Okay, so it’s raining in Philly, and the country is fucked. But that can’t keep us from having fun. What are you doing this weekend?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I haven’t forgotten about you. We’ll be integrating your work soon. We’ve just been very busy behind the scenes.
No worries! Thanks again for your top-notch writing and analysis.
Frantic, friends, and quiet are on the schedule for the weekend.
Local political summit on Saturday all day for me in Berkeley – Take Back Red California. Red Counties and Blue Counties planning for 2006 NOW! More info here… http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v646/sally2cat/summitflyerv2.jpg
Brunch with a friend near Dolores Park on Sunday – Celebrate virtual friends meet in real life!
Quiet – home alone – sweetie is out of town. So quiet time – when I’m home. ;^)
Sorry it’s raining Booman – rain finally left Northern CA – sunshine today… I was starting to grow Frog feet from all the rain here.
Going to see the new Star Wars movie tonight with family. Fun tomarrow with grand daughter overnight. She’s eight and a riot to hang out with. Sunday it is suppose to be near 100 here so probably out to the lake for a little wakeboarding…my favorite water sport. Went out for first time this year last weekendand popped right up. Not bad for a grandma huh? Three generations participating right now.
Wakeboarding and a grand-daughter?
You go, girl.
Hey I may be 53 but I can still shake it pretty good too…lol! What a fun thread this is. Sure needed the diversion.
which lake aloha,
It is actually a resavoir…San Vicente out near Lakeside.Beautiful and surrounded by mountains.
I know it well, I loved fishing at that resevoir, lots of Bass in the summer and fall and trout in the winter and spring. It is also the first place I ever stepped on a rattlesnake, scared me to death, fortunately I had on almost new jeans and calf high hiking boots, he only punctured the pants, not the leather. Taught me well to watch where I was walking. That would have been back in 81 or so.
Have fun wakeboarding.
Gardening, clubbing and dancing, gardening, golfing, more gardening, golfing, and working on the tan… FORE !!!!!
Should be a bit of time, for beer drinking as well.
Baseball, and MORE baseball. Home team’s in town and I’ve got season tickets, so it’s me, nine or so of my favorite guys, and a 3/4 moon over Miami. AAAHHHHHH. . .
I’m moving this weekend into an apartment. It’s supposed to hit triple digits here this weekend so I’ll probably get a decent tan (in addition to the built-in one, of course).
Gee Egee…sorry I can’t be there to help ya…lol! I am going to be in your neck of the woods though over Memorial Day weekend to visit my sis(the republican…ugh) in Tucson.
A ‘R’ in Tucson huh? Talk about a frog out of water. Speaking of that, I’ll be in Phx that weekend where it will be at least 110 degrees. BOO! Bring your sunblock, someone ignited the fire in the sky. 🙂
is a big fat liar. And he’s ugly too.
how you really feel. Never mind, I don’t want my work’s filter to ban the site.
Cornyn, is a shill and a liar and a scoundrel and you know he is lying when his lips move. I would really like to tell all of you what I think of that scum sucking bacteria eating ameoba, but good manners and common sense prevail.
Pssst. . . .(in case you hadn’t heard this before) Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are BFLs as well – and not necessarily fat.
I just got back from two days visiting the Mesabi Iron Range (picture pick-up trucks with the rear windows completely awash in American flag graphics and big wording on the front window saying: “If it flies it dies”). I am SO HAPPY to be HOME! The only talk radio was Hannity and Limbaugh for several hours on the drive up and several hours on the drive home (Air America faded out about 100 miles out of the Twin Cities).
It’s been so long since I’ve listened to either of those two goons I had forgotten what BFLs they are. Thank goodness I finally ran across Jim Rome on another channel, or it would have been a very, very long ride home.
I’m still stunned by the things they were saying. (Like. . . did ya know that GWB is currently more popular throughout the entire nation than Clinton EVER was at any point in his presidency and if you say otherwise you’re a complete fool?) On that note, I feel the need to go shower – and I feel the need to give thanks that I don’t live outstate.
Huh. He’ll fit right in on Fat Tuesday, the D-Day for The Frist FiliBLUSTER.
I just reread that chapter in Molly Ivins book,”Dubya Bush’s Bench,” to refresh my memory about Priscilla Owen. Someone at DKos had a diary last week based on it (Hunter)? Anyway his narrative centered around the story of Willie Searcy – another avoidable tragedy camped right at the doorstep of Ford Motors and Priscilla Owen. I won’t repeat the content, but it’s a horrendous example of the kind of judge who rewrites the law to reflect her personal views. In her case, taking the side of big bidness, evangelicizing, and in general, just being a soul-less whore for Karl Rove.Ivins contends that Rove is responsible for populating the entire Texas judiciary with his own personal choices.
