Via Steven Clemons at Washington Note:
Tomorrow will be Intense. Get Access to C-Span.
This is the latest from a Senate source on what is expected tomorrow (Thursday) in the Battle over Bolton: (more below)
And, adds Steve Clemons: “Voinovich Entices Republican Colleagues with Juicy Gossip on Bolton Nomination” (more below)
About the “juicy gossip” on Bolton, Steve Clemons at The Washington Note adds:
He has invited his colleagues to ask him what he knows in private.
TWN has no idea — yet — what Voinovich is sharing but intends to learn more.
And, more on “A Non-Filibuster Filibuster on Bolton? Tomorrow will be Intense. Get Access to C-Span.” (I think Clemons is excited!)
debate will continue until 6 pm tomorrow. final arguments will focus on the fact that the administration continues to stiff-arm the senate with respect to legitimate requests for documents relevant to the foreign relations committee’s review of john bolton’s fitness to serve as u.s. ambassador to the u.n.
for several weeks the administration has refused to comply with the committee’s request for materials pertaining to syria policy and for the names on the nsa intercepts.
at 6pm tomorrow there will be a cloture vote. if there are 60 votes in favor of cloture, the senate will move without any further debate to an up or down vote on john bolton’s confirmation. if there are not 60 votes in favor of cloture, the question of john bolton’s confirmation will be carried over until after next week’s recess.
there will be no filibuster, but a majority of democrats insist that the administration provide the senate with all materials required to make a sound judgment about whether john bolton should or should not be confirmed.
the 6pm vote will reveal whether a majority of the senate believes the legislative branch is equal to or subservient to the executive branch.
Ignore the absence of caps. This is a great preview of what lies ahead.
This is now being framed in one of the ways it should: Are the Executive and Legislative branches equal and have mutual obligations and duties to fulfill rowards each other?
Or is the legislative branch subservient to the White House?
There is great tumult and angst on the Senate floor today, this evening, and will be tomorrow.
TWN will report what it thinks is critical in the debate. TWN commenters are doing a great job of reporting the micro-twists and turns in the Comments section of the blog.
ChargingRhino and others are also doing some excellent live-blogging. (I will provide hyperlinks to these sites later.)
Stay tuned.
— Steve Clemons
Posted by steve at May 25, 2005 06:07 PM
If the Repubs need 60 votes for cloture, and if this is a showdown of whether the Senate is subservient to the executive branch, I hope, I pray that the Senators will hang tough–against Bolton, against usurpation by the Cheney/Bush junta, against further degradation of our governmental system.
But I ain’t holdin’ my breath.
And, oooh, what do you suppose Voinovich’s little tidbit is?
it has to do with Jeff Gannon.
I have to agree with you there Booman.
Would that it were so. Calloo, callay, oh frabjous day.
you’re just saying that because of the mustache, aren’t ya?
is already on the case! She has dug up this piece of evidence:
that Bolton likes to get dressed-up and pretend to be a Rock Music Mogul.
Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, THIS is the type of reportage only found on:
It’s the Frog! That’s why it’s
Thanks for a much-needed good laugh.
I hope Susan doesn’t mind too much if I proliferate that as much as I can through my corner of the internet (which ain’t that big)…
Not at all :):) My daughter decided to send it to Gawker, but apparently they didn’t take her up on it.
on sooooo many levels.
oooooo what do you suppose the juicy gossip is? Maybe Bolton’s the illegitimate love child of Poppy Bush.
I hope the Democrats put on the show of a lifetime, while the press is still interested. Harry Reid just may be a genius.
Bolton, the half brother of the Shrub? Hmm, this explains many things.
I hope it’s a show of courage tonight-it would be perfect timing for one! Strike while the iron’s hot and all like that.
And one hopes Voinovich stays away from high windows and off of small planes.
I was deeply moved by Voinovich’s closing arguement. I have been saying this since 9/11. My grand daughter will never know the same freedoms I have for far too long taken for granted. I for one will fight to the death against these war criminals and all they are trying to do. This criminal administration will stop at nothing to get their way. Voinovich is a hero in my book. I can’t even begin to imagine the pressure he was put under since his statement against Bolton in committee. To get up there on the Senate floor and say the things he has said took the biggest set of cahones any Senator has displayed since Chimpy stole the elections.Oh yeah, some will argue and already have that if he felt that strongly why did he let it go to the floor and I tend to agree. I just think he did what he could at the time.
Today will be intense and one could only hope that we do stop this madness.
Voinovich’s statement from yesterday’s debate RIGHT NOW for those that may not have seen it.