(Oooops! I guess that I’ve inadvertently published nudie pics of Saddam, now… sorry BooMan… Woopsies! I guess BooMan has inadvertently published offensive Saddam pictures now… well the picture is actually copyrighted by AP… Ooooops! Has the Associated press inadvertently participated in this Burgeoning scandal…? OMG! Have I just uncovered that “vast left wing conspiracy”, or “librul media” that I always hear tell about?)

Seriously, where’s the White House spin on this one? Both AP and Reuters are reporting on The Sun’s blatant thumbing of their nose at US wishes. Is “Beam me up Scottie” going to proffer an official Bush “flogging” of The Sun later today, or are they “spent” after “disciplining” Newsweek? Hmmm… could it be that true journalists are just masochists at heart…? Naughty, naughty press! More BDSM after the fold…
Just kidding! But apparently in this second batch of pics they have candids of Chemical Ali (“The man, grizzled and gray, is shown hunched wearing a bathrobe, leaning on a cane and holding a towel as he rises out of a chair.”) and Mrs Anthrax (“The woman can be seen wearing a headscarf, walking outdoors and looking forlornly in the distance.”)

All in an attempt to convince the insurgents that “the war is over”… Hmmm…. these Psy-ops dudes have been in Iraq for what… almost two years now… mingling… absorbing the culture… and this is the best they can come up with?! This is like throwing napalm on a crowd to prevent a riot… er… gasoline to start a… er… throwing gasoline to put out… whatever.

Any legal scholars out there that can elaborate on what happens Geneva Convention-wise now to The Sun? Are they in the clear, or are they somehow culpable in repeating reporting a known violation of prisoners rights? Bottom line is that Saddam’s lawyer is threatening to sue everybody…

(cross posted at Daily Kos)