This is the weekly diary I have started to post the Humanist Network News blurbs. HNN is the weekly e-zine of the Institute for Humanist Studies.
HNN stories for the week of May 18, 2005:
- “Intelligent design” & Ten Commandments in NYS
- The debate about debating intelligent design
- Judge allows graduation in Church, but sides with AU
- Life after the tsunami: helping hands in humanism
- “Sweet Reason” readers can give their own advice
- Get the IHS 2004 Annual Report by snail mail
- IHS in the News
- IHS helping to spread the word about other humanists
- Behind-the-scenes glimpse of IHS public relations
- A quick turn in Canadian politics
- Letters to the Editor
- Book Review: Silent No More, Part 5
- Media Roundup
- Cathartic Comics
- Humanist Humor
See across the bump for summaries and links.
1. “Intelligent design” & Ten Commandments in NYS
Two bills calling for equal time for “intelligent design” in public schools and allowing for the posting of the Ten Commandments on government property were introduced to the New York State Assembly on May 3. MORE
2. The debate about debating intelligent design
In his column, IHS Public Policy Director tackles the specious arguments made for “intelligent design.” He also shares some of the comments news editors sent him after the IHS sent a press release on its position regarding “intelligent design.” MORE
3. Judge allows graduation in Church, but sides with AU
Today Federal District Judge Gregory A. Presnell rejected a request by Americans United for Separation of Church and State (AU) to stop four Florida high school graduation ceremonies from taking place at a church. The judge did not reject the temporary restraining order on it’s merit, however. In a special to HNN, Florida writer Jeff Nall reports. MORE
4. Life after the tsunami: helping hands in humanism
After the Indian Ocean Tsunami struck on December 26, 2004, the Institute for Humanist Studies launched an immediate fundraising appeal. In total, IHS forwarded more than $7,000 donated by readers of HNN to the tsunami rehabilitation program of the Atheist Centre in South India. Here is a report from the Atheist Centre detailing how the money was used. MORE
5. “Sweet Reason” readers can give their own advice
Molleen Matsumura, author of “Sweet Reason,” an advice column for non-religious recently told HNN, “Sometimes readers send me their own ideas to add to the advice I give in my column.” She gave several examples. See what type of advice other HNN readers had to give. MORE
6. Get the IHS 2004 Annual Report by snail mail
The Institute for Humanist Studies will soon be mailing readers in the U.S. and Canada a professionally printed, full color copy of its Annual Report. Please be sure IHS has your current postal address. DETAILS
7. IHS in the News
This week, the IHS was quoted in two stories about the proposed NY bills on the Ten Commandments and “intelligent design.” MORE
8. IHS helping to spread the word about other humanists
Humanists pride themselves on their ethics and compassion for others. Yet many humanist organizations skimp on their compassion for other humanist or like-minded groups. Find out how the IHS is helping to get other humanists into the news. MORE
9. Behind-the-scenes glimpse of IHS public relations
Many HNN readers are financial supporters of the Institute for Humanist Studies. So, I thought you might like to get a quick glimpse at how the Institute operates when something like an intelligent design bill is introduced to the New York State Legislature. MORE
10. A quick turn in Canadian politics
Belinda Stronach, billionaire Conservative MP, “crossed the floor of the house” this morning to become a Liberal cabinet minister. Find out what this means for humanists in Canada. MORE
11. Letters to the Editor
Letters on last week’s poll, “coming out as a humanist politician”, Andy Rooney and more. MORE
12. Book Review: Silent No More, Part 5
Kenneth W. Krause reviews the rhetoric of the Christian Right and Pastor Rod Parsley’s new book, Silent No More. Kenneth challenges the Pastor on abortion, homosexual union, race, education, poverty, and founder intentions. MORE
13. Media Roundup
A roundup of news for humanists and freethinkers… Harvard humanist chaplain retires after more than three decades; “Faith Based” Journalism; Bush’s religious right nominee to FDA is accused of rape and sodomy by ex-wife and MORE
14. Cathartic Comics
…an assortment of cartoons and comic strips about humanism, atheism, religion, science and freethought. LINK
15. Humanist Humor
A boy is about to go on his first date, and is nervous about what to talk about. He asks his father for advice. The father replies: “My son, there are three subjects that always work. These are food, family and philosophy.” MORE
Hey, thanks for the roundup. I hope you keep up this weekly post…otherwise I might forget to check Humanist News. Liked the cartoons also.
The whole intelligent design(ha) and the ten commandments seems to be a perpetual battle we have to wage against these neanderthals.