I wasn’t going to do a diary on this subject today, but after reading the Baghram report today I thought it is just the perfect time.
Yes I am feeling hopeful today, things are a changin and I can feel it, don’t you all. We have been lifted out of the quagmire (at least a little) and have only one way to go and that is up.
I suggested on one diary today that we capitalize on recent happening and start a movement here right on the internet. Start a world wide petition, generated and accelerated throughout the world with the networking system already in place, from we the people of the World, demand an end to the War in Iraq and further demand that the perpetrators of this travesty be held accountable in the highest court in the land or the world.
I don’t know if it would work or not, I don’t know if we can even start one, but should we try???
That’s the question I am asking you, can we take all negative energy that we have bottled up in us, turn it into a positive act that may, just may have a chance of doing something.
This is the only thing I can come up with that could possibly have the impact we want. Demonstrations are going to be met with intolerance, we know that in advance. Can we use the tools of this age, the internet, to advance our cause.
What I am proposing is a totally grassroots petition, generated at the lowest level, a small group of people here on Booman who by virtue of their participation on forums on the internet have contacts all over the world.
All we really need to do is to draw up a petition, someone like rba has told me it is not difficult to get a petition web page, and then spread the links around the world on every site we can find.
So it’s out there now, my idea, let’s talk about what you think, if it can work, will you help, anything you care to say.
FYI: I am going to be gone for awhile this afternoon, so I will catch up with you all later when I return.
Have a really good day all of you, it is beautiful and 88 degrees here in Socal…..
Let’s take the enthusiasm that Galloway brought to these shores and be just a brave and strong as he was and stop acting like a bunch of sheep and let our voices be heard loud and strong.
What have we got to lose.???
Love ya all.s
If it could garner a few million signatories, it might help bring some more attention to some of these things. Other than that, I don’t suppose it has any place to go. But if it has significant numbers, it might give more press to the things we want heard. Probably not much in the US press, but world wide the noise might become very loud. Worth a try.
Wonder if as a symbolic gesture it could be presented to the UN as a petition from the world? Eh? Might be some good publicity there.
That is exactly the idea I had to present it to the UN and to the world, show the world we citizens of the US do care and do want this mess, all these messes to stop.
I am sure we can connect with Boxer, Pelosi, Kerry,Elizabeth Edwards, Conyers and others who pay attention to these boards.
We could get a lot of impetus behind us with them….
Media will carry story if it gets big enough.
Listened to a conversation just now, an interview with newly elected President of Ukraine. Recall this was after the first election was ANNULLED by the high court. Special remark he made: “The Orange revolt gained a foothold when the Ukraine representative in the Annual European Song Festival was voted #1!”
That is the mark of a revolution, general unrest through unpopular policy by the present regime and the people want change. At the lowest level an uprising can be coordinated.
Last Wednesday, CSKA Moscow won the European UEFA Cup against all odds from favorites Sporting Lissabon, Portugal. The first Soviet or Russian club to win a European Soccer cup in history. The crowds in Moscow feasted throughout the night, the masses are becoming involved and can start a movement.
What has a 55 year boycott gained for the Cuban people. During the Cold War, President Kennedy launched initiatives for cultural, educational and exchanges for sports activities between nations. Same thing Nixon did with his ping-pong diplomacy in the early seventies with China. What is left of dialog between North and South Korea, with Bolton | Bush on North Korea after 5 years of aggravation and noise?
Kiev was taken over by “orange” supporters
To use the momentum of the present anger against the prisoner torture abuse, why not start simple under all Democrats. Add an ORANGE ribbon to the yellow ribbon on your car, behind windows, in the yard even on pullover, shirt, blouse or T-shirt for the summer. To show the American citizens are launching a protest against the Bush | Cheney policies on Iraq and endangering our sons and daughters’ lives. Everyone can participate, no real cost involved and you can empower each other by being visible and give a wink in appreciation.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Excellent suggestion Oui about the ribbon. That could go hand in hand with the petition. What about blue, and say I am feeling blue over the world situation or something along those lines, we need our own color. Not sure about that, what do you think OUi and others
Oh and I want to add, maybe this should not be called a petition, but rather a “Declaration From/of People of the World”.
BTW, thanks for the encouragement on this diary…
Do you ever sleep Oui, You are on here early and late, or are you one of those that does not need much sleep. Don’t know how you do it….
Oui, you are a great person to help with this idea and launching a campaign or movement, I hope you will.
Others reading this diary, please add your ideas and whether you can help to get this going; if we get some unamimous consent (or do we just need a majority not super majority).
Yes you are right Oui if Ukraine can do it why can’t we. Pretty embarrassing if we can’t.
Gotta run for the afternoon now, but will check back later.
Re: Yuschenko can do it, why not US!
Keep it simple – do not reinvent a campaign that is already recognized in the whole world. Build on its strength, the easiest PR. It’s a strong form of protest, Democracy here at Home first! We want our freedom and honest elections. Not the Bush BS and rhetoric for Cuban and Venezuelan freedom.
Look at what happens with the Rumsfeld ally Karimov in Uzbekistan – now up to 1,000 citizens shot dead who were protesting the policy of a dictator. Karimov and OIL supported by the West, Russia and the USA.
The Blues is for excellent music, I’m not feeling blue at all. <mood>
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
I agree with you….That’s what I like about you. You come to the point…
See you later tonight, tend this site a little if you can. Thanks…
like all the rubber ones so many charities are sporting since Lance Armstrong started his Livestrong campaign for cancer research. They are cheap to buy in bulk and then sell for a $1.00 to start a media campaign to bting the tropps home/Impeach the Chimp campaign. Just my 2 cents worth.
at the chimperor’s motorcade… at public speaking wingnuts… like the guy that tossed a shoe? I could get behind that! Orange is such a cool, obnoxious color…; )
Ok Bood…great idea but you throw first ok? I’ll be right behind you with the bail money…promise! lol
I said that I could get behind that… I’ve got bail money, too… ; )
yeah,yeah, yeah…at least we have each others chickenshit backs huh?
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/ hey diane, here’s a site we might look into…start our petition on this site as it’s already set up for petitions.
I like the idea of those bracelets. Can’t think of any useful ideas right now…maybe when I wake up more and have a little more coffee in me.
On a slightly related note, my sister just surprised me with two tshirts..one is white and says in red/white and blue..’Peace is Patriotic’ and the other a wonderful sage green that has a Chinese symbol with the inside of the symbol repeating the word ‘peace’ over and over…and made in USA and organic dye…pretty dam cool.(the tshirts and my sister)
Great site Chocolate, thanks so much. That is perfect and can be done rather quickly.
Now what I need is help in writing a petition. I can write a basic petition, but I will need scholarly and legal advice so I am hoping someone will volunteer for that job.
I am not clear yet if there is enough support for this action on this site or should I just go ahead and plow on with this….Looking for more comments from you and others.
I think Peace is Patriotic is a great slogan and I am supporting Peaceism as a new ‘ism’ for us to use.An antidote for Terrorism.
If this idea does have legs, I would like someone at some point to take it to DK. I am very leery of posting a diary on DK and need someone with gravitas on that site to help.