In a 1992 Mother Jones piece entitled “Bush Family Value$”, Stephen Pizzo “connected the dots” of many dirty Bush deals and relationships and came to the conclusion:

“… that cashing in on influence has become a pattern of behavior extending through the first family.”

It is a wonder to me how the Bush’s have been allowed to continue to function in public life at all, never mind establish the royal Bush Dynasty under whose boot we now reside. Little of this information is found on major media outlets; they wouldn’t dare to risk the wrath of the crime family that makes John Gotti look like the proud owner of a string of lemonade stands.

Today, thirteen years and many dots later, I have found that examination of this family of influence peddlers and profiteers may yield some possible answers to questions that keep me awake at night.

Today I am focused on George H.W. Bush; the crass and devious father of George, Neil, Marvin and Jeb. Devious, you probably know or surmise. Crass? Last week on CNN’s afternoon program, they ran a video of Bush Sr. relating a story about protestors. He went on to say how an incredibly ugly woman ran up to his vehichle screaming “Stay out of my womb!” To which the elder Bush visibly shuddered with disgust and spat into the microphone “Don’t worry about that ever happening, Lady”. It appeared to be a recent video, and he was disgustingly crass about it. To top it off, he was at a microphone, so it was said publicly. Miles O’Brien was slack jawed and mumbled his way into the next story. To this day I don’t know why they showed it… and I haven’t seen it since.
The Carlyle Group, Poppy and Junior, and Baldfaced Conflicts of Interest

The following section is based mostly on an article by Evelyn Pringle entitled “Why Are We In Iraq — Bush Family $$$ Signs

I strongly advise you to go and read the original. There is much more there than I have recounted here. Excellent article, outstanding columnist.

Bush Sr. was already a member of The Carlyle group at the beginning of Junior’s first term.

In March of 2001 Judicial Watch raised a warning flag:

“Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm that investigates and prosecutes government abuse and corruption, called on former President George Herbert Walker Bush to resign immediately from the Carlyle Group, a private investment firm, while his son President George W. Bush is in office. Today’s New York Times reported that the elder Bush is an “ambassador” for the $12 billion private investment firm and last year traveled to the Middle East on its behalf. The former president also helped the firm in South Korea.&

“The New York Times reported that as compensation, the elder Bush is allowed to buy a stake in the Carlyle Group’s investments, which include ownership in at least 164 companies throughout the world (thereby by giving the current president an indirect benefit). James Baker, the former Secretary of State who served as President George W. Bush’s point man in Florida’s election dispute, is a partner in the firm. The firm also gave George W. Bush help in the early 1990’s when it placed him on one of its subsidiary’s board of directors.

“This is simply inappropriate. Former President Bush should immediately resign from the Carlyle Group because it is an obvious conflict of interest. Any foreign government or foreign investor trying to curry favor with the current Bush Administration is sure to throw business to the Carlyle Group. And with the former President Bush promoting the firm’s investments abroad, foreign nationals could understandably confuse the Carlyle Group’s interests with the interests of the United States government,” stated Larry Klayman, Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel.

“Questions are now bound to be raised if the recent Bush Administration change in policy towards Iraq has the fingerprints of the Carlyle Group, which is trying to gain investments from other Arab countries who [sic] would presumably benefit from the new policy,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.”

(bold print mine)

These warnings apparently went unheeded; Bush Sr. not only did not resign, but became embroiled with the Bin Laden family through the Carlyle Group. The Wall Street Journal did an investigation and on September 28, 2001, reported on Poppy’s Bin Laden ties. He must be a good salesman; he convinced Shafiq bin Laden to invest $2 million with Carlyle. Shafiq is Osama’s brother and represented the Bin Laden Group. That money went into a larger investment fund which Carlyle then used after 9/11 to purchase aerospace companies.

The Bush family probably made a great deal of money from the aftermath of 9/11 from this one transaction alone. Story goes that Shafiq bin Laden stood in the offices of The Carlyle Group on 9/11 and watched on television as his brother’s minions blew up the World Trade Center.

Got shivers yet?

Oh, it doesn’t end there, not by a country mile. Post 9/11, once Junior had America shaking with fear, influence peddling flowed from the Oval office like ice cream from a Mr. Softee truck in July… and you thought Halliburton was the devil’s stock option.

Its been estimated that Carlyle has investments in over 300 companies, and the majority of them derive revenues from military and security contracts. In fact, Carlyle is the country’s 11th largest defense contractor. In 2002, it received $677 million in government contracts, and in 2003, it was awarded contracts worth another $2.1 billion.

Business has definitely improved for the firm since Jr took office. For example, one of its subsidiaries, Vought Aircraft, now holds over $1 billion in defense contracts. Prior to 2001, the company’s future was iffy at best. Right before 9/11, it had actually laid off 20% of its workforce. But low and behold, business picked right back up with the air strikes on Afghanistan and the war in Iraq.

Carlyle’s ties go directly into the Oval Office. In fact, a list of past employees has Jr’s name on it. He was actually employed by Carlyle at on point in his life. According to a story in Harper’s Magazine, Jr held a position as a corporate director on the board of the Carlyle subsidiary, Caterair. Until he was politely told to hit the road because he didn’t have anything to offer the company.


Well, he’s made up for that little lapse, hasn’t he? All this time, I thought that Junior was a tool of the Neocons. Seems as if it’s more of a mutual agreement… they use each other without reservation. Power, influence and money are the drugs of choice. So, are we in Iraq because of WMD? Nope. Freedom on the March? Hell no. Oil? War profiteering? Influence peddling? Yes, yes, and yes. Follow the money.

The Bush Crime Family is a subject too broad to cover in one diary. I hope to do a few more, highlighting how George H.W. Bush’s offspring prove the old addage “If you plant potatos, you get potatos.” In 2008, we must be ready to delete that footnote from the Bush Dynasty that says “to be continued”.

Crossposted at DKos.