… of this past week.
This isn’t a poll or even suggestions (although I will add my own in comments), because I realize that everyone has their own idea of “important”.
In glancing through some of the diaries earlier, I noticed comments from a few regarding smart, generally informed people they know who had never heard of some of the biggest (to us) news stories of the past cycles, such as Bolton. They aren’t the only ones; I’ve noticed that even among people who are journalists… a complete blank on some of the things we (bloggers, news hounds, etc) know well.
So, I was wondering…
If you had to choose the most important stories of this past week, that you think people should be aware of, which would be your choice(s)?
Luckily we have quite a few non-US people here to point out stuff that we miss if we don’t read overseas press, as well.
Anyway, one that I can think of would be more a story about a story… the continued effort to muzzle free press, in the US at least, and the push to only provide “party line” news. If that’s all busy people are getting, then they are in the position of not even realizing there are more questions to ask.
Which is one reason we’ve wound up occupying two countries. So far.
Although I was going to say the filibuster, you are correct, IMHO. An independent press (or lack thereof) has to be the story.
Filibuster, hands down. Even with Dems using procedural tactics to slow their progress, we could end up with one-party rule. I don’t even want to think about the reaction. Some of those idiots on the right make Jesse Helms look like Bobby Kennedy.
Yes, that’s one I was thinking of too, as the impact would be felt for decades, and not in a good way. And, once people understand what it’s all about (which many don’t seem to) they don’t at all support getting rid of the filibusters. In fact, even with partial info they lean against the nuclear action.
I looked at the headlines on Newsie’s diary
and the story I chose to read was Froomkin’s
“The Empire Strikes Bush.” This is good news
because a widely seen movie is a powerful
way to reach people who are not paying attention
to politics. When Froomkin wrote that on May 16,
Bush’s approval rating was at 41%. It’s down to
39% today.
The drop in Bush’s approval rating will influence
the support of Republican Senators who will begin
to think about their own political necks in this
Thanks, I hadn’t seen that article, although I’ve seen different reviews of the movie.
Popular culture, movies, music and so on used to be a good way to get through to people but less so now especially since much of that is controlled as well (few if any anti-war songs on the radio, for instance.)
of two Afghans, one of whom at least was acknowledged to be completely “innocent.”
The fact that this story appeared front-page in The Times sends a signal to the MSM that it’s okay for them to report on abuses. The past few days I’ve been seeing similar stories in other papers. It’s just possible that now there will be enough coverage for the public to begin to take this issue seriously — and demand a full-scale independent investigation. At least that’s what I hope will happen.
Sadly, I am not sure the public wants to take it seriously, as that would pop all sorts of bubbles. I agree that that’s one of the most important stories, however, even though it’s already being spun.
The right wing are really the only ones that can demand an investigation (and be heard)… and they are so far content to just consider the torture and deaths either pranks or untrue, in the face of all evidence to the contrary.
The most important news story is of course day #599 of the Michael Jackson case. <snark> Sorry, just couldn’t help myself.
My List as follows as I feel there is not just one most important but they all collide with each other.
All I believe self evident as to way they are of the utmost importance to keep on the front page.
Well, it’s not as if Jackson wore pajamas to court again! Then it would have been top story, as it was for days and days back then.
That’s a great little list, I like how you’ve pulled all those elements together. They really are all related, especially in the propaganda areas.