Anyway, Cornyn is in that chapter – and so is A. Gonzalez. Back then, even they couldn’t stomach Owen’s decisions. Seems there was a tiny remnant of conscience in them. At least, professional ethics. Hard to believe, but I trust Molly Ivin and her sources and her perceptions.
BUSHWACKED, Ivins’s book, would serve as a pretty good primer on Bush’s and Rove’s evil doings in Texas, and how they got away with murder, figuratively speaking of course. Please go read it! For most of you, it will be a revisit, but a rewarding one.
I’m just taking a breather in between semesters. 13 credits this summer will inch me closer to graduation.
Baseball on telly. Yummy.
Just wanted to say hello and mention I’m glad to be on this site……
My name is Michael hopefully I’ll be posting here sometime soon:)
Hey Michael – welcome aboard! Watch your back Dude – you’ll soon be strongly encouraged to post your full bio – including height, weight, age, eye color – yes, and even a picture. (Just looking out for ya by giving you an advance warning :-).
Glad to have you on board and I look forward to your contributions. If like, I had any power, I’d welcome you on behalf of the whole community.
Paging Mr. Longman. . .
MIKE! I haven’t looked yet but did you post your Red Cross diary here? E-mail me if you want any help.
Mike…don’t you post over at Dkos abit? If same as I am thinking you write great stuff. Welcome to the Tribe and enjoy the easy going atmosphere. Doesn’t mean we don’t take issues seriously. The diary/spelling/grammer police haven’t come swinging yet and if you take a look at hidden comments you see this seems to be a troll free zone. Enjoy!
– I hope.
Last week-end I went with my two kids to visit the other family on the mainland. We ate out for two dinners, 11 of us. On our last night, we played Texas Holdem Poker. The three year old was determined to get in on the game, so I gave him his own deck of cards. When his mom got up from the table, he would go over and flip her chips into the pot. At one point he left the room and was gone for only minutes. We found out later he had an art attack in the living room with a squeeze bottle of blue paint (washable) and some sponges. Not much paint made it to his paper.
This is the boy when he is mad, thinks mommy has left the building.

Hey Sybil…we all play Texas Hold em(wish they would change the name..lol) and my eight year old grand daughter is really good. She beats us alot. Fun game. The family motto is Shut up and Deal since I was a kid.
Very cute three year old you have there.
My 8 year old granddaughter beat us all. We didn’t mind
her winning, but had to teach her a new word “gloat.”
Also that she should keep a ‘poker face’ instead of
grinning like the Chesire cat.
What is it with these modern 8 year olds?
Oh they are bright these days and they are our hope for the future. We had better do our best to clean up this mess Bush made for them huh?
This weekend lots of family time, next weekend VEGAS BABY!!! Look out Mandalay Bay there’s a big bachelor party coming your way. Heh heh heh.
Lacrosse game Saturday if it stops raining, followed by a pedicure (birthday present), and hopefully a Sunday jaunt to the Lambertville Shad Fest to demo my latest nautical bucket of lust
Are you talking about the boat or the guy in the hat?
LOL! You know, I meant the boat…and realized what it might look like after I posted my comment…
How about this guy? Same boat, but Kevlar. (See, I REALLY want the boat…)
to avoid the pitfalls of the bar scene on the first weekend of smoking cessation.
someone better have some fun for me 🙂
playing with my children, gardening, golfing and more playing with my children, kissing my wife, loving my family and generally being a good father and husband. Damn life is good, could only be better if the fascists in our government were wearing striped pj’s and looking out from inside a well barred door.
Go and see my latest diary on Yes these are hopeful times…..Please.
I’m going downtown (Chicago) to see if they finally polished the weldmarks out of the Bean in our amazing new Millennium Park. And whether the garden part of it looks like it might make some sense yet.
Then finally plant the basil, collard, kale, morning glory and other seedlings if they aren’t dead yet. And cut the damn grass, as the hayfield-love minority has no rights around here. I wish Da Mare would let us keep goats.
Hey DaveW…where exactly are you..in the city proper? Or Chicago burbs? I spent my first 33 years in McHenry county. Grew up on Wonder Lake.
Far north end of the city — Rogers Park.
Playing some music tomorrow.
Some grass – hayfield work to do, too much rain to have kept up the last three weeks.
Go through some belongings stuff that has to “move on down the road.” (Couldn’t 80% of my stuff do that?)
It’s always darkest just before the dawn.
my daughter just sent me this announcement from HSUS:
I’m so pleased to tell you that last night, thanks to your action, the
U.S. House of Representatives voted in a landslide — 249-159 — to ban
the sale of wild horses for slaughter! Americans were outraged last
December when a secret rider in a budget bill gutted the federal
protections afforded to wild horses for 34 years, an action that allowed
“killer buyers” last month to ship 41 mustangs to an Illinois
slaughterhouse, which quickly killed these majestic animals so they
could be served up on dinner plates in Europe and Asia.
