The first step in demanding the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld, is to document his crimes. If you have any good links that point out violations of the law that have been authorized by the Pentagon, put them below.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I’ve signed several Rumsfeld resignation petitions over the last few years. Don’t even remember which ones.(I remember even Kerry had one) I think if you put in google search you can find quite a few petition sites for that.
Although don’t know how effective so many petitions are? Kinda scatter shot but guess it can’t hurt to sign a few or for me to sign a few more.
right after the scandal involving a very lax policy on cameras at Abu Ghraib became public.
I’m not sure how having US policies implemented by someone else would make any significant change, but it would be a definite psychological boost if the warlords would throw their critics a big fish, and since a psychological boost is all one can hope for, I won’t diss it.
we have to start somewhere.
P2OG: Rumsfeld Program Offers Insight on Recent Events
I agree. As disheartening as all this seems at times I think we have to keep sloughing away a little bit at a time-with sites like these, petitions, etc until the drip drip drip of information from our side will finally make a dent into the American consciousness.
If I didn’t think that, I think I’d just go shoot myself…just kidding but there are days when I imagine we all feel overwhelmed and hopeless to do anything that will make an impact for change.
And no one who knows me would ever accuse me of using a religious metaphor however isn’t there a parable about a mighty tree growing from a tiny mustard seed?
So we’re the mustard seeds I guess and have to continue to plant seeds of information wherever we can….geezzzzzzzzz I just read this back and I sounded way to pollyannish for me or something.,1564,1413907,00.html I don’t think this is exactly what you’re looking for Booman but it might give people some ideas.
This is an article from German paper where in 2004 I believe a group(some human rights group) sued Rumsfeld and several others for war crimes. I didn’t check any further to see if they succeeded or what the followup on this was…?
How ’bout this one.. Sy Hersh says he has a memo addressed to Rumsfeld in his possession that details the US military’s “custody” of 800-900 Pakistani children ages 13-15.
And Hersh has been unable to confirm if the majority of them have been released yet.
I was just wondering the other day about the several teenage or young boys who ended up at Gitmo in the early days?…we were supposedly housing them separately until what?…they could be released when found not to be terrorists?….anyone remember that or what happened to them?
Booman, your question inspired me to add this at the end of the Uzbek story:
Why is it that wherever you find torture and repression, you find the name of Donald Rumsfeld?
ACACIA SHIELDS: Absolutely. Absolutely. And, you know, the U.S. government has had a very close relationship with Uzbekistan for a long time, and I think it’s important right now, as President Karimov attempts to paint what happened in Andijan as a reaction to terrorism as part of his policy of counter-terrorism, to watch how the U.S. government reacts to that, because the U.S. government has given President Karimov a lot of leeway over the years when he justifies his policies of abuse in the name of counter-terrorism?
This makes for ironic reading: Washington Post
To say that news report is full of irony is dripping with understatement. And paraphrasing the quote about laws pertaining to war crimes as ‘scholarly piece of work and knowledgable of laws of war’ is almost beyond belief. God, do all reporters have their heads in the dam sand or up Rumsfeld’s ass, which ever comes first?(or both)
This is more like it: Moonie Times
Their answer for everything(almost) is the ‘frivolous lawsuits’ defense. Yeah war crimes are frivolous alright.
ACLU‘s “Rumsfeld” pages. Still the best repository of information. Their lawsuit is still moving, but is Rumsfeld the person that actually authorized the practices, or the person responsible for carrying them out? I guess we’ll find out as the suit progresses.
Side shift: I think the press and congress are still digesting the implications of, among other things, the Blair memos. There are so many holes in their wall now that the media simply can’t keep up. The foundations are cracking, slowly.
[Looked to send an e-mail to a Chicago Trib writer, and his website said “on assignment, back in six weeks”. He’d just written the article about the “Western Surprise” in Iraq.]
by Jr. Michael Cannon
On CSPAN2, 6:15 PT, 9:15 ET
There’s nothing at Amazon about the book, except that it’s for sale.
I tuned in late to this show, but this guy seems to be making the argument that what Saddam was doing at Abu Ghraib was worse than the US’s more “benign” forms of torture, and by not showing the two side by side, the media is not showing what we have done in context.
I have only watched 5 minutes, though.
I am curious, haven’t noticed a count lately on site.
we’re at 906 and 1,800. Not too bad.