Hi Tribbers
I have been busy working on another project that will hopefully be just as fun and exciting as the Frog Pond. Fortunately, Susan is indefatigable and talented beyond words. So, you probably haven’t missed me.
I can’t reveal the big secret, yet. But you can get a hint from the poll.
Go ahead and guess. I’m not telling.
I like your poll.
And I think it’s good that so many of us want to hear about politics that doesn’t have to do with the U.S. Frankly, I’m sick of, not to mention sickened by, U.S. politics! The sway we hold over other countries is very embarrassing to me personally.
And other countries are fascinating and we hear SO LITTLE here via our media.
The inclusion of world perspectives has been a nice niche for your site, so anything you choose to add is sure to enhance things to an even greater extent. Best to you in whatever the surprise may be!
Since your surprise evidently is not Karl Rove being frogmarched out of the White House, I voted for Travel & Culture. Although I could just as easily have gone for any of the others, or all of the above.
had non ‘world diaries’ about travel and culture that I really enjoyed. I like first hand accounts of both vacationers and permanent residents of other cultures.
Sorry to disappoint you on the Karl Rove front 🙁
And I’ve felt the same way about some writings on this site (most recently from Sven) including world perspectives of the U.S.
But. . .realistically speaking. . . something tells me if it was down to a vote between the two of us on what the surprise should be. . .you’d likely win.
Guest reporters from overseas? Of varying cultures and varying subject matters? Oh yeah, you ain’t tellin’. Never mind.
I would like to announce that I am the only for ‘history’ so far. Why do Democrats hate history?
It takes us so long to learn from it?
I’m for history!!! You just beat me to it (and by quite a bit, I might add!)
And I think we’re up to 9 now, so consider yourself vindicated.
Hey when I voted for history their was only one, so that must have been you johnny. My vote made two.
until the real thing happens…
I’m glad you liked the travel diaries… I’m beginning to wish I hadn’t come home… this may sound corny, but it was the stars at night…
I’m going to take a wild guess that you’ve figured out a way to categorize the world diaries by country… you sort of strike me as a pigeon-holer, BooMan…; )
If I might throw something out for the future for anyone with the brains and talent to pull it off…
My self-imposed ride along with the diary police yesterday at Dkos got me to thinking that it would be pretty cool to redesign Scoop on a sort of three dimensional visual interface, where every diary would be presented in a sort of thumbnail format that would enlarge as you cursored over it… if designed well, you could display an entire day’s worth of diaries on a single scrolling and update-able page with stats for each, not unlike the marginal “Recent and Recommended Diaries”… It would certainly cut down on people not being able to see duplicate posts… besides, I think it would look very geeky and cool!
I just can’t guess anything, other than it is international or you are taking a trip to another country. We need some hints and I hate this waiting to find out.
I noticed you haven’t been here much in the last few days and Susan did do a superb job. I even went to DK to see if you were posting there, but then it was only a few posts so…………..thought you had abandoned us.LOL
I’ve just been too busy to write more than once a day. Today, I didn’t write at all.
The suspense is killing you, isn’t it?
You have an inside scoop of a highly renowned international figure who will singlehandedly block Bolton’s appointment?
and still no hints, other than you gave anomalyous a 4 for her comment so I’m now guessing it could be a special section about Intl. travel and culture. Have you been with your web master?????
And we did or at least I did miss you..
I hope you saw our two new Chinese members from yesterday! Talk about Intl. We need one from Iran, Iraq, Korea, Japan, etc. and on and on.
Since you just gave me a 4, is it.. Booman, why wait till tomorrow?????
I can’t tell you tomorrow.
Patience, Diane.
But I’ll give you a hint. I want to know what kinds of things Tribbers like to read here, that are not about America, or American politics. I want to know…and the answer will have some effect on what the secret is.
Will I know in the morning Pacific time,,,,,,,at say 7
The things I read here are the stories on human rights — I really like the more internationalist perspective. Also pretty much anything SusanHu, Sirocco and DuctapeFatwa writes is really excellent.
I know you’re not so interested in the U.S. stories here, but I’ve noticed too, that as a rule the stories about the U.S. — by diarists and frontpagers alike — are considerably less exceptionalist. I’m less likely to be confronted here with patriotic assertions that ‘the U.S. is the best country in the world,’ ‘Americans are the best people in the world,’ etc., than some other places. Which, from my perspective, definitely makes for a more welcoming feel.
DIANE is a STAR NOW! She got promoted by Kos! We’re lucky she still hangs with us! (You truly deserved it, Diane… that’s one of the very best diaries I’ve read in a very long time.)
I am hoping that all of you realize that there are two Diane’s on this site and I am not the one who did the diary in question. I wish it could be so, but it is not and I want the other Diane to get full credit for the work she has done.
She did a surperb diary and I even wrote in her diary but some of you have missed it.
Diane deserves all the credit for this.
Funny because at first when I saw the diary I thought what’s this? I didn’t do this diary and then I noticed it was just Diane amd not Diane101.
Maybe it is a diary I should have done, but could not due to my own personal pains over this subject reg. my friend and that may also be why others thought this was my diary.
Travel and Culture definitely wasn’t me. And Boo is doling out 4s to and fro to throw us off guard. Well, he did, however neglect to give a 4 further up thread, so dear proprietor – if you’re still out there you might want to backtrack with your mojo. (Good kharma and all. . .)
Yes come on now and tell us, oh please tell us, please please, we won’t tell anyone else. lol
I say a Scoop World travel blog…swapping apts, homes. reviews of hotels, hostils, B & B, restaurants, fun things to do in other cities/countries around the globe. Meeting up with other cool people overseas. An online international community for Travel secrets. I would sign up. I am assuming it’s a new Blog….
I know someone in South Africa who under the right circumstances would love to contribute about travel, politics, culture, medicine and more.
I’m hoping it has soemthing to do with travel and culture-maybe a free trip to the country of the month (as long as it’s not Uzbekistan or Syria in a small unmarked jet)?
Call on me, me, me!!!!! Boo has been busy behind the scenes and found out who is really behind the curtain. Osama Been Forgotten!!!
You’re going global. My best guess would be coordinating (at first) with NET writers + international writers here. The first blog version of what ultimately became CNN.
Please recommend my diary at Kos. TY!
We can only vote for one?
Um, can’t make up my mind.
Any and all are fine by me.
What I’d really like to see is cross-posts from bloggers abroad. If there were unemployed linguists who could translate Basque, Greek, Romanian, Uzbek, Nepalese, Farsi, Pashto, Swahili, Portuguese, and all those other exotic languages that people from around the globe much smarter than I can speak so that I could read what others are saying, that would be a dream come true.
Almost as good as traveling abroad, which I love to do. Like everyone else, I love surprises and am prepared to announce ahead of time that I’ll be pleased with whatever it turns out to be!
Gooolllly, I love surprises. I’m sure I’ll be thrilled with whatever you got cooking Booman. Although I did vote for the travel and culture but could as easily gone for history…and I’m always open to great satirical writing.
So take your best shot and I’m sure we’ll love your surprise.