Congress seems to have breathed some new life into the dying beast. This emergency resuscitation coupled with a right wing whose reach seems to have exceeded its grasp on such issues as Shiavo, the filibuster, and social security could prove to be just what the doctor prescribed. As the President’s approval ratings continue to fall along with those of the Republican Congress, a newly emboldened 4th estate might be starting to come back to life.
As we’ve all become aware, in the last few days there seems to have been a flurry of activity from the press on a variety of topics. The Downing St Minutes were picked up in the print press by Knight Ridder, the LA TIMES, the WASHIGTON POST and Paul Krugman at the NYT. On cable news it was covered on CNN, and featured on Keith Olberman’s “Countdown” on MSNBC. Scott McClellan had to address it and Condoleezza Rice faced questions on the subject from a somewhat hostile Andrea Koppel during a joint press conference with British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw. Although Rice tried to brush off the questioning, she was finally forced to acknowledge the “memo” even if she did revert to standard pre-war talking points to avoid giving any substantive answer.
The Galloway story also seemed to demonstrate another increase in the intestinal fortitude of the press. The press was fully aware of Galloway’s reputation for fiery rhetoric and his staunch anti-war credentials. They fully anticipated the fact that at the end of the day “Gorgeous George” would be picking pieces of Smilin’ Norm flesh from between his teeth. It was the mismatch of the century. Knowing this, CNN ran it live and every news agency covered it. Clips were show on virtually every TV news outlet, and most papers carried stories with extensive quotes. This kind of coverage would have been unheard off a few short months ago. Galloway’s 47 min. of testimony became a shot heard `round the world.
The NEWSWEEK issue has proved to be a shot in the arm for the ailing press corp. On Wednesday, during a regular press conference, the press seemed to explode on Scott McClellan
with a fury we haven’t seen in ages. Not since the days of Nixon has the press appeared so adversarial. An excellent recounting of the exchange was covered at dKos by diarist Magorn. Although the motivation of the press on this subject is unquestionably suspect, the fact that they are willing to put up this kind of fight after years of complacency is a very encouraging sign.
Although I believe we are far from pronouncing that the patient has been cured, this newly invigorated press seems to finally be taking baby steps back to a position where they can fulfill their obligation as the public’s watchdog over a Government run amuck.
I can only hope that the trend continues and they reexamine Gannon and all the implications of that story from Plame to TANG. They could take on Delay and his improprieties. They should further explore the Downing Minutes and the whole story of the lies that led to the occupation of Iraq. Maybe they might reexamine the voting irregularities in the last election. Then there’s Haliburton, Gonzales, PNAC, Dobson, Tax cuts, The Patriot Act, 9/11, Afghanistan, Chilabi, “No Child Left Behind”, the gutting environmental regulations, election reform, campaign finance reform, Pearle and Feith, AIPAC, “faith based initiatives”, redistricting, and a list that goes on forever.
A healthy press could have a field day with this current administration if only they had the stomach to. I know it’s probably just a dream, but oh what a beautiful dream it would be.
Update [2005-5-19 21:5:52 by Duke1676]:
I’m new here and this is my first diary post.
Let me know what you think.
Good diary and a very important topic:
Freedom of the Press and courage of the press corps.
I’m impressed with all the data you mustered for this diary. A smart and thorough analysis!
Hope to see more of your diaries in the near future.
I’m also a New Member
Also know by the same nick on dailykos.
thanks for you post it’s a great piece, this is the type of thing we hoped would happen when we created the http://www.downingstreetmemo.com
if we played a small part I’m glad.
I think Media is frustrated with this admin, the Red Cross is frustrated and I think to be honest I think the military is frustrated that they went to war without a good plan, a good reason and good backing.
Things are turning we just have to keep the pressure on…this should not be the low point of the Bush admin, that should be the day a democratic is elected as Prez or the day he is impeached.
And thank good you guys have a spell check
I think you’re right, we could be at a a crossroads and it looks like we might be taking the right path.
I tend to be good a big picture stuff and I here things like Foxnews ratings are dropping alone with Bushes and I see more stories like downing street getting coverage, I see Schrivo and Social Security happening etc etc etc and lets face I think about 10% of America is waking up…..good thing we only need 1.5%:)
Appearing in the New York Review of Books, Mark Danner’s “The Secret Way of War.” It’s a long article, carefully and meticulously describing with great accuracy the lead up to war, the decsioin making processes, and how dangerously illegal the undertaking really was.