U.S. Representatives Nick Rahall (D-WV), Ed Whitfield (R-KY), John
Sweeney (R-NY), and John Spratt (D-SC) have led the charge to end horse
slaughter. …
That really is the happiest story I’ve heard in a long time. Thanks for posting it. I wouldn’t have known otherwise, I’m sure.
This afternoon I’m going out with my cow orkers to see Star Wars III. They bowed to the inevitable and just set up a group trip rather than have to face a sickout yesterday and today. * koff koff * Man, that Tattooine tonsilitis can be pretty nasty.
Then I’ll be working on a couple of my own projects, and of course on Sunday morning I’ll post Sunday Griot, which I would invite you all to come read.
I looked up the word when I first saw it, but still don’t understand it. Could you explain how you use it?
“Griot” is a French word given to a class of storytellers in Africa. Traditionally they are the guardians of their culture, telling the stories and singing the songs that transmit the history, beliefs and customs of the people from one generation to another.
I take the name from a local radio show called Global Griot, which I cannot recommend highly enough. For three hours every Sunday morning the hosts play recordings of storytellers like Joel Bin Izzy, Bil Lepp, Doug Lipman, Robert Fulghum and Margaret Reed McDonald. These names may not mean much to you (except perhaps for Fulghum, who gained fame for “All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten”) but they are luminaries of the storytelling world. There are stories every week that have their roots in Africa, Asia, the North American First Nations, Ireland, India, Chasidic Judaism and any other tradition you might think of, and that’s not to mention things like Bil Lepp’s tall tales or Willy Claflin’s fractured fairy tales told by his puppet, Maynard Moose.
And interspersed with the story is world music that’s just as varied as the stories. You can listen to the program by going to KSER’s web site and following the “Listen Live” link on Sunday mornings at 8 AM Pacific time (11 AM Eastern time, or currently 1500 GMT).
But back to the term “griot.” I decided back at the beginning of the year that there were many stories that our culture was busy forgetting, or had never heard, or in some cases had yet to be written, that promoted tolerance, peace, justice, freedom, and other values we hold dear. Since no one else was telling those stories, I appointed myself storyteller-in-residence at Daily Kos and started Sunday Griot. When Booman started this site I brought the stories over here, and eventually started my own weblog to archive them (link below).
Sorry to have written the Great American Novel but you reminded me that, while I posted some of this on DKos a while back, I never adequately explained it here. So now hopefully everyone knows.
….is my middle name, but I rarely feel motivated to post in these tribal fests.
But in the interests of the community spirit I’d just like to inform you that I shall be doing nothing of note this weekend. I have to catch up on two days of being laid low by a bug.
This means I’ll be continuing an analysis of a large industrial company and working on a roadmap for another co. in industrial wireless. What larks, Pip!
Assuming all these go according to schedule, I might just join my Gypsy friend in a little local karaoke Saturday night.
As you can see, I live a life of unbridled hedonism
I also have to squeeze in finishing a paper on myelodysplastic syndrome, write a couple of abstracts on bisphosphonate therapy in cancer patients, and wash the car…
i had to look that up and got as an explanation ‘clonal hematopoietic disorders’ – so I’m a lot wiser now 😉
My industry vocab has things like ‘gap-closing positioning’ or ‘self-organizing systems’ which are basically ‘clonal hematopoietic disorders’ – meaning its in our blood to be obtuse…
Have fun with the kevlar canoe – great in the water, but trickily floppy when you have to port them.
For all of you who are coming to Austin for Democracyfest 2005, please plan to join the Austin Kossacks at our Kos Caucus on Friday, June 17, at 5:00 p.m. (And if you’re not already planning to come to Demfest, why ever not?!)
Thanks to Othniel, we will be caucusing with State Rep. Mark Strama, who won a hard-fought battle against one of DeLay’s minions. Click the link for all the details.
Howard Dean is coming to Boston! Was everybody in New England “invited?” Or just us elites? Here’s what you’ll spend should you accept: $100 to participate in the opening rally. $1,000 for a cocktail. $5,000 a plate for dinner. At the Park Plaza in June. I don’t know if the Greyhound station is still across the street. It’s been a while since I’ve ventured into that part of town. But transportation should be no problem.
I would have brought you the invitation/agenda, but I regretted by return mail. You’ll just have to take notes if you go, to share with the rest of us.
Lessee…Chinese class tomorrow afternoon, a party for a friend in the evening, and then a fabulous Sunday of tidying the house, going to the gym and watching semi-trashy TV…
Oh yeah, and a little writing, and BASEBALL! GO PADRES!!!