I wasn’t going to do a diary on this subject today, but after reading the Baghram report today I thought it is just the perfect time.  
Yes I am feeling hopeful today, things are a changin and I can feel it, don’t you all.  We have been lifted out of the quagmire (at least a little) and have only one way to go and that is up.
I suggested on one diary today that we capitalize on recent happening and start a movement here right on the internet.  Start a world wide petition, generated and accelerated throughout the world with the networking system already in place, from we the people of the World, demand an end to the War in Iraq and further demand that the perpetrators of this travesty be held accountable in the highest court in the land or the world.  

I don’t know if it would work or not, I don’t know if we can even start one, but should we try???
That’s the question I am asking you, can we take all negative  energy that we have bottled up in us, turn it into a positive act that may, just may have a chance of doing something.
This is the only thing I can come up with that could possibly have the impact we want.  Demonstrations are going to be met with intolerance, we know that in advance.  Can we use the tools of this age, the internet, to advance our cause.
What I am proposing is a totally grassroots petition, generated at the lowest level, a small group of people here on Booman who by virtue of their participation on forums on the internet have contacts all over the world.  
All we really need to do is to draw up a petition, someone like rba has told me it is not difficult to get a petition web page, and then spread the links around the world on every site we can find.  
So it’s out there now, my idea, let’s talk about what you think, if it can work, will you help, anything you care to say.
FYI:  I am going to be gone for awhile this afternoon, so I will catch up with you all later when I return.  
Have a really good day all of you, it is beautiful and 88 degrees here in Socal…..