(Updated 4:06 PM PST) [I should have added that if you have done a poll in a diary, please copy and past results on a comment. It would be nice to have a colleciton of polls all in one place, should we ever need it. You just never know.]
This is what I know about some of you Bootribe Members, gleaned from polls I have taken on diaries I have done. (Disclaimer, these are not scientific polls)
Is the cup
. Half full 20%
. Half empty 10%
. Empty 10%
. Cracked 60%
Votes: 10
Good Idea? Reg. Petition to UN to stop the War in Iraq:
. Yes 63%
. Yes I will help 27%
. Maybe 9%
. It’s pretty dumb 0%
Votes: 11
Time you spend on Booman
. Less than 1 hr. 18%
. More than 1 hr. 27%
. Entirely too much time 40%
. Not Enough 4%
. Where am I 9%
Votes: 22
Will you have a garden this year
. Yes 66%
. If I get a chance 6%
. Maybe 6%
. I need more convincing 0%
. No. 20%
Votes: 15
Is there hope for the world
. Yes always hope 71%
. Don’t have much 19%
. None at all 0%
. Don’t know 9%
Votes: 21
Age group
. 20 to 30 15%
. 30-40 32%
. 40-50 32%
. 50+ 20%
. Not telling 0%
Votes: 40
. I smoke all the time 35%
. I smoke only while blogging 5%
. I never smoke while blogging 5%
. Never smoke, never have 23%
. I want to quit, help! 5%
. I quit and you should too 13%
. Other 11%
Votes: 59
I think this is a good idea
. Yes 76%
. No 0%
. Maybe 23%
Votes: 13
My age group
. 20 to 30 0%
. 30 to 40 11%
. 40 to 50 23%
. 50 to 60 47%
. 60 up 17%
Votes: 17
. I am a gardener 83%
. I want to be a gardener. 8%
. I don’t like gardening 8%
. Convince me to be one 0%
Votes: 12
My computer skills are
. Just starting 37%
. I got it covered 0%
. Above average 50%
. I am a geek 12%
. Help!!!!!! 0%
Votes: 8
When I blog I usually wear?
. Casual clothes 33%
. PJ’s 20%
. Work Clothes 33%
. Nothing 6%
. Other 6%
Votes: 15
First knew I was Liberal
. Clinton years 22%
. Reagan years 17%
. Nixon years 11%
. Kennedy years 11%
. None of above 37%
Votes: 35
hey diane, cool idea to roundup your polls. Makes for interesting look at them altogether.
I know it has been mentioned somewhere along the way that this site is fairly evenly balanced with men/women but that was awhile ago. Maybe you could do a new gender poll.
That is also a reason why I like this site and believe I have mentioned it before that no offense to the men here but women no matter how intelligent they might be are still not as listened to as men. Luckily that is not the case here and why I do love this site. So not only thanks to the great women on this site but to all the great guys who diary and post here.
But are we really all chain-smoking gardening retirees with little tech-savvy and a lot of attitude?
Or does that merely describe the ones that vote in polls đŸ˜‰
The truth that polls reveal might be different if they were managed in Ohio…
Tech savy was high 50%, but I know this is a really small sampling of member.
Your comment made me laugh, thanks…..
Also age group that is highest, is the 50 to 60, yeah for us oldsters, we rock……
May the Farce be with me…
Yes, Damn it, we are! Retired, chain smoking (though they are harder to keep lit than cigarettes), slightly tech-savvy with more attitude than anyone really knows. Want to make something of it? Eh, youngster. . .?
Thanks for the great laugh, Sven
I’ve always said the ash is good for an acidic soil.
Thanks Chocolate… I think booman did a diary with a male and female poll, maybe he can pull it up or if not, I sure will do it sometime. I would also like to do a education level poll. I think DK did one of those and found a huge percentage that was highly educated. I think this site will knock that poll our of the water with education level. Maybe I should do a poll of street smarts vs book smarts, a la The Apprentice.
My age group
. 20 to 30 0%
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Well I guess no one under 30 took the poll,and since there were only 17 in the poll. I know later on after that poll a member came in that was 18, but cannot remember who that was.
About fantasy, I do not know?????
Good morning Oui, did you just get up. How is Monday starting out for you??
I’m about to retire. Usually catch 3-4 hrs of sleep and every 4-5 days catch up by sleeping 7-8 hrs.
Just let it happen. Love the Spanish siesta though, 15 min. nap in the afternoon when I have time.
So, have a fine dinner and a pleasant evening. Keep blogging in my absence, won’t you?
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Diane – since you’re collecting these things, I figured I’d oblige and set an example:
Do you feel it’s OK for kids to be given psychiatric medication?
. Yes 0%
. No 44%
. they should be counseled first 11%
. depends on pediatrician 0%
. depends on psychologist/psychiatrist 33%
. other 11%
Votes: 9