It is so obvious that all this sudden flurry of articles that have come out in the past two days are going to mysteriously appear on Russerts overheads.
Can you guess the questions Dean will be asked on Sunday?
I found some:
Russert: Governor Dean it seems that a WHOLE LOTTA Democrats are none to pleased with your performance in the first 100 days as Chairman of the DNC. …And I quote:
Will Marshall, president of the centrist Progressive Policy Institute, agrees that Democrats need to “go raiding behind Republican lines.” He says his group and the affiliated Democratic Leadership Council will be doing “some missionary work of our own” in Republican states this year.
Rosenthal, Marshall and others say Democrats — led by Dean — should be reaching out to groups and areas where Republicans have done well: military families, Catholics, evangelical Christians, business leaders, people who live in the “exurbs” beyond even outer suburbs, and people who live in small, “micropolitan” cities. They also say Democrats should focus on black and Latino voters, even though majorities of both voted for Democrat John Kerry for president last year.
As Dems shore up base, GOP goes ‘raiding’ Jill Lawrence, USA TODAY 5.19.2005
Me answering as Dean: Well Pumpkinhead you never end to amaze me what a spectacular hacktacular you are. The DLC wignuts are shitting in their pants because I have taught the Democratic party that you do not have to suck up to the GOP and go-GOP lite in order to win.
So now they are starting their own campaign to undercut me… not surprising for the DLC
As for Latinos and Blacks voting for Kerry this is true. But what is also true is that Kerry’s stunning display of lack of conviction in his concession and his further abondonment of African Americans in the senate hearing will make it difficult to keep in them fold. After Kerry, they will be looking for alternates and if the right wing of the Democratic party has the same stances as the GOP then it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the indeed we will lose some of our most loyal constituents. I want to STRESS that it will take the conviction of the ENTIRE Democratic party INCLUDING THE DLC to keep African Americans in the fold. I can not promise Afriacn Americans one thing while the DLC are out there promising GOP “converts” something else.
Russert: Govern Dean if I may follow up on that. Another “recent” article has been published with Rev. Sharpton calling you a racist. ..
… And I quote from a very reputable journal:
The Rev. Al Sharpton blasted Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean on Tuesday, saying that under his leadership, African-Americans have been excluded from top Democratic Party positions.
“I’m taking Dean to task right now for the lack of black inclusion at the highest levels of the Democratic Party,” Sharpton told WWRL radio hosts Steve Malzberg and Karen Hunter. “It’s the lowest in thirty years.”
“We ought to have more to show [for our support],” he complained. “And we should ask why, as the Republicans, ironically, are running blacks [for office], that [Dean] has left blacks out of the top echelon of the Democratic Party.”
Sharpton also said that Dean needed to apologize for racially charged remarks last February, where the top Democrat suggested that Republicans could attract blacks to their party if they summoned the “hotel staff.”
“That was at a DNC session where we were running candidates for chair and vice chair,” Sharpton recalled. “I said right at that session that he ought to apologize, absolutely.”
Russert: Governor Dean are you a racist? The DLC is begging you to reach out to African Americans… why are you not?
Me answering a Dean: Russert you low life cretin. Get your fact straight the DLC has tried continuously to dismantle the Congressional Black Caucus. The only African Americans they are interested in are the ones that they have fabricated to parrot their talking points. As far as Rev. Al…I think he is a nice fellow but it has already been proven that he is on the GOP dole. Newmax is a GOP rag and they are they only ones who would bow so low to print such trash.
Pumpkinhead I happened to bring a slide of my own today. …and I quote
Howard Dean is bringing minorities to the top of the minority party. That’s rarer than you might think.
Dean recently joined this notable list when he brought Cornell Belcher on as the first African American to serve as polling director for the Democratic National Committee (DNC).
Not sure hiring Belcher is as significant as recruiting Robinson, Brown, Raines, Powell, or Rice? Well, consider this: There are five indispensable people in any campaign organization — the campaign manager, who vets all decisions; the finance director, who figures out how to pay for the enterprise; and the media adviser, the research director, and the pollster, who decide what the campaign will talk about, what its vulnerabilities are, and how to defend against them. Political director and field director are also key positions, but it is the “Indispensable Five” who typically gather to make most of the major decisions of any campaign organization. Inexplicably, despite the necessity of African American support for Democratic victories, almost none of these senior decision-makers are ever black.
Dean and Belcher are making an effort at reconnecting the party with the voters by launching a project to find the issues and messages that resonate with Bush voters. After losing the presidency (twice?) and six consecutive congressional elections, this is the most important thing for Democrats to figure out. Democrats want to protect the nation from terrorists. We want to help working people, their families, and businesses compete (and win) in the global economy. And we want to help parents who are raising children in an over-sexualized and hyper-violent culture. We must find a message that will convince voters that we can be trusted to do these things. Hopefully, the diverse team that Dean is assembling at the DNC will have better luck finding that message than Democrats have had in the recent past.
Jamal Simmons, “The Chairman’s Colorful Cabinet”, The American Prospect Online, May 3, 2005.
And as you see you dipshit… I am ALSO creating a strategy that I hope to resonate with dissaffected GOP voters.
What questions do you think Pumpkinhead will ask Howard Dean?
Russert: Governor Dean you have been quoted sayinf some horrible angry nasty vicious things about Republicans. Do you really hate Republicans that much?
Russert: It has been noted that several high ranking Democrats do not want to be seen in your company maninly in Red states.
Me answering as Dean: That is unmittigated crap. I had close to 1000 people show up in MISSISSIPPI and was given a very warm welcome in Kansas in which I did meet with the Governor for breakfast. Pumpkinhead
you are just making up shit again.