Perhaps the most telling line of all:
Much emphasis is put on what was happening and what the thinking was in both the UK and the US. By the end of the article, the disconnect with reason that’s taken place in this administration is fully exposed.
When you finish the article, you’re left thinking war crimes have been committed and impeachment is the last step America has to attempt to redeem itself. Most of us probably believe the latter will never happen in the current atmsophere where behaving justly and performing honest evaluations is regarded as “hating America.”
good find
Excellent diary and you do have a point which I think we are all feeling, note: the many recent diaries on hope and positive feelings.
Did anyone happen to catch the Harry Reid, Pelosi press conference on Cspan yesterday. The one where a gaggle of Dems. from the house lined up on the steps of the Capitol.
You could hear shouts of Give em Hell Harry, and other raucous crys, and sure sounded as if it came from the press corp. They all seemed jubilant and excited. I think there is an excitement in the air. Seems as if the cookie is crumbling from the sheer weight of all the rotten apples on the tree.
Another interesting press conf. was on cspan today with a group of Rep. Senators, protesting the base closings and saying unwise time to close, etc. Another Bush co plan that is coming under attack, even by his own side.
Senator from Alaska said it is pretty strange to close the only airbase in that state especially considering it’s proximity to the danger spots of the world.
I got this sudden insight, maybe they (Bushco) are planning on closing major bases here and building major bases in Middle East, (oh heck he already is). So I guess we will just have all our armed service on the other side of the world, in case we need them here. What a bunch of bozos are running this country, must be the laughingstock of the world. Yep.
Btw welcome to the site.
Diane – as you pointed out elsewhere, the riveting appearance of the Devil’s Advocate, George Galloway, seems to have empowered a few people with the will to speak up.
Personally I find his views on many subjects extreme. However free speech (providing it does not provoke violence) is perhaps the cornerstone of a free society.
But free speech means little unless it is also accompanied by free listening and free watching.
It covers the whole screen and I couldn’t see
the column with Recommend on the right.
how do you control that?
I just typed it up and pasted it in.
Is there a way to format the width?
it’s supposed to be dynamic. And indeed your diary is.
Good post
Excellent and important diary. It is imperrative that the media wake up and do their job. We are all so starved for truth in reporting that any little sign of the media growing a spine is hopeful. May it continue and the only way we will see more of this is to put more pressure on them than the corporate asswipes do. Just my opinion.
If the numbers keep going in the direction they’re headed– that is, if the audience turns against Bush– so will the content providers.
Advertising revenue is based on viewership. Viewers tend to vote with their remotes.
Chris Matthews is the perfect example. He’s been wandering leftwards (ever so slightly) for a while now. Partly, it’s the polls. Partly, I’m sure, it’s the influence of Olbermann’s numbers.
In any case, unless you’re talking about institutions like the NYT & Wapo, it’s all about numbers.
You’re right on mark about the numbers.
With any luck a cycle will begin where the press covers the truth, causing Bush’s numbers to slide even further, creating more demand for such stories.
It’s been argued that Watergate did not really gain momentum until the vast majority of the American public became overwhelmingly disenchanted with Nixon’s general policies and behavior.
This is why ol’ Scottie boy had to hit so hard on Newsweek. They new something bigger was coming out and needed to try and scare NYT by blaming Newsweek for violence in Afganistan. What the hell is Scottie going to say to the WH press corp on this front page 6000 word story? This could get real interesting today.
you missed:
Keep kicking ’em, or else they’ll go back to sleep again.
That’s where I’d like to put my check.
I saw your diary on dKOS and was impressed. You do good work, and I appreciate your synthesis. Taken together as you have done, does make it seem the darkest hours may have passed before the dawn.
Let’s hope the rest of the American Sleeping Giant Citizenry awakens, yawns, and stretches to reach out to their ballots and vote the Republicans out in ’06. That her comotose politicians get slapped around sufficiently to clear their heads and get them back on the track of right thinking, doing their duty by the Constitution and their constituants, and voting in the interests of the Nation rather than its present misbegotten leadership.
So, keep kicking everyone. And throw in a little screaming, too.
I couldn’t agree more.
Today is a good case in point:
I’m sure far more people on their way to the train this morning (here in NY) picked up a NY POST to see Sadam in his underwear, than saw the NYT story about prisoner abuse and murder in Afghanistan.
I think it is up to us to help keep the momentum